
Before being nominated by Biden, Dai Qi bluntly said: Fight for the interests of the United States

author:Jiang Ping Jiang theory

Wen 丨 Sixth floor back seat Trial 丨 Jinhan

According to reports, Dai Qi, a Chinese-American female politician, passed the Senate vote unanimously after being nominated by President Biden to serve as the U.S. Trade Representative. The U.S. Trade Representative has never been held by a person of color in the past 60 years, and Dai's election set a precedent. She was also the only unanimous vote in the cabinet of the current government.

Before being nominated by Biden, Dai Qi bluntly said: Fight for the interests of the United States

Dai Qi's parents were born in Chinese mainland, Taiwan, and later immigrated to the United States, and she herself graduated from Yale University and Harvard Law School, and is a typical elite of Americans of color. Since she entered the political arena, she has made many measures to contain China, never showed mercy to China, and has more diversified means and pursued direct and effective methods. In contrast, former Secretary of State Pompeo's "dog-headed military division" Yu Maochun used a hypocritical public opinion warfare trick that is difficult to match.

Before being nominated by Biden, Dai Qi bluntly said: Fight for the interests of the United States

The elite of the Chinese elite

Dai Qi was born in Connecticut in the 1970s to Taiwanese immigrant parents. It is rumored on the Internet that she is the great-granddaughter of Dai Kasa, the head of the military command and a famous secret agent with the title of "King of Agents", but this news has been confirmed to be a rumor. According to the official information of the United States, Dai Qi's primary and secondary schools are enrolled in the Sevier Friendship School, which is a famous aristocratic school in Washington, and the rich and expensive that can be entered, Clinton's daughter, Biden's grandson and Obama's daughter are all studying here, which shows that Dai Qi's family situation is extraordinary, and it belongs to the american elite class.

Before being nominated by Biden, Dai Qi bluntly said: Fight for the interests of the United States

The identity of people of color makes Dai Qi more colorful. In the 1990s, after graduating from Yale University, Dai Qi received a doctorate from Harvard Law School, and in the late 1990s, he also taught English at Sun Yat-sen University in Guangzhou as an exchange teaching teacher. But she has never pretended to be Chinese, and has said in public that she "fights for the interests of the United States" and that only the United States can give her that opportunity.

From the perspective of a citizen of the country, it is understandable for a person to express gratitude for the place where she was born and raised, and where she was nurtured. But it also depends on whether she has promoted US hegemonism and brought development difficulties or even deep disasters to other countries and regions. Otherwise, she will be condemned, especially by Chinese people.

Before being nominated by Biden, Dai Qi bluntly said: Fight for the interests of the United States

Biden "Alzheimer's disease"? The mind is still very good

Dai Qi can speak very fluent Mandarin, and because his parents are Chinese, he has been influenced by Chinese culture since childhood, and with his understanding of Chinese culture and way of thinking, he can even be used as half a diplomat in diplomatic work. Dai Qi's native is Taiwan, so she has absorbed many "Taiwanese fans" as soon as she took office, and because she is a woman, nominating her for a key position in the White House can also win the favor of many supporters of the women's rights movement.

Before being nominated by Biden, Dai Qi bluntly said: Fight for the interests of the United States

Dai Qi's appointment also means that Biden has further expanded his psychological warfare with China. The so-called "China for China" policy has not regressed in the slightest here in Biden, but has been improved and upgraded. Appointing Ethnic Chinese to be responsible for china work can produce a kind of subconscious guidance and infiltration of Chinese people.

This kind of subconscious guidance and infiltration is undoubtedly harmful to China, but under the effective leadership of the Communist Party of China, the existence and protection of national and ethnic interests has become a prerequisite for the existence and protection of the people's individual interests.

Before being nominated by Biden, Dai Qi bluntly said: Fight for the interests of the United States

Chinese people, as individuals, cannot be easily separated from the state and the nation in essence. The people and the state coexist, only when there is a country can there be a home, the family is the smallest country, and the country is the most everyone. The feeling of unity of home and country is an important factor in promoting the continuous progress and development of the Chinese nation and constantly becoming more united in the impact of the national separatist conspiracy.

(Disclaimer: The content of this article is the original work of "Jiang Ping Jiang", the picture source network, if there is infringement, please contact the notification, some of the news reference sources: Zhengzhou Radio and Television, International Tourism Island Business Daily)