
Why does SpaceX have to kill itself and have to magically recycle the next generation of rockets?

author:Three-body gravitational waves
Why does SpaceX have to kill itself and have to magically recycle the next generation of rockets?

Musk unleashed an even more magical innovation: The Overweight Hawk wants to disrupt the existing way rockets are recycled

Innovation pioneers are always breaking through and challenging the impossible. As we wait for SN9 to fly high, Musk recently threw a new idea in the Twitter circle "Aerial Grab Super Heavy Rocket", which caused countless fans to bend their backs.

Why did SpaceX abandon the falcon 9 mature technology and change the recovery rocket model?

How hard is it to grab a super heavy rocket in the air?

How to solve technical problems according to SpaceX's thinking?


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▲ This popular science video is disassembled to the head of the Tao, the article is analyzed, and it is clear. This video is produced by Primemal Space, three-body gravitational wave subtitle translation, in order to make it more convenient for everyone to look back and understand more clearly, the following is the video subtitle, in order to read friends.

SpaceX announced in 2013

Imagine landing the Falcon 9 rocket and returning

To implement this rather complicated new idea

They intend to land the rocket on an unmanned platform at sea

This is unprecedented

At the time, it was considered impossible

But once it succeeds, it's a huge leap forward in rocket reuse

So SpaceX began various flight tests

Figure out how to get the rocket to land

After several years of exploration, there were multiple rocket explosions

Finally turning the impossible into a possibility

It's been 5 years since the first historic landing

Falcon 9's iconic landing has become commonplace

With more and more launches

SpaceX is perfecting this incredible space innovation day by day

And save a lot of money

Each Falcon 9 reuses the recovery

That means saving money on a brand new rocket

Saved SpaceX more than $1.4 billion over the past 5 years

To this day, SpaceX remains the only one in the world

Launchers with the ability to vertically recover and reuse orbital stage rockets

Now SpaceX is going all out to develop starships

This is the next evolutionary version of their crazy space idea

As starship followers we have witnessed incredible spectacles

The recent SN8 test flight was one of the craziest things SpX has ever done

This suggests that the ambitious starship program is more reliable than most people think

SpaceX has done too many crazy things in the last 5 years

This is probably the craziest until recently

Musk tweeted a new idea: a new type of recovery super heavy rocket

Not the way it used to land

Imagine a rocket grabbing in space-time close to the launcher

"Unprecedented Flying" Line: A completely different way of flying

"Unprecedented Flying" Line: This is a completely different way of flying

Although it sounds like another crazy idea from Musk

Aerial grab rockets

But SpaceX isn't the only one it wants to do

Rocket Lab is preparing to capture parachute-dropped electron rockets with helicopters

Back in the 1960s, NASA considered using giant helicopters

A helicopter with a propeller over 100 meters long

Capture the first stage of The Saturn V in the air

In comparison, the SpaceX idea is not so crazy

We've determined how SpaceX wants to catch the super heavy rocket

But wonder why it's done

We need to understand the starship target first

The starship system consists of two stages:

The first stage is called a super heavy rocket

The second class is called a starship

When the super heavy rocket lifts the starship out of the thickest atmosphere

The first and second stage separation Super Heavy rockets returned like the Falcon 9

The starship then completes its orbital work

Or the destination is the moon, Mars

In order to achieve the starship's long-distance navigation goals

Use parking track space refueling

In addition, the end-to-end ultra-high-speed travel of the earth is achieved through the starship

This means that the starship needs to perform multiple flights per day

The flight spacing is comparable to that of an airliner

The Super Heavy rocket was originally designed to land directly on the launcher

Then get ready for your next flight

And while that has many benefits, it requires greater precision

Higher than the current Falcon 9 landing requirements

So SpaceX envisioned a fast turnaround method

A giant crane was used to hoist the super heavy rocket from the landing field to the launcher

This requires 6 oversized landing legs that are strong enough and shock-absorbing to support them

But that's the crux of the matter

After landing, the Falcon 9 needs to be transported back to the rocket refurbishment plant

Refurbish, replace, and inspect many parts

One of the most critical parts of the renovation process is the landing leg

All of this takes a lot of time

This is not the best option for a super heavy rocket

So the new idea is to eliminate the landing leg

Not only can it shorten the turnaround time

You can also save amazing weight

For every kilogram of self-weight saved, a rocket can carry more payload into orbit

The Super Heavy rocket was originally designed with 6 landing legs

The total mass is about 10% of the entire rocket landing.

If there is no landing leg

SpaceX's only option is to grab the rocket

This requires a near-perfect landing of the super-heavy rocket

One of the big advantages of the Super Heavy overhaul compared to the Falcon 9 is the hovering capability

The Falcon 9 engine was too fierce

Even a single ignition cannot be hovered

Only self-destructive combustion can be performed

This requires the engine to start at the correct point in time

Reduces the vertical speed to 0 at the moment of touching the ground

Due to the super heavy duty with more engines than the Falcon 9

Can be reduced to a thrust-to-weight ratio of 1

This means that hovering can be maintained on the launcher

And there is enough time to adjust the flight path

Why does SpaceX have to kill itself and have to magically recycle the next generation of rockets?

SpaceX envisions the rocket as it approaches the launcher

Use a huge robotic arm to grab a super heavy rocket

When the Super Heavy lands, it goes through the grip arm like a needle

Until grasped by the retracted grip arm

There is a key point to this idea

Grid wing grasped by the gripping arm

It needs to carry the entire rocket weight

At first, it was thought that the grid wing could not withstand this incredible gravity

But the grid wing was designed to withstand enormous resistance when re-entering the atmosphere

In fact, it already has a strong bearing from this direction

Despite this unique landing idea

But still need the shock absorber to handle the last bit of kinetic energy

In order to make the rocket stop

Usually this shock absorption is handled by the landing leg

The Falcon 9 landing leg consists of a telescopic tube filled with compressed gas helium

When the landing leg is automatically deployed, the compressed gas acts as a shock absorber

The main thing is that the shock absorber is placed on the grab arm and not on the rocket

This will further reduce the pressure on the rocket

Avoid major renovations

SpaceX may use a similar air suspension system

But much larger

Another idea might be to use a cable capture system

Similar to a blocking cable on an aircraft carrier

The system is to set up multiple steel cables on the flight deck

Used to hook the tail hook of the carrier-based aircraft

When the tail hook comes into contact with the steel cable

The kinetic energy is absorbed by the internal hydraulic damping system

Carrier-based aircraft will soon stop on deck

If these devices are transferred from the rocket to the gripper arm

Super Heavy rockets will be as light as possible

It also avoids too much force on the rocket

But weight reduction is only one of the benefits

The real benefit is to restart the launch quickly

If you can return to the launcher immediately after landing

Super Heavy rockets can be fixed to avoid tilting

Check for the next launch

After all, the de-can process is especially important for the starship system

Because there is still excess methane left after landing

Methane is not allowed to be emitted into the atmosphere

SpX therefore plans to pump the remaining methane back into the fuel tank

After condensation, use on the next launch

Although it may take a few more years

SpX is the one that makes this crazy idea come true

But see them challenge unimaginable engineering puzzles

It's inspiring

When SpaceX's first rocket landed five years ago

Let's rethink

What is feasible to greatly advance the space process

No matter what happens

It is clear that we are witnessing history

Why does SpaceX have to kill itself and have to magically recycle the next generation of rockets?

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