
You can also understand "Qimen Dunjia", and it is not as complicated as imagined

author:The day after tomorrow yin and yang

When it comes to "Qimen Dunjia", it always gives people a sense of mystery. In fact, this science is not as complicated as we think.

So, how did "Qimen Dunjia" come about?

Sima Qian's "History of the Five Emperors" records some major historical events in the era of the Yellow Emperor: the first is that the Yellow Emperor replaced the Shennong clan and became the supreme ruler of China at that time. The second is that the Yellow Emperor fought against Xuan You and killed him.

There is such a legend that the Yellow Emperor and Xuan You started a war in Zhuolu, and Xuan You's brass head and iron arm, the sword and gun could not enter, and could call the wind and rain and create fog, causing the Yellow Emperor's army to lose its way. At the moment of crisis, the Nine Heavenly Divine Daughters descended from the sky and gave the Yellow Emperor a jade box, and hid a book called the Heavenly Seal Book of Dragon Armor Divine Chapters, and the Yellow Emperor built a guide car according to the contents of the book to defeat Xuan You.

The Heavenly Seal Book of Dragon Armor Divine Chapters covers instrument manufacturing methods, martial arts, lonely and virtual methods, and 1,080 rounds of Qimen Dunjia.

What is the Solitary Void Method?

We all know the twelve genera phases: zi rat ugly cow yin tiger 卯 rabbit tatsumi snake noon horse wei sheep shen monkey unitary chicken dog hai pig. Zi Ugly Yin 卯辰巳巳 Noon Unshen Youyi Hai is the Twelve Branches of the Earth, which match the Ten Heavenly Stems.

Ten days dry is: methyl ethylene propyl butyl heptyl heptyl heptyl heptyl nonyl decyl

The heavenly stems are matched with the earth branches to form a combination of sixty stem branches.

The first group: Koshi

甲子 乙砼 丙寅 丁卯 五辰 己巳 庚午 辛未 壬申 癸酉

Ten days of dry with ten earth branches, in this round of cooperation, the twelve earth branches of the Shu and Hai did not match the heavenly stem, so they became lonely.

The position of the twelve branches of Shuhai is 11 and 12, corresponding to 5 and 6, and the corresponding branches of the lonely are virtual, so in the Jia Zi Xun, the Shu Hai is lonely, and the Tatsumi is virtual.

The second group: Kojitsu

甲戌 乙海 丙子 丁ug 戊寅 己卯 庚辰 辛巳 壬午 癸未

In this round of cooperation, the Shen and Unitary of the Twelve Earth Branches did not match the Heavenly Stem, so they became lonely. The hedge against it is false.

Group 3: Koshin

Jia Shen Yi Unitary Propylene Ding Hai Peng Zi Ji Ugly Geng Yin Xin 卯 壬辰 癸巳

In this round of cooperation, the noon is not lonely, and the ugly is false.

Group 4: A Noon

A Noon Yi Wei Bing Shen Ding Yu Peng Shu Hehai Gengzi Xin Ugly Nong Yin 癸卯

In this round of cooperation, Tatsumi is lonely, and Shuhai is vain.

Group 5: Kotatsu

甲辰 乙巳 丙午 丁未 戊申 己酉 庚戌 Xinhai 壬子 癸 ugly

In this round of cooperation, Yin 卯 is lonely, and Shen You is virtual.

Group 6: A Yin Xun

甲寅 乙卯 丙辰 丁巳 戊午 己未 庚申 辛酉 壬戌 癸海

In this round of cooperation, the ugly is lonely, and the noon is not false.

The use of loneliness and emptiness, to fight the void alone, do more with less. Ten thousand people use the year alone, a thousand people use the moon alone, a hundred people use the day alone, and ten people use the time orphan.

Sixty groups of stems and branches, headed by A, are divided into six groups. They are Jiazi, Jiazhi, Jiashen, Jiawu, Jiachen, and Jiayin; in order to conceal Jia, they are based on the pentyl heptyl heptyl heptyl xin nongdecyl branch.

Therefore, Jia zi, Jia Shu, Jia Shen, Jia Wu, Jia Chen, and Jia Yin are hidden under the six stems of Peng Hehe Hept heptyl heptyl, xin non dec, which is also called the Six Yi. Liujia was under the Liuyi, hence the name Liujia.

The Qimen refer to the three Odd Eight Doors.

Sanqi: Ethylene propylene

Eight Doors: Life and Death Injury Du Jing Death Shocked

Qimen Dunjia: B Propyl Ding Sanqi, Sheng Xiu Injured Du Jing Death Shock Open Eight Doors, Pentyl Hept hept heptyl Xin Nong Deca Six Yi. In the ten days of dryness, A has since disappeared, and the three qi six instruments and eight doors interpret the changes of yin and yang.

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