
Youth and good reading (37) In that era, "catching the fashion" was a disease and had to be cured

author:Wide sea
Youth and good reading (37) In that era, "catching the fashion" was a disease and had to be cured

Maybe the young people who were older than me were all the same, so I felt that the man in front of me, whom I did not know whether to call my uncle or brother, was very similar to the People's Liberation Army on the train last year, not in appearance, but in almost the same tone and attitude towards me.

While waiting for the car, he stood in the distance, always looking over to this side. It's so tall, and the color of the suit is in harmony with the tie. For some reason, I was always a little jealous of the most capable young guy of his age, but always daunted. When I got in the car, I went straight to the end of the car and sat down by the window. I saw him walking toward this side too and sitting down next to me. Shunshi wrapped the front placket of the open suit. I turned my head towards the window and felt comfortable.

"Where do you go to school?" Mandarin with a Beijing flavor. I turned my head and looked away, "Experimental Middle School." "Then you must be studying very well?" "Hi, so-so." I wasn't very enthusiastic on the surface, but I still wanted to talk. It was always he who asked, and I could only answer. That's a very specific question. Every homework learns where to want to know. And I, indeed, was confused, and I didn't know exactly where I learned every lesson. It can only be said vaguely. Ask my family, ask me about my life. Ask in particular about school life. I answered them one by one, and I didn't have a lot of interest. Ask me about my hobbies, ask me about the clothes on my body, and I am embarrassed to tell him, I just feel a little inferior. Because from his speech and demeanor, it is not difficult to see that he is a highly educated person, and the books recommended for me have not even been heard by myself. Especially in foreign languages.

"It's still good to be a student!" This meaningful sentence of his is why I understand why he cares so much about campus life. I couldn't help but think of the bright flame in the soldier's eyes when he recalled his student days. When it was time to stand, I stood up. "It's time for me to get out of the car, oh, I don't know where you work?" "Provincial TV, I'm doing radio." "Well, goodbye!" "Goodbye!"

The examination papers for each subject are almost finished. The moment before the roll is simply more intense than before the exam. I felt like I was standing on the edge of a cliff, my whole body was soft, crisp, shivering, and itchy from the inside out. My heart was about to jump out of my chest, and the blood was going to coagulate.

In fact, after sending it down, it will be fine. Regardless of whether the grades are good or bad, it is always pleasant and relaxing. I remember that when I first finished the exam, I couldn't suppress my inner excitement, and I wanted to immediately put pen to write a diary, write down how hard I should study, and write down many "certainties" in the future. Moreover, I thought at that time that we must not think wildly anymore, and we must pay close attention to learning. Life should be regular, and plans should be made. These thoughts, which bothered me when I saw them, hit the atrium of my heart so violently at the time. And I also thought that I would never see these things as boring again. But only two days later, when I picked up the pen again and prepared to fill in the diary that was so called exciting to my heart, I could not write a word. I realized right away that the heat had subsided. If you want to improve again, you have to wait until the end of the term. However, I am glad that I did not write such a diary, because not only will it not have any meaning, but it will also become a worthless waste paper. And when I look at the diary in front of me, I also think it is in the way and hates it. But then, don't I have to mix for another half a semester?

Summer was coming, and for a few days I had been looking around for a white dress. This is a piece of clothing that I have been longing for for a long time. I love white, both in appearance and connotation. I am so happy that this year's international popular color is white, which shows that people's aesthetics have improved and they understand what true beauty is. Of course, the color and style of clothes should also vary from person to person, not what is popular can be worn. And I love to make this "fashionable" mistake.

I confess that I violated discipline and read novels in class. But I think it's worth it. Rather than just sitting and listening to the lullaby of the plant teacher or the big slogan of the political teacher, it is better to read a novel. For two whole classes, my eyes, brain, and heart melted in the "blizzard". I don't know if in my dreamland, there will also be a "snowstorm tonight". I was completely mesmerized by it. If it wasn't for the class, my tears would have gushed like a blizzard. But I was in tears.

It was as if something was blocking my throat, blocking my breathing and heartbeat. The fountain of tears that caught my heart collapsed. I hardly dared to look down at the book anymore, so I looked out the window, blinked my eyelids hard, and squeezed back the tears. Because as soon as my eyes touched the article, and even touched the words "Pei Xiaoyun", "Cao Tieqiang", and "Liu Mike", as soon as I touched the word "Corps Soldier", the tears involuntarily poured out. I finally understood why the newspapers and magazines published the feelings and opinions of the Zhiqing on "There Is a Snowstorm Tonight" so full-page and full-page. And I can better understand why so many people have submitted articles and poured out their hearts to people, so many iron men who have been exercising in the Northern Wilderness for ten years are in tears in front of the TV.

I didn't live through that time, when they were being tested by a snowstorm, and I was still lying in the cradle of a baby. However, after ten or a hundred years, people's hearts and young people's hearts are closely connected. Of course, the word "young" doesn't fit me yet. But I can't find a more appropriate word than it, three words that contain the pure emotions we all share, immature thoughts, impulsive manners, and fiery passions. What's more important is the heart, the heart that is completely gold for me!

Cao Tieqiang, the commander of the corps engineering company who had tempered his strong will in the Northern Wilderness, was something I revered. His lofty spiritual realm, his calm and decisive general demeanor, his delicate emotions of caring for others, and his handsome appearance all make me feel reverence. If Cao Tieqiang only has a charming appearance and extraordinary talent, will I also worship him? In the past, before I read this article, my answer was yes. But not now. I realized that what this character could most conquer me and the reader the most was his beautiful sentiments, his supreme personality. I know that in the future, when I see more literary characters, I will still be fascinated by the dashing appearance and demeanor of some people. But I believe that for that kind of person, I will never have feelings like cao, that can only use the word "like", absolutely not "reverence".

I don't know how to describe my love for Pei Xiaoyun, a weak but incomparably strong pure girl. At first I sympathized with her, and she silently endured the unfair treatment of her by life with an inferiority complex. But then I rejoiced for her because her heart melted. She got the love of others and she was happy. Sometimes I get mad at her again. She got so much, although it was only one person's love, but was that less? But she was so dissatisfied, she didn't know how to cherish. No, she is pure, she understands many feelings that ordinary people do not understand. Because she gets very few feelings that ordinary people can't do—she doesn't have a mother. Now, is she dead? yes. But I could clearly see her frozen body standing on the sentry, she died tragically, she died heroically! She was buried with a smile in the dirt of the Northern Wilderness. I don't know if she heard it or not, Cao Tieqiang said to her a sentence she was looking forward to, and the old political commissar, in the name of the League Party Committee, approved her as a member of the Chinese Communist Youth League...

My heart was deeply touched and shaken...

(To be continued)

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