
Laugh when you're bored! Take stock of 10 high-quality British hilarious comedy series

author:Ranger Net

It's about to be another weekend week again, so it's better to laugh unbridledly. Today, we don't push movies, we push dramas. This time, we will take stock of 10 hilarious British comedy dramas. The rankings are in no particular order, 10 books cannot cover all of them, and space is limited, so you may wish to revisit them.

1. "IT Maniac"

Laugh when you're bored! Take stock of 10 high-quality British hilarious comedy series

Douban score: 9.1

Reason for inventory: The boss confronts the new employee.

Laugh when you're bored! Take stock of 10 high-quality British hilarious comedy series

Synopsis: Jen (Catherine Parkinson) who went to a big company to interview successfully thought he had won the jackpot, but was assigned to the IT department in the basement. There are only 2 people in the department, Moss (Richard Ioard) and Roy (Chris O'Dodd), 2 computer experts, and common sense weirdos. Jen, who didn't know anything about computers, pretended to be proficient and caused a lot of jokes. Jen and the IT Freak duo are unexpectedly very compatible, always making some things that were normal and uncontrollable, making people cry and laugh. And the boss of the company (Christopher Morris) will also appear from time to time to stage a hilarious story with them. A unique british humorous story is staged in the IT department.

Laugh when you're bored! Take stock of 10 high-quality British hilarious comedy series

2. Black Bookstore

Laugh when you're bored! Take stock of 10 high-quality British hilarious comedy series

Reason for inventory: Withdrawn and quirky black humor.

Laugh when you're bored! Take stock of 10 high-quality British hilarious comedy series

Synopsis: Bernard Black (Dylan Moran) is London's most ridiculous bookstore owner. His bookstore is a mess, its hours are arbitrary, and his finances are messy. Bernard himself was disheveled, a smoker, a grumpy person, who would take a megaphone and broom to drive away customers when he wanted to close, and would be too lazy to order books and would not sell them out. Fran (Tamsin Greg), the landlady of the gift shop next door to the bookstore, often comes over to help Bernard see the store and is Berner's only friend. She likes to collect all kinds of strange things, and her emotional life is messy. One day Bernard's accountant escaped. Without an accountant, Bernard calculates the account to the point of madness, and when he collapses, he meets Manny (Bill Bailey). Manny was easy-going and tolerant, and was welcomed by Fran and his customers. Bernard reluctantly hires Manny under Fran's persecution, and since then, the hilarious absurdity has been staged in the Black Bookstore every day.

Laugh when you're bored! Take stock of 10 high-quality British hilarious comedy series

3. "Need for a Good Wife"

Laugh when you're bored! Take stock of 10 high-quality British hilarious comedy series

Reason for inventory: The ten thousand years of laughter is very poignant.

Laugh when you're bored! Take stock of 10 high-quality British hilarious comedy series

Synopsis: The story focuses on Freddie (Ian McLean) and Stewart (Derek Jacobi), a pair of old comrades living in Covent Garden in London, England, and Stewart still reports to his mother that they are roommates after 48 years of living together. When they met, Freddie was a new actor and Stewart was a bartender. Now that both have begun to receive pensions, walking the dog and reading the newspaper, reading handsome guys, quarreling at the head of the bed and the sunset life is still very exciting.

Laugh when you're bored! Take stock of 10 high-quality British hilarious comedy series

4. "Miranda"

Laugh when you're bored! Take stock of 10 high-quality British hilarious comedy series

Douban score: 9.0

Reason for inventory: Shopkeepers who like to kick customers out.

Laugh when you're bored! Take stock of 10 high-quality British hilarious comedy series

Synopsis: Miranda (Miranda Hart) always disappoints her mother, and there's nothing she can do about it. Mom's daily task was to marry her off, but Miranda's physical form was still considered transvestite even with evening wear; it was always foreign to participate in any formal women's conversation party. Miranda runs a shop and is staffed by her old friend Petite Stevie (Sarah Hadland), who contrasts with her. Senseless tide burst mom, spit goddess and dead party clerk, handsome and natural ambiguous boyfriend. All this is all about Miranda's life, and she has been actively happy in her own way...

Laugh when you're bored! Take stock of 10 high-quality British hilarious comedy series

5. "Uncle Waste Wood"

Laugh when you're bored! Take stock of 10 high-quality British hilarious comedy series

Reason for inventory: Sketch light comedy. Charismatic black humor.

Laugh when you're bored! Take stock of 10 high-quality British hilarious comedy series

Synopsis: Andy (Nick Helm) has always claimed to be a freelance musician, but in fact, at the age of thirty, he lives a boring life of doing nothing every day. After such a long time, Andy, who could not see a glimmer of hope in the future, was tired, and he decided to commit suicide, and even wrote a suicide note. At this critical moment, a phone call from her sister disrupts Andy's original "plans", in which the sister hopes that Andy will help her take care of his 12-year-old nephew, Elrol (Elliot Spelle-Gilot). In this way, Andy's pale life suddenly has a live and eccentric child, and not only that, he also fell in love with the beautiful female teacher of the Errol School at first sight. Andy, who doesn't know how to discipline children at all, and Errol, who is a little devil, what kind of spark will be sparked between such a pair of "strange things"?

Laugh when you're bored! Take stock of 10 high-quality British hilarious comedy series

6. "The History of Britain"

Laugh when you're bored! Take stock of 10 high-quality British hilarious comedy series

Douban score: 8.8

Reason for inventory: a serious gag.

Laugh when you're bored! Take stock of 10 high-quality British hilarious comedy series

Synopsis: A pseudo-documentary comedy with a very simple plot, mainly about an ignorant host, Philomena Cunk, who traces british history, and her serious nonsense and jokes.

Laugh when you're bored! Take stock of 10 high-quality British hilarious comedy series

7. "Super Boy"

Laugh when you're bored! Take stock of 10 high-quality British hilarious comedy series

Douban score: 8.6

Reason for inventory: The mouth is invincible.

Laugh when you're bored! Take stock of 10 high-quality British hilarious comedy series

Synopsis: While doing community service, five juvenile offenders suddenly fell a huge hailstorm, and just as they rushed back to the community service center, the five and their probation officer were struck by lightning. The five then discover strange changes in them, with the tough Kelly (Lauren Socha) being able to hear other people's thoughts; the disgraced athlete Curtis (Nathan Stewart-Jarrett) finding herself able to turn back the clock when she regrets it; the party girl Alyssa (Antonia Thomas), who is caught up in a strong sexual need by anyone who touches her; the shy Simon (Ivan Ryan) who can be invisible; and the self-righteous Nathan (Robert Theon). but disappointed to find himself as if he had no ability. They are surprised, more than that, they are confused and distressed, but what is the meaning of these superpowers that God has given them? Is it to punish the bad guys who do evil? Or to change a sick society?

Laugh when you're bored! Take stock of 10 high-quality British hilarious comedy series

8. "Crazy City"

Laugh when you're bored! Take stock of 10 high-quality British hilarious comedy series

Douban score: 8.9

Reasons for inventory: absurd, weird, black humor.

Laugh when you're bored! Take stock of 10 high-quality British hilarious comedy series

Synopsis: Joy (Don French) takes care of his doll every day and is convinced that one day he will become his real child. Lomax, a weird blind old man, lives alone in a big house with a quirky collecting penchant. Frustrated one-handed clown Jelly performs a show for children, but only one show. The dwarf Robert has a crush on the heroine of the troupe, but is always teased by everyone. The immature David (Steve Pemberton) is a killer culture fanatic who is obsessed with bloody games and whose mothers protect their worldly sons at all costs. The five men, from different parts of Britain, received the same threatening letter that read, "I know what you've done." These people all have ulterior secrets, and will unknown letters link them together, and can the truth be revealed?

Laugh when you're bored! Take stock of 10 high-quality British hilarious comedy series

9. "Yes, Minister"

Laugh when you're bored! Take stock of 10 high-quality British hilarious comedy series

Douban score: 9.8

Reason for inventory: Well-known political satire.

Laugh when you're bored! Take stock of 10 high-quality British hilarious comedy series

Synopsis: The show tells the story of Jim Hacker, a member of the opposition's shadow cabinet, who was given the post of Minister of Administrative Affairs (DAA) after helping his party win the election, and thus began to face the civil service headed by the secretary of the ministry, Sir Humphrey Appleby, and his public and private secretary, Bernard, who was also a civil servant, was caught in the middle. In the midst of the various conflicts over governance between the politicians represented by Hacker and the civil servants represented by Appleby, the relationship between the two is constantly changing, both covering each other's lids and revealing each other's bottom line. At the same time, the unknown shortcomings and shady scenes in the British political system (including the party system and the civil service system) are also displayed in front of the audience. Of course, all of this unfolds through a lot of comedic plots and lines. In "Yes Prime Minister" in the second half of the series, Hacker became prime minister through a party struggle, and Appleby has become the prime minister's secretary one step ahead of him, and the story of the two moves to 10 Downing Street to continue.

Laugh when you're bored! Take stock of 10 high-quality British hilarious comedy series

10. "Little Britain"

Laugh when you're bored! Take stock of 10 high-quality British hilarious comedy series

Douban score: 8.7

Reason for inventory: unit sketches, boring and funny.

Laugh when you're bored! Take stock of 10 high-quality British hilarious comedy series

Synopsis: Matt Lucas and David Williams, who are both the creators and stars of the show. Both were from college and aspired to play serious roles, and the two became acquainted and began collaborating on comedies. In Little Britian, the two perform with superb acting skills, exaggerated interpretations of various British people, etc., assistant prime minister, homosexuals, transvestites, Scotsmen, dieters, disabled people, fake disabled people, teachers, students, mentally ill people... It's hilarious.

Laugh when you're bored! Take stock of 10 high-quality British hilarious comedy series

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