
Luo Lan: Home palliative care family meetings should be held like this

Recently, the 3rd Guangzhou Hospice Service Exchange Meeting (Achievement Exhibition) and Health Care Activist Salon (hereinafter referred to as the "Exchange Meeting") of "Watching For Life and Walking Together with One Heart" was successfully held.

Luo Lan: Home palliative care family meetings should be held like this

At the exchange meeting, Luo Lan, deputy director of the Hongshan Street Community Health Service Center in Huangpu District, Guangzhou, shared. "We have served 60 patients at home and sent away 12 patients living at home. For aging patients, the fatigue and care pressure of the family as a caregiver is very large, the departure of the elderly is a more acceptable thing for the family, and it is not a problem to hold a family meeting; but for the convening of the family meeting of cancer patients, there is a challenge, the convener of the meeting should quickly and accurately assess the survival of the patient, assess the medical needs of the patient who has priority to solve, and assess what help the family needs. ”

Luo Lan said: "For our grassroots hospitals, we have an advantage, because patients have often experienced treatment in the top three hospitals, and most patients actually know their physical condition, so I usually use three sentences to import: When you are discharged, what does the doctor say to you? What kind of help do you need from us? What is the most troublesome problem you are facing right now? Usually after such a professional evaluation, most patients are willing to cooperate, but some family members refuse. Home hospice care still requires us to continuously improve our professional skills, improve the connotation of services, and improve the content of services for people at different levels, so that we can better complete the family meeting in home hospice care. ”

Text/Guangzhou Daily, New Flower City Reporter: Wu Wei

Photo/ Guangzhou Daily, Xinhuacheng Reporter: Wu Wei

Video/Guangzhou Daily Xinhuacheng Reporter: Wu Wei

Guangzhou Daily New Flower City Editor: Cai Lingyue

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