
The C6 driver's license is here! In the end, do you take the test? Come in and understand what brother told you

The C6 driver's license is here! In the end, do you take the test? Come in and understand what brother told you

Come, understand the brother at the beginning of the article to test you, do you know what kind of C driver's license there are? It is estimated that the small partner with a good memory can still blurt it out.

Motor vehicle driver's licenses are category C respectively

C1 type small car driver's license

C2 type small automatic car driver's license

Driver's license for a C3 type low-speed truck

C4 type three-wheeled car driver's license

C5 type of disabled person for the disabled small automatic passenger car driving license

Well, there's nothing wrong with that, but the answer may have changed slightly recently! The reason is that the Ministry of Public Security recently published the "Regulations on the Application and Use of Motor Vehicle Driving Licenses" (Decree No. 162 of the Ministry of Public Security) that clearly defines the light tractor trailer and the required C6 driving qualifications. In other words, now that the C class driver's license has added the C6 category, you must remember it!

The C6 driver's license is here! In the end, do you take the test? Come in and understand what brother told you

Then again, what kind of car can this new C6 category drive? You may see the picture of the article and you can guess one or two, yes! In layman's terms, it allows you to drive a trailer-mounted motorhome! On the topic of motorhome we will talk later, the beginning of the article to understand the brother or first let everyone figure out some details about this C6 category driver's license.

The C6 driver's license is here! In the end, do you take the test? Come in and understand what brother told you

Can I drive a trailer motorhome with this driver's license?

A: No, you need to drive the C6, which is a light traction trailer model.

What is the main content of the C6 driving test?

A: It is necessary to test the common sense of safe and civilized driving in subjects 2 and 3, of which the content of the subject 2 test includes the light traction trailer test pile test, curved driving, and right angle turning.

Can the elderly over 60 years old drive C6?

A: No, you must be between 20-60 years old to apply for a C6 driver's license.

Can I already have a C6 driver's license and use it all the time?

A: No, over 70 years of age can not continue to drive light tow trailers.

Do I need to add C6 to have an A2 driver's license?

A: No, there is no need to increase the driving C6 with an A2 driver's license, and other driver's licenses need to be additional.

Just got the C book can I directly increase the C6?

A: No, the C6 must be completed 1 year after getting the C book, and there is no 12 points in a scoring cycle.

The C6 driver's license is here! In the end, do you take the test? Come in and understand what brother told you

After April 1 this year, everyone can take the C6 driver's license test according to their own situation. I believe that friends who have seen the above Q&A must have some understanding of the driver's license of the C6 category. So let's talk about this trailer caravan.

Why do you live in the car? ”

"It's a way of life! I don't understand! ”

During the epidemic last year, he relived Ge You's classic movie "Not Seen, Not Scattered" at home. The above dialogue is a dialogue between Liu Yuan and Li Qing in the United States. Liu Yuan's actor Ge Youhe and this movie opened Chinese's first impression of a motorhome. Revisiting it now, I can't help but think of the resounding slogan of the 19th-century French poet Rimbaud "Living Elsewhere", which is not an exaggeration to describe caravan travel...

The C6 driver's license is here! In the end, do you take the test? Come in and understand what brother told you

Putting aside the relationship between the epidemic, the rapid development of our country's economy and tourism in recent years is obvious to all, the number of private cars is increasing, the corresponding tourism information and supporting facilities and services are constantly improving, and self-driving tourism has gradually become an important form of mass tourism. More and more riders advocate an outdoor way of leisure, hoping that they can "go out" in their leisure time.

The C6 driver's license is here! In the end, do you take the test? Come in and understand what brother told you

Although compared with the historical caravan culture in the United States, we are still a little bit worse. However, China's caravan market is moving forward with a booming trend, and caravan culture, as an imported product, is also increasingly desired and favored by travelers. With a motorhome, you expand not only the radius of life, but also a quality of life.

The C6 driver's license is here! In the end, do you take the test? Come in and understand what brother told you

For many donkey friends, playing while walking is the best way to travel. If we can camp wherever we go and no longer rely on hotels and other facilities, it is indeed a very fragrant free experience! The C6 driver's license is coming soon, which is also a driver's license that can be legally on the road for small trailer motorhomes. Brother Understand here expects everyone to be able to pass the examination smoothly and get a driver's license! When the time comes, let's talk about what trailer-mounted RVs are worth buying.

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