
Thousands of screens of joint broadcasting of military merits forwarded good news

author:Morning Xiangtan

"The advertising screens all over the street are playing the deeds of my son's meritorious deeds, not to mention how glorious it is!" In the past two days, Feng Wuquan, a villager in Tuizi Village, Jinwei Township, Xiangxiang City, Hunan Province, has a smile on his face. His son Feng Xuehui was awarded the second class merit because of his excellent performance in the army. The Municipal Ministry of People's Armed Forces and the Bureau of Veterans' Affairs not only sent the good news to the door, but also "put" Feng Xuehui's meritorious deeds on the city's major advertising screens.

Leaders of the Xiangtan Military Sub-district told this reporter that in order to further give play to the educational and incentivizing role of the good news of meritorious service, the military sub-district, together with the Propaganda Department of the Municipal CPC Committee and the Bureau of Veterans' Affairs, and other departments, carried out the activity of "broadcasting military merit on a thousand screens and forwarding the good news in ten thousand circles." The "highlight moment" of the Xiangtan officers and men building a military camp was made into a video, and the outdoor advertising screen, WeChat, and other media and platforms were widely disseminated.

The reporter learned that the city adopts the "four-level linkage" method of cities, counties, townships, and villages, with villages (communities) responsible for contacting military families; the township (street) armed forces department collects basic information, personal deeds, and video materials of meritorious officers and soldiers; then the ministry of people's armed forces uniformly produces propaganda posters and short videos; and the military sub-district and the municipal veterans' affairs bureau are responsible for coordinating the broadcast.

"Last year, more than 200 officers and soldiers serving abroad in our city were awarded the third class or above. Doing a solid job in this activity will provide the masses with a grounded 'feast' of national defense education. Fan Heping, head of the Xiangtan City Double Support Office, introduced that there are more than 1,000 outdoor electronic screens in the city's bustling streets, shopping malls, stations, squares and enterprises and institutions. Before the Lantern Festival, these advertising screens will all be used to publicize the deeds of meritorious officers and soldiers.

Xu Yuehua's son Lai Mingzhi served in a certain ministry. Because of her mobility problems, relatives and friends advised her to mobilize her son to change jobs and go home early, but Xu Yuehua has not been moved. Recently, when she saw the deeds of meritorious officers and soldiers frequently "brushing the screen", she was even more determined to let her son serve for a long time. She called her son and said, "Cub boy, don't worry too much about me, you must learn from the advanced, build a meritorious military camp, and win glory for the fathers and elders in your hometown." ”

The person in charge of the Xiangtan City Military Recruitment Office told reporters that affected by the activity of "broadcasting military merit on a thousand screens and forwarding good news in ten thousand circles", many college students and migrant youth who returned home during the Spring Festival took the initiative to sign up for the recruitment. At present, more than 2,300 young people of school age have signed up for the city, accounting for 80% of college students. (Tian Xiang, Chen Jing)

(Editor-in-charge: Wang Xiaoxiao, Yu Ziqing)

【Source: China National Defense Daily】

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