
The second "New Era" theme original song excellent works were released

Qianjiang Evening News Hourly News reporter Chen Yuhao

On the morning of January 19, the second "New Era" theme original song conference was held in Zhejiang Radio and Television Group.

In order to thoroughly implement the spirit of the Sixth Plenary Session of the Nineteenth Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech at the opening ceremony of the Eleventh National Congress of the China Federation of Literary and Art Circles and the Tenth National Congress of the China Writers Association, focusing on the requirements of "what the country needs, What Zhejiang can do, what the masses expect, and what the future holds", guide the literary and artistic creation production units and literary and art workers in the province to always adhere to the people-centered creative orientation, accelerate the implementation of the cultural Zhejiang project in the new era, and create and produce more literary and artistic works that are compatible with the "important window" and have the degree of dissemination, recognition and recognition. Better stimulate the vitality of the whole society's cultural creation, and better meet the spiritual and cultural needs of the broad masses of the people.

The second "New Era" theme original song excellent works were released

The Propaganda Department of the Zhejiang Provincial Party Committee of the Communist Party of China, the Department of Culture and Tourism of Zhejiang Province, the Federation of Literary and Art Circles of Zhejiang Province, the Zhejiang Radio and Television Group, the Zhejiang Musicians Association, the Zhejiang Conservatory of Music, and the Music FM Organizer of Zhejiang Radio and Television Group jointly launched the second "New Era" theme original song creation activity.

After extensive social solicitation, drafts by well-known experts in the country, and polishing by outstanding songwriters in the province, more than 200 excellent works were selected from the top layers of selected works, and the twelve main melody songs of "Chinese Color", "My Home in the East", "Spring Feast", "Spring Wind and the South Bank of the Green River", "Walking Relatives", "Diary", "Grandpa's Village Evening", "Chinese Medicine Fragrance", "Mother's Peach Wood Comb", "Embracing with Love", "My Chinese Red", "Canal Red Lady" were finally determined as the key works.

At the press conference, Jin Yuhua, a third-level researcher of the Art Department of the Department of Culture and Tourism of Zhejiang Province, said that compared with the first session, the cultural background and era connotation of the original songs launched by the second "New Era" theme have changed. The second "New Era" theme original song aims to tell the story of the people with music, reflect the spirit of the times, reflect the temperament of Zhejiang, and focus on the three themes of "Welcoming the 20th National Congress", "Building a High-quality Common Prosperity Demonstration Zone" and "Carrying Forward the Great Founding Spirit", and creating the Brand and Culture of Zhejiang Songs. Its creation began in September 2021, during which a number of well-known music experts, songwriters and music media representatives of the Central Radio and Television Station were invited to score and screen, reflecting the unity of extensiveness and professionalism.

The second "New Era" theme original song excellent works were released

At the press conference, Ying Yihang, president of the Zhejiang Music and Literature Society and songwriter, shared his feelings on song creation from the perspective of lyrics, and he said that the excellent works emerging in the process of creating original songs on this theme not only reflected the distinctive characteristics of the times, but also contained Zhejiang characteristics, and also showed the colorful social life of the people at present; Song Kefu, secretary general of the Creative Committee of the Zhejiang Musicians Association and composer, talked about the process of original song creation from the perspective of composition. He said that the excellent works not only capture the pulse and feelings of the current social development from different angles and perspectives, but also highlight the trend and charm of the development of the times. In the process of composing the music, the author's vision and yearning for a better life and the love for life of the people have been sublimated.

Huang Yuqun, Vice Chairman and Secretary-General of Zhejiang Musicians Association, released twelve excellent works of this theme original song creation activity, and explained the original intention and significance of each musical work. He said that the original theme song creation activities adhere to the principle of putting the main theme of the times first, pursuing social benefits and unifying artistic values, and fully demonstrate the richness and diversity of musical themes and genres under the same big theme. After the release of 12 excellent works, they will be exhibited and broadcast on new blue network, "like to listen", "beautiful 968" official WeChat and other platforms.

According to the unified arrangement, the next step will be to link up with the central media, local media and the Internet and other major platforms to carry out a series of targeted publicity and promotion of the selected works, continuous news reporting, network publicity, social promotion, and strive to promote the fermentation of heat, and at the same time launch a series of song promotion activities to attract a wider audience, expand influence and communication. Such as filming and producing MVs, inviting famous hosts or celebrities to participate in activities to launch vibrato song co-production, organizing the top ten singers competition in colleges and universities in the province, promoting the widespread singing of songs among young students, etc., and interpreting excellent works in subsequent provincial large-scale literary and artistic activities and a landing concert.

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