
India surprised the "flying deer", "air walk" stunned passers-by

author:Global Times International

According to the "New York Post" reported on the 17th, a jaw-dropping video has recently gone viral on the Internet, showing a deer jumping when crossing the road, like flying, reaching an outrageous height, and even running a few steps in the air. As of Monday morning, the video had more than 85,000 views on Twitter.

The video was first shared on Twitter by India's Non-Governmental Environmental Group (WildLense Eco Foundation) on Friday.

India surprised the "flying deer", "air walk" stunned passers-by

Image source: US media

The slow-motion video shows a deer emerging from the river and leaping "flying" across the road. In the process of incredible leaps, the deer can be called "gliding" in the air, and the height of the sky is about one person high, like a scene in a Hong Kong kung fu movie.

At the end of the video, the deer leaps into the bushes across the road and leaves in awe of onlookers.

There have been media reports that the axis deer , a native Indian species — can jump over high fences when threatened.

The axis deer's "Matrix" jump impressed wildlife lovers on social media. Some netizens said: "Wow, I've never seen any deer jump so high, it's just flying." Another netizen wrote: "Yes, this brave deer should be awarded a gold medal." I can't believe it. Some netizens compared this scene to an "action movie."

This isn't the first time an animal has shown mobility beyond species. Two years ago, a pig sped past the streets of Arizona, USA, at breakneck speed and was photographed.

(Editor: ZLQ)