
A street artist painted a cat all over Paris, and it went all over the world

author:Travel in style
A street artist painted a cat all over Paris, and it went all over the world
A street artist painted a cat all over Paris, and it went all over the world

The mystical street artist, who has attracted much attention and controversy in recent years, has been repeatedly asked for fines and three months in prison. This time, let's see how he turned those dream cities into younger labels, adhered to his own style, and turned graffiti into a beautified city that made people bright and even thought-provoking?

I have to say that many people have always had a feeling for Paris, feelings from movies, from imagination, from the panic of real life gradually becoming flat, imagining that the city seems to be related to romance. Perhaps, if you look at these two cities from another angle, it can be interesting, young and lively? Because you can stumble upon a cat in this city, which is exactly the work of a street artist, who carries his own label, carries the cat's impression of his own city, and goes to more places.

Many people may also have some negative impression of graffiti, which is a manifestation of rebellion. There may also be some unruly and villainous images in the mind, as if the graffiti people will put up their middle fingers in real life, destroy the beauty of the city, and pick up a spray paint in any building.

Graffiti, there is indeed an attitude towards the rules of confrontation. Once a doodle, a group of young people in the night, secretly finished and disappeared immediately, in order to avoid the eyes of surveillance, (Ps. Graffiti without the permission of the facility owner is generally illegal or criminal). Graffiti from the former branch of street culture, now gradually began to contribute to urban art, gradually artistic, beautifying the ruins and broken walls, making imaginative creations for bland buildings, and adding color and vitality to the city.

Paris - Monsieur Chat

Monsieur Chat — Chinese "Mr. Cat"

There is a street artist from France, Thomas Vuille, who was inspired by a little girl who painted a flower cat at a painting workshop in 1997, and decided to paint his own flower cat on the roof and chimney.

A street artist painted a cat all over Paris, and it went all over the world

The first "Mr. Cat" was parachuted into the French city of Orléans in 1997, and then when he went to every city, he brought his "Mr. Cat" graffiti, Tours, Nantes, Rennes... Later, the city of Paris became his main canvas.

Gradually, Mr. Cat traveled the world with his cat, including Switzerland, Belgium, Spain, the Balkans, Ukraine, Australia, the United States and China.

How did he integrate Mr. Cat into Paris, then gradually let everyone notice his creations, and later travel all over the world?

Mr. Cat in Paris

A street artist painted a cat all over Paris, and it went all over the world

Mr. Cat and the Tower appear on the same drawing board

A street artist painted a cat all over Paris, and it went all over the world

Châtelet metro station in Paris

A street artist painted a cat all over Paris, and it went all over the world

In the Paris metro station, and the French proverb: "Freedom, equality, fraternity"

A street artist painted a cat all over Paris, and it went all over the world

In paris metro stations, "it's free like graffiti"

A street artist painted a cat all over Paris, and it went all over the world
A street artist painted a cat all over Paris, and it went all over the world

Paris Colon Fabien metro station

A street artist painted a cat all over Paris, and it went all over the world

Paris bus station

How does Thoma Vuille explain his Mr. Cat?

Thoma Vuille: "It's a symbol, a naivety with semiotics. ”

Thoma Vuille: "My cat means human." In fact, these cats are always changing, just a cat has no soul. Once we add something, such as we draw a bird here, the cat's graphic base is a circle, and the bird is a spiral shape, and the bird image carries something, so we can deduce something interesting, as if yin and yang can complement each other and come alive. Similarly, for example, there are fish, we often see cats and fish painted together, and the cat holding the fish and the fish in the cat's stomach can be inferred from different meanings. ”

A street artist painted a cat all over Paris, and it went all over the world
A street artist painted a cat all over Paris, and it went all over the world
A street artist painted a cat all over Paris, and it went all over the world
A street artist painted a cat all over Paris, and it went all over the world
A street artist painted a cat all over Paris, and it went all over the world
A street artist painted a cat all over Paris, and it went all over the world

Mr. Cat will always appear on the rooftops of Paris

Why does Mr. Cat often appear on high places?

Thoma Vuille: "I came from the mountains, and when I arrived in Paris, I found that there were only streets full of shuttles, and we always walked in the narrow passages. In fact, the city of Paris is not very large, sometimes I will climb to the roof, standing on that high point to see the scene reminds me of the mountains, and find the feeling of being in the countryside. So I often paint my cat on the roof and put it in the sky, and it becomes like a bird. On the other hand, this is actually a protection for it, because it will be harder to remove. So I don't think it's just a condescending perspective, but I can say that it's a quiet loner hidden in the city. ”

A street artist painted a cat all over Paris, and it went all over the world
A street artist painted a cat all over Paris, and it went all over the world

Mr. Cat curtain at the BHV shop

Why is it a yellow cat?

Thoma Vuille: "Actually, this is also an accident, since I was a student, when many of our students shared an old villa and we needed to renovate it, so one of my friends chose yellow during the renovation because it was a positive color that was pleasing to the spirits. So later I used this color in my creation. ”

Thoma Vuille: "On the other hand, in Western culture, yellow is an abandoned color, because in the pre-Medieval tradition in France, yellow was only used in the condition that painters lacked golden powder, and we used yellow instead of gold leaf. In religion, yellow symbolizes money, something that corrupts the soul, and therefore becomes an abandoned color because of its negative connotations in various revolutions and the changing times. In terms of the human spirit, I think yellow is positive, but in other cases it is the opposite. I thought it was very interesting, so I kept using this "abandoned color", which was actually just a very simple color for me. ”

A street artist painted a cat all over Paris, and it went all over the world
A street artist painted a cat all over Paris, and it went all over the world

In 2004, he also painted the world's largest "Mr. Cat" in the square in front of the Centre Pompidou in Paris.

This artist, with this cat, travels the world.

Mr. Cat in Cuba

A street artist painted a cat all over Paris, and it went all over the world

Mr. Cat is at Fragnole's house

A street artist painted a cat all over Paris, and it went all over the world

Mr. Cat at the soccer field

Mr. Cat is in China

A street artist painted a cat all over Paris, and it went all over the world
A street artist painted a cat all over Paris, and it went all over the world

Mr. Cat is in Japan

A street artist painted a cat all over Paris, and it went all over the world
A street artist painted a cat all over Paris, and it went all over the world
A street artist painted a cat all over Paris, and it went all over the world

Mr. Cat in Tokyo

A street artist painted a cat all over Paris, and it went all over the world

No man's land of the old French Embassy in Tokyo

Mr. Cat in Vietnam

A street artist painted a cat all over Paris, and it went all over the world
A street artist painted a cat all over Paris, and it went all over the world

Mr. Cat in Germany

A street artist painted a cat all over Paris, and it went all over the world


A street artist painted a cat all over Paris, and it went all over the world
A street artist painted a cat all over Paris, and it went all over the world


A street artist painted a cat all over Paris, and it went all over the world
A street artist painted a cat all over Paris, and it went all over the world

Mr. Cat in Tangier, Morocco

A street artist painted a cat all over Paris, and it went all over the world

Mr. Cat in São Paulo, Brazil

A street artist painted a cat all over Paris, and it went all over the world
A street artist painted a cat all over Paris, and it went all over the world

Mr. Cat in Korea

A street artist painted a cat all over Paris, and it went all over the world

Next to the Lock Museum (쇳대박물관).

A street artist painted a cat all over Paris, and it went all over the world

<h3>Seogang-don district</h3>

Han River Bridge

Mr. Cat in Vejer, Spain

A street artist painted a cat all over Paris, and it went all over the world
A street artist painted a cat all over Paris, and it went all over the world

Mr. Cat in Senegal

A street artist painted a cat all over Paris, and it went all over the world

Sanit Louis is a reception at the door of a homestay villa

Mr. Cat's shelf artwork

Movie about Mr. Cat

Cats on the Walls of Paris and Chats perchés are documentaries by Chris Marker in 2001. The film records the entire social situation in Paris at that time in 85 minutes. The whole of Paris is displayed in a rather scattered way. Borrowing the image of Mr. Cat, the director has a metaphorical sustenance.

"A cat even changed humans" – "The Cat on the Wall of Paris"

In the film, a smiling yellow cat appears on the walls of many Parisians, inadvertently appears in different places and occasions, appears flash mobs, subway bands, and constantly inserts into the daily life of Parisian citizens. The director follows in its footsteps, through this unique graffiti cat, narrating a series of events such as the French election campaign and anti-war demonstrations in recent years, glimpses the strong antipathy to the war, and promotes the concept of "freedom" and "peace".

Do you now feel like me that Mr. Monsieur Chat Cat's smile is like mona Lisa's smile, full of meaning?

Hiding a little rebellion, some free will, some hope for a peaceful life, with infinite hope and optimism for the future, and the joy of the long journey, well... It's also a bit playful...

A street artist painted a cat all over Paris, and it went all over the world
A street artist painted a cat all over Paris, and it went all over the world
A street artist painted a cat all over Paris, and it went all over the world
A street artist painted a cat all over Paris, and it went all over the world
A street artist painted a cat all over Paris, and it went all over the world

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