
10 psychedelic movies that will make you float around and dangle around

author:Uncle Filmmaker

  Sometimes, life also needs to be psychedelic, and it needs deep or shallow, sad or joyful dreams, which can always make people feel liberated. Today, some psychedelic big wets have selected ten psychedelic movies to give to you.

"Guess the Train"

  I was amazed when I first saw this movie! The film tells the life of a group of addicts, and the film uses an extremely wild approach to make people feel the experience of hiccups and make people temporarily detached from reality. However, in the end, it is still necessary to return to reality, or happiness or sadness, and life must continue. After all, we will still choose life, choose work, choose career, choose family, choose a fucking big TV, choose a washing machine, a car, a laser record player, an electric can opener, choose a starting point, choose a friend, choose a sportswear and a suitcase... So, this is called life.

10 psychedelic movies that will make you float around and dangle around

Requiem for Dreams

  The film is an eye-opener and may be a little dazzled. Despair, depravity, sinking, depression, helplessness, loneliness, fear... The film conveys a strong air of pessimism and despair. "Requiem for Dreams" is unforgettable after watching it. I don't want to scare anyone, I just want a little peace and happiness in life, that's all. This is what each of us prays for, peace and joy.

10 psychedelic movies that will make you float around and dangle around

"Into nothingness"

  Just watching the name of the movie is more mysterious, and when you watch it, you have a sense of nothingness and loss. Subjective lens, a new viewing experience. People who like it like it, and people who don't feel it will be very annoying. Destined to be a niche film, a large number of violent and sexual scenes, it is bound to not be loved by everyone. The movie takes you into a hallucinatory dream, making you float around and dangle around.

10 psychedelic movies that will make you float around and dangle around


  An underrated and overlooked film. James McAvoy's acting skills exploded, allowing people to see a completely different "Professor X". The film is based on the novel of the same name by Evan Wilsh, author of "Guessing the Train", so there will still be a style of guessing the train. There is no good and evil, only profit, and Dirt will tell you what evil human nature is.

10 psychedelic movies that will make you float around and dangle around

Clockwork Orange

  This is a movie that plays crazy and has no taboos at all. As far as the film itself is concerned, it has completely broken through the moral level, referring to the ultimate dilemma of survival. "Clockwork Orange" is very subversive, and sharply questions the mainstream social mechanism. The film brings a strong psychological impact, and this impact also brings deep thinking.

10 psychedelic movies that will make you float around and dangle around

Rhapsody of the Black Shop

  Cult films of fine, rhapsody films. Cinema creates a mysterious and absurd world without a country and without time. Fairytale, surrealism, black humor... The film has clearly created its own indie style.

10 psychedelic movies that will make you float around and dangle around


  Quite a wonderful movie. Movies are DreamWorks, and the best thing about this movie is that it creates a grotesque and uninhibited ultimate imagination space by interweaving the imaginary world and the real world. "Elf King" Lee Pace is equally stunning in this film.

10 psychedelic movies that will make you float around and dangle around

《The Beach》

  Little Plum is a movie that is relatively ignored, and Big Wet can see his film emperor temperament from this movie. The film is also called Psychedelic Beach, a paradise, but it still can't be beautiful forever, because it is still a small society of people. There is also cowardice, cunning, indifference and fraud, and it turns out that everything is just a dream.

10 psychedelic movies that will make you float around and dangle around

The Mirror Mask

  A fantasy film beyond imagination. The beautiful and beautiful picture is impressive. A 15-year-old girl lives in a circus but is obsessed with the world of dreams. Life is not easy, dreams are not easy, but the psychedelic dream has a unique charm, so it is better not to wake up in the dream.

10 psychedelic movies that will make you float around and dangle around

Psychedelic Park

  A very nice independent film. The photography is Du Kefeng, the lens is psychedelic and beautiful, and there are shots with lines. Gus Van Sant, a super-beloved director, used to be obsessed with two of his films, Psychedelic Park is one of them, and the other is Elephant. Both films focus on the state of life of teenagers, focusing on juvenile violence, making people feel fearful, confused and lost. Psychedelic is only a momentary relief, life must continue, after psychedelic, continue the pace of life. That's all.

10 psychedelic movies that will make you float around and dangle around

I am a cute and despicable film uncle, based on being the best entertainment sharing teacher in China, if you are being tortured by a hard life, come and pay attention to the film uncle, and make sure that your life will be different from now on. Follow now for more insights.

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