
The man was paralyzed from the neck down and bedridden for 30 years, and in order not to drag down his family, he took poison to commit suicide with the assistance of others

author:Good books in Hebei

Spanish boy Raymond Sandpedro was paralyzed from the neck down when he was 26 years old due to a beach diving accident. He has been bedridden for 30 years, completely unable to take care of himself, relying on his four families to take care of everything: his sister-in-law Manora, his brother Jose, his father Zhu Kuiyin and his young nephew Zavi.

The man was paralyzed from the neck down and bedridden for 30 years, and in order not to drag down his family, he took poison to commit suicide with the assistance of others

For 30 years, Raymond has become the center of the family's life, everyone loves Raymond from different angles, the family has given him meticulous care and care in life and psychology, for 30 years, Raymond has not had other diseases, this is a warm family. But even so, years of bedridden made him lose confidence in life, and he didn't want to drag his family down any longer, so he desperately wanted to end his life with dignity. Raymond published a book called Letters from Hell, which tells his story of his experiences and feelings.

The man was paralyzed from the neck down and bedridden for 30 years, and in order not to drag down his family, he took poison to commit suicide with the assistance of others

Raymond, who was not paralyzed in the movie "Deep Sleep"

Eventually, Raymond was assisted in poisoning suicide by people who could not be identified. At that time, Spanish police arrested Raymond's 22-year-old girlfriend on charges of assisted suicide, but the following week, almost all the residents of the town where Raymond lived (about 3,000 people) "turned themselves in" and admitted to assisting Raymond to commit suicide. This event caused a sensation all over the world and still has a great impact.

The man was paralyzed from the neck down and bedridden for 30 years, and in order not to drag down his family, he took poison to commit suicide with the assistance of others

The lawyer who supports Raymond's suicide in the film

Based on this true event, Spanish director Alejandro Amanba made the ethical analysis film Deep Sleep, which won the Jury Special Award and the Best Actor Award at the 2004 Venice International Film Festival, as well as the 2005 Academy Award for Best Foreign Language Film.

■ Text/Excerpt from "Theory and Practice of Medical Ethics" (Published by Liu Yunzhang, Bian Lin et al., published by Hebei People's Publishing House)

The man was paralyzed from the neck down and bedridden for 30 years, and in order not to drag down his family, he took poison to commit suicide with the assistance of others

■ Editor / Jia Lifang

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