
Zhejiang: To create a "common wealth model" where the red boat set sail, brave and resolute to live up to the green water and green mountains

author:China Jilin Net

Editor's note: The opening is related to the overall situation, and the starting determines the backstage. Looking back at 2021, entering 2022, the world's unprecedented major changes in a hundred years have accelerated its evolution, China has embarked on a new journey of comprehensively building a socialist modern country, embarked on a new road to achieve the second centenary goal, and the first examination of the "14th Five-Year Plan", what kind of answers have all parts of China handed over? What are the highlights of economic and social development and people's livelihood security? What structural and local issues need to be paid attention to in the new era and new journey? What are the new tricks and tricks for implementing the new development concept, building a new development pattern, and promoting high-quality development? The Central Broadcasting Network specially launched the "Opening Fourteenth Five-Year Plan" series of reports, looking at the path, seeing the results, and focusing on the new atmosphere and new thinking of the opening year from multiple angles.

On January 17, the central broadcasting network Hangzhou news drew a new blueprint, looking forward to the "14th Five-Year Plan", forging ahead on a new journey, and raising sails with good winds.

100 years ago, the great red ship of the Chinese revolution set sail from here; the scientific thesis that "green water and green mountains are golden mountains and silver mountains" was practiced from here, and this is Zhejiang.

Zhejiang, seven mountains, two rivers and one field, per capita resource ownership ranking is not high, is a typical small resource province. Why is it that the income of urban and rural residents in Zhejiang has ranked first among all provinces and regions in the country for 20 consecutive years and 36 years respectively?

"Every 26 Zhejiang people have an enterprise", here is the most active private economy in the country, Yiwu Small Commodity City, Huzhou Weaving Children's Clothing, Haining Leather City... The golden business cards highlight the innovation and vitality of Zhejiang.

From March 29 to April 1, 2020, General Secretary Xi Jinping visited Zhejiang, giving Zhejiang a new goal and new positioning to "strive to become an important window for comprehensively demonstrating the superiority of the socialist system with Chinese characteristics in the new era", pointing out the strategic direction and providing strategic guidance for Zhejiang to achieve better development.

In the first year of the "14th Five-Year Plan", Zhejiang faithfully practiced the "88 Strategy", strived to build an "important window", and began the great journey of striving to create a pioneer province of socialist modernization.

Digital transformation into the service gene "digital Zhejiang" tide dancing

On the first day of work after the Lunar New Year in 2021, Zhejiang held a provincial digital reform conference, focusing on the five major reform priorities of party and government organs, digital government, digital economy, digital society, and digital rule of law, and using digital technology, digital thinking, and digital cognition to set off a tide of shaping change in various fields of economy and society.

In the past year, Zhejiang has continued to exert efforts around the construction of "digital Zhejiang", focusing on scenario-based applications such as the masses' anxieties and expectations, key small things, etc., and the unified deployment of the province, and a large number of influential digital applications in the country have emerged.

In July 2021, the strong typhoon "fireworks" hit Zhejiang head-on, and the storms caused by the typhoon could easily cause tricky urban waterlogging and trigger dangerous situations. In the face of sudden extreme weather, in the Future Science and Technology City in Hangzhou's Yuhang District, a smart drainage system is secretly showing its skills.

"The Hecui Road rain gauge is a red warning, please note!" When the "fireworks" struck, Zhu Yichao, a staff member of the Hangzhou Future Science and Technology City Management Committee, stared at the smart screen of the Digital City Management Center and summarized the rainfall information in a timely manner.

"The original intention of our system is to 'plan ahead'. We arrange sensors in the drainage pipe network, analyze various types of data through algorithms, facilitate our overall assessment of the operation of urban drainage pipelines, can effectively check and identify long-term high water level pipelines, and lay a good foundation for the subsequent dredging of key pipe networks, emergency repair and emergency discharge, thereby improving urban flood prevention and flood prevention capabilities. Zhu Yichao said.

In the process of promoting digital reform, there are many barriers to data sharing, from small components to the repeated development and construction of projects, which was once regarded as the "old and difficult" problem of digital construction. In this regard, Hangzhou Yuhang District innovatively launched a "digital resource supermarket" to intensively and efficiently promote digital construction and solve the problem of inefficient use of data resources in the past.

"The digital resource supermarket is like a standardized building materials supermarket that can accommodate various sizes, and the department engages in development, just like assembling buildings, which allows digital resources to launch new products at the fastest speed." Tao Qi, director of the Hangzhou Yuhang District Data Resources Management Bureau, said.

For example, in response to the people's livelihood problem that parents reflect more about the enrollment policy of children, Yuhang District quickly launched the "Enrollment Early Knowledge" application, parents only need to enter household registration, residence permit, real estate, student status and other information on a mobile APP, you can get the results with one click with the help of AI.

At present, a total of 6.27 billion pieces of shared data and more than 80 reusable public application components from 53 departments in Yuhang District have all been put on the "shelves" of the "digital resource supermarket", and the total number of calls has exceeded 800 million times. It is estimated that in the future, it is expected to save more than 24 million yuan in project development and construction costs every year, and this number will increase year by year due to the continuous enrichment of resources.

In Zhejiang, digitalization is embedded in all aspects of the city and citizens' lives, and digital transformation has become the blood and growth genes of the city. Zhejiang is using a series of digital technologies and intelligent means to roll out a real-time, fresh, multi-dimensional and accurate digital "boundary".

In September 2022, Hangzhou will host the 19th Asian Games, and a number of Asian Games venues will need construction. According to statistics, in the Binjiang District of Hangzhou City alone, there are 185 construction sites under construction, including Asian Games venues, with a construction area of more than 13 million square meters, and more than 30,000 construction personnel from 23 provinces and cities across the country, scaffolding and lifting machinery. For large-scale construction, how should we strengthen the safe construction of construction sites and prevent various accidents?

As one of the "head geese" of High-quality Development in Hangzhou, Binjiang District of Hangzhou has continuously transformed the first-mover advantage of the digital economy into a leading advantage in digital governance, focusing on the construction of "smart construction site" around "digital" management, innovating and developing the "Safe Construction Site One Code Pass" application platform, and building a full-life cycle intelligent management system of full-time touch, full participation and full coverage of the whole life cycle of the construction site. At present, through 618 intelligent IoT sensing devices in Binjiang District, more than 1,000 abnormal situations have been accurately identified, warned and disposed of, effectively preventing the occurrence of safety production accidents.

"This small 'two-dimensional code' is like an 'ID card' of a construction site, with which it can open up online and offline management applications and realize 'number management of construction sites'." Xue Jianhua, director of the office of the Housing and Urban-Rural Development Bureau of Hangzhou Binjiang District, said.

Green water and green mountains empower the Zhejiang sample for the national demonstration to explore the way

Common prosperity is the essential requirement of socialism and the common expectation of the masses of the people.

On June 10, 2021, the Opinions of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council on Supporting Zhejiang's High-quality Development and Construction of a Common Prosperity Demonstration Zone were released, supporting and encouraging Zhejiang to explore high-quality development and build a common prosperity demonstration zone first.

In the face of this major historical opportunity, how will Zhejiang find the starting point of common prosperity, and what meaningful attempts and explorations have been made in various parts of Zhejiang?

As the largest county in Zhejiang Province, Chun'an is a typical mountainous county, more than 90% of the area is located in the secondary water source protection area, the land that can be developed and utilized is very "scattered", on the road of common prosperity, how to solve this problem?

"Intensive development, point-like development, and development where it can be developed, so as to further broaden the transformation channel of 'green water and green mountains are golden mountains and silver mountains', and comprehensively enhance the endogenous power of green development in Chun'an." Tong Guoqiang, deputy director of the Chun'an County Development and Reform Bureau, said that the development and utilization of land in the spot shape, extending the industrial chain as much as possible, and taking a small and beautiful road are the core contents of Chun'an's promotion of leapfrog high-quality development in mountainous areas under the premise of ecological protection, and have opened up a new road for mountainous counties to create a "golden rice bowl".

In the area of Xiajiang Village, Maple Ridge Town, Chun'an County, the "Daxia Jiang Rural Revitalization Consortium" with a total of 25 administrative villages including Maple Ridge Town and Dashu Town was set up locally, and through "platform co-construction, resource sharing, industrial co-prosperity, and brand co-shaping", more development factors were intensively established, thereby promoting the common prosperity of the region.

"Xiajiang Village is just an introduction, through the development of the group, we have solved the problem of the 'small' village, and now tourists will no longer feel that there are fewer places to visit here." Moreover, the cooperation and division of labor between different villages has also formed an integrated development chain of production, processing and sales in the development of many industries. Jiang Lijuan, general secretary of the party branch of Xiajiang Village, said.

To build a common prosperity society, Zhejiang will try first. The relevant person in charge of the Political Research Office of the Zhejiang Provincial Party Committee said that Zhejiang will focus on key areas and carry out pilot projects in six areas, such as narrowing the regional gap, narrowing the gap between urban and rural areas, narrowing the income gap, promoting the high-quality sharing of public services, building a spiritual civilization highland, and building a basic unit of common prosperity and modernization, and striving to form more "landmark achievements and universal experiences".

How to "expand the middle", "raise the low", and build an "olive-shaped society" is a must-answer question on the road to common prosperity. In Nanxun, Huzhou, the local government has explored its own answers on how to pay attention to "below the average", how to make up for shortcomings, and promote the sustained and rapid increase of income of low-income groups.

In the early morning, the sunlight shines through the new doors and windows, illuminating the three bungalows of Shen Aliu, a low-income household at No. 30 Heyuanbang, Fengdeng Village, Lianshi Town, Nanxun District, Huzhou City. After the reconstruction, Shen Aliu's rustic farmhouse has a new look.

"I can live in a new house thanks to the good policies of the party and the government!" Shen Aliu's happiness comes from the "six noes and six haves" comprehensive assistance system built by Nanxun District of Huzhou City, including medical care, housing, education and other aspects, including 12 categories and 19 project initiatives to benefit the people.

In the past three years, Nanxun's "six noes and six haves" comprehensive relief expenditure has reached 189 million yuan, benefiting 529,600 people; by the end of 2022, the district is expected to achieve an average annual expenditure reduction of more than 12,000 yuan for registered low-income households, and the per capita annual income of low-income people will increase to 22,000 yuan.

From the perspective of Nanxun's practice, the characteristics of the "six noes and six haves" comprehensive rescue system are that not only the bottom function of people's livelihood security is realized, but more importantly, the sustainability of rescue and "normal + dynamic" supervision are realized through the charity participation of the whole people and the big data of the "six noes and six haves" comprehensive rescue platform.

The root of the mao is actually successful, and the anointing is the glory of the one.

Nowadays, Nanxun is participating in the "popularization" to make the "love pool" of rescue and assistance bigger, and through the "socialization" fundraising, to achieve the sustainability of the guarantee of assistance. Nanxun local well-known enterprises have established a charity naming fund with a scale of 215 million yuan, and the "charity one-day donation" activity is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, and a total of more than 54 million yuan of special funds have been raised. In the past three years, Nanxun has raised a total of 261 million yuan of various charitable funds.

Zhejiang has a cultural tradition of attaching equal importance to righteousness and profit, and advocating virtue and benevolence. In recent years, Zhejiang has given full play to the advantages of institutional mechanisms, focusing on comprehensively building "Zhejiang of Good Deeds" and accelerating the development and growth of charity.

"By 2025, Zhejiang's new charity system will be basically fixed, and a charity incentive system with clear orientation, preferential policies and strong praise will be initially established." Wang Jianhou, secretary of the party group and director of the Zhejiang Provincial Department of Civil Affairs, said.

The beautiful scenery becomes the "money scene" The rural revitalization gorgeous turn beautiful economy

In 2003, under the initiative and presidency of Comrade Xi Jinping, then secretary of the Zhejiang Provincial Party Committee, with the focus on the improvement of the "three lives" environment of rural production, life and ecology, Zhejiang launched the "Thousand Villages Demonstration and Ten Thousand Villages Rectification" project in the province, and opened a village rectification and construction action with improving the rural ecological environment and improving the quality of life of farmers as the core. Today, green development has become the background color of Rural Zhejiang, the scenery has become a "money scene", and the beautiful countryside has been transformed into a "beautiful economy".

As one of the provinces with the smallest urban-rural gap in the country, in the first three quarters of 2021, the per capita disposable income of rural residents in Zhejiang was 28474 yuan, and the per capita income ratio of urban and rural residents in Zhejiang was only 1.85 in the case of the per capita income ratio of urban and rural residents in the country of 2.62.

Behind the numbers is Zhejiang's unremitting efforts to adhere to rural revitalization, and the answer behind it needs to be found in the thriving fields of Zhejiang countryside.

The green waves on both sides ripple, the frogs sound, and sometimes the egret spreads its wings, and the 10,000 acres of rice fields are full of life... In August 2021, the high-standard farmland demonstration area of Sun Town, Lin'an District, Hangzhou City, presented an ecological beauty of "big green field fun, lush green, and full of vitality".

In recent years, with the help of the opportunity of creating a strong agricultural town with provincial characteristics of "rice pigs", Sun Town has vigorously developed the rice industry, implemented ecological breeding models such as "rice-fishery symbiosis", and the "rice economy" has become a "characteristic plate" for local rural revitalization.

"Bullfrogs like to eat pests in the field, and the excrement can be used as organic fertilizer for rice." Chen Meifang, a new farmer, said that through the "rice-fishery symbiosis" model, the quality and yield of rice have been significantly improved, and when the benefits are at their best, they can sell for 40 yuan per kilogram, and the net profit is directly doubled.

Through the linkage work mode of "the government sets up a platform and farmers join", the local government has also developed modern rice deep processing industry, "digital field" Internet of Things and other agricultural digital technologies, so that "a rice drives a town" and has embarked on a road of industrial prosperity and green enrichment.

The "rice economy" of Sun Town, Lin'an District, is a microcosm of Zhejiang's road of developing characteristic agriculture. Characteristic agriculture is a "golden key" to promote the development of rural areas in Zhejiang, which not only increases the income of farmers, but also promotes the revitalization of rural industries. Today, Zhejiang's top ten advantageous characteristic industries have driven employment of more than 6.39 million people, and the provincial agricultural industrial park has absorbed more than 700,000 farmers.

In autumn, strolling through the slow life experience area of Fuchun River (Lutz) in Tonglu, Zhejiang, Luci Creek is as clear as blue, and tourists rowing and riding water bikes are in groups of three or five, splashing in the water, you can also enjoy historical sites, black tea, and enjoy food... By the creek, there are bursts of laughter from time to time in farms and homestays.

"On holidays and weekends, rooms are tight and many tourists book in advance via the Internet." Zhang Liangxiong, the owner of the homestay in Luci Village, said that the growing and mature homestay tourism industry is the most distinctive "Jinshan Yinshan" in rural Zhejiang.

On August 15, 2005, when Comrade Xi Jinping, then secretary of the Zhejiang Provincial Party Committee, inspected Anjiyu Village in Huzhou, he first put forward the scientific thesis that "green water and green mountains are golden mountains and silver mountains". This has laid a solid "foundation" for the development of a green ecological economy in Zhejiang, and more and more villagers rely on ecology to sell "scenery" to embark on the road to prosperity.

In Houxi Village, a remote village in Tonglu County, after the beautiful countryside 3.0 "attack", the appearance of the village here has undergone a "rebirth": there are more tourists, and the wanderers who have gone out have returned, bringing vitality to the village.

The key to rural revitalization lies in people, and the return of young people is particularly important. Weng Yonghao, a native of Hecun after the 90s, made his own career in Hangzhou after graduating from university. Seeing that the development of the village is getting better and better, he is determined to return to his hometown to start a business. Nowadays, he has created the "agricultural business + e-commerce" model, successfully united some of the surplus labor force in the village, and the villagers have achieved income increase and obtained tangible gains.

"For us, what we are most looking forward to is to turn the beautiful countryside into a beautiful economy, and when the village is rich, the country is rich." Chen Xuehai, general secretary of the party branch and director of the village committee of Houxi Village, Hecun Township, was full of pride in his words. He said that the vigor of entrepreneurship has made the village begin to change beautifully, attracting a large number of young makers to return to their hometowns. As of September 2021, the village's collective economic income will be 1.06 million yuan, of which more than 500,000 yuan will be operating income and more than 150 new jobs will be created.

The scenery has become a "money scene", which has beautified the countryside and enriched the peasants, attracting more and more urban people to enter the countryside and truly realizing the transformation of beautiful countryside into a "beautiful economy".

In April 2021, the Department of Culture and Tourism of Zhejiang Province, together with 6 departments, issued the "Five-year Action Plan for the "Micro-transformation and Refining of Tourism in Zhejiang Province", proposing to accelerate the cultivation and construction of cultural tourism gold business cards, cultivate a number of handicraft villages, art villages, art villages, and music villages, and strive to build scenic towns in beautiful towns, and build model towns into scenic towns above AAA level.

"2022 is the year of reform and reshaping of Zhejiang's 'three rural areas', while grasping the general tone of seeking progress in stability, we will coordinate and promote the cultivation of 100,000 agricultural makers, drive millions of farmers to employment and entrepreneurship, and launch five major actions to promote common prosperity in the rural field, so as to explore a good way for the modernization of agriculture and rural areas across the country." Wang Tonglin, secretary of the party group and director of the Department of Agriculture and Rural Affairs of Zhejiang Province, said.

Steady progress and quality improvement Continue to polish the golden business card of Zhejiang's private economy

In 2021, Zhejiang achieved a smooth start to the "14th Five-Year Plan", deepened the digital reform, and handed over a bright answer sheet for economic and social development. As a large economic province, Zhejiang has a new year, and the word "stable" is the most mentioned word.

At present, the new crown epidemic is still raging in the world, and the global economic uncertainty continues to increase, how to stabilize the basic disk and explore new growth points?

The private economy is the golden business card of Zhejiang's development, and now the private economy has accounted for more than 63% of Zhejiang's GDP. Stabilizing the development of the private economy is of great importance to seeking progress in economic stability, especially in Wenzhou, where the private economy is developed.

"Since 2021, the sharp rise in raw material prices, the shortage of international logistics supply, and the structural shortage of labor are still prominent, which have brought great pressure to the production and operation of industrial enterprises." Zhao Bin, deputy secretary of the party committee and deputy director of the Wenzhou Economic and Information Bureau, said.

On January 7, 2022, Wenzhou formulated and issued the "Several Opinions on Actively Responding to the Impact of the Covid-19 Epidemic to Help Enterprises Relieve And Reduce Burdens and Stabilize Growth", which is expected to reduce the burden of enterprises by more than 5 billion yuan by the first quarter of 2022.

Rent reduction, job retention subsidies, entrepreneurial awards, issuance of consumption vouchers, strengthening financial support... Benefiting enterprises to bail out, many places in Zhejiang are actively taking action.

"It is estimated that after the introduction of the preferential enterprise bailout and support policy in Jiaxing in 2022, it will reduce the burden on enterprises by about 33.3 billion yuan, of which 30 billion yuan will be reduced by various taxes and fees." On January 7, 2022, Zhu Miao, executive vice mayor of Jiaxing City, said at a press conference on Jiaxing City's efforts to increase the relief and support of favored enterprises.

Into the Zhejiang Jinyun Lijin intelligent equipment high-tech industrial park, where the road is wide, the buildings are lined up, in the park enterprise Zhejiang Puqi Digital Technology Company product exhibition hall, a large or small industrial digital printer, become the "most shining new product". Yu Pei, head of the company's administrative department, proudly said that from small mobile phone cases to industrial product labels, products can be customized. Among them, a large-scale industrial label digital printer independently developed can replace imported products to fill the domestic gap after being put into production, saving 40% of the cost for customers.

Smart home, high-end equipment, health care, has now become the park's three leading industries, single champion, hidden champion, specialized special new "little giant" emerges in an endless stream. At present, there are 164 enterprises in the park, 80 high-tech enterprises and 192 technology-based small and medium-sized enterprises.

At present, Zhejiang is making efforts to build a manufacturing industry "single champion province". According to the latest selection results of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, a total of 149 enterprises (products) in Zhejiang have been identified as single champion demonstration enterprises or products in the manufacturing industry, accounting for about one-fifth of the national total, and continue to rank first in the country.

Most of the "excellent students" in these small and medium-sized enterprises are private enterprises, which are the basic plate for Zhejiang's economic stability and progress. At the end of 2021, Zhejiang issued the "Implementation Plan for The Construction of a Manufacturing Industry in Zhejiang Province" for the Construction of a Single Champion Province, focusing on supporting the development of single champion enterprises, and Zhejiang's economy has a key guarantee for "steady progress and quality improvement".

On October 1, 2021, the train full of 100 TEUs of auto parts honked and departed for Minsk, the capital of Belarus, and the "Yixinou" China-Europe train from Yiwu, Zhejiang Province that year has exceeded 1,000 trains; in 2021, in Zhoushan, Zhejiang Province, which does not produce a drop of oil, the green petrochemical base of "no medium oil" has processed 25.5 million tons of crude oil and achieved an output value of 130 billion yuan...

Industry gathering is thriving. Zhejiang continues to anchor the leading industries, accelerate the construction of the three major science and technology innovation highlands, extend the chain to supplement the strong chain, build a global advanced manufacturing base, and lay a solid foundation for Zhejiang's economic stability.

Striving, but also looking at the present dynasty, Zhejiang only strives to set off again.

Today's Zhejiang is solidly promoting the construction of a common prosperity demonstration zone, solidly promoting digital reform, economic stability, progress, quality improvement and precision, doing a good job in the Asian Games, the Asian Paralympic Games, and promoting the construction of a greener and less low-carbon beautiful Zhejiang... At the beginning of the "Fourteenth Five-Year Plan", Zhejiang showed its responsibility in the overall situation of national development, and forged ahead in the second century of the new journey.

It is time to ride the wind and break the tide, and set sail. The beautiful picture of the river and the land, composing a beautiful picture of common prosperity, is slowly unfolding...

Chief planner: Zhang Jun, Yu Feng

Director system: Wu Gang Xia Lingyun

Coordinator: Tao Yude

Reporters: Wei Wei, Yu Anyi, Shang Tianyu (trainee reporter)

Editor: Zhang Wei, Wang Wenwei

Video: Shang Tianyu

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