
"White Snake Legend " Love" breaks the "boundary" with "love" and re-decodes it

author:Bright Net
"White Snake Legend " Love" breaks the "boundary" with "love" and re-decodes it
"White Snake Legend " Love" breaks the "boundary" with "love" and re-decodes it

Movie "White Snake Legend " Love "

Spend the words full moon and lotus pond moon color, have you thought about how to use images to present the mood? The Cantonese opera movie "White Snake Legend of Love" did it! "China Literature and Art Report" once again invited old friends Professor Li Hong of the Central Academy of Drama and Professor Suo Yabin of the Communication University of China to lead us to re-decode "The Legend of the White Snake".

"White Snake Legend " Love" breaks the "boundary" with "love" and re-decodes it

China Literature and Art Report

This issue of the program discusses the relevant interpretation of the movie "The Legend of the White Snake", Gong Yan and Li Hong deliberately chose a "Xiaoqing" style costume, which made Soyabin a little "Fahai" embarrassed, and the jokes between the three of them in the studio were also quite interesting.

"White Snake Legend " Love" breaks the "boundary" with "love" and re-decodes it

Movie experience about Whitesnake Love

When talking about the movie experience of "White Snake Love", Professor Suo Yabin said that this movie made him enjoy watching it very much. He had previously participated in a seminar on 3D opera films and watched several films in a concentrated manner, but at that time, some issues were not solved, or the creators did not know which direction to go. However, after watching the movie "The Legend of the White Snake", Suo Yabin believes that many accumulated problems have found answers and the direction of solving problems, and this film will leave a strong mark in the history of the development of opera films.

"White Snake Legend " Love" breaks the "boundary" with "love" and re-decodes it
"White Snake Legend " Love" breaks the "boundary" with "love" and re-decodes it

"What is the full moon like, what is the color of the lotus pond moon, the specific feelings of these words can be seen in this movie" This is Gong Yan's first feeling when watching the movie. Professor Li Hong commented that the "sense of film" of this film is very strong, and the past opera films were mainly recorded in a way. The "Legend of the White Snake" is another way of presenting opera and drama, and it is also closely integrated with the development of images.

Special effects shots about Whitesnake Love

"White Snake Legend " Love" breaks the "boundary" with "love" and re-decodes it

The classic clip of the opera "The Legend of the White Snake" "The White Lady Kicks the Gun"

"White Snake Legend " Love" breaks the "boundary" with "love" and re-decodes it

"White Snake Legend • Love" "Water Flood Golden Mountain" special effects

In the program, Professor Suo Yabin said that in the opera version, the water flood jinshan is one of the highlights. The climax of this scene is "The White Lady Kicks the Gun": this is very elaborate on the actor's skills, and many viewers watch the play just to watch this paragraph. But to take this paragraph away in "White Snake Romance", which requires a lot of courage. Professor Suo Yabin also shared a story, when the director team proposed to Zeng Xiaomin to remove the clip of "White Lady Kicking the Gun", Zeng Xiaomin said that it was ok, but there was a way to let the scene be presented as the climax of the entire plot, and then there was the use of computer special effects.

Professor Li Hong said that the director of this film has done a good job of "decoding" and "encoding", which is a kind of cinematic drama creation, and this aesthetic unity makes the audience look very comfortable.

"Cantonese" about "White Snake Love"

"White Snake Legend " Love" breaks the "boundary" with "love" and re-decodes it

Gong Yan said in the program that many audiences can not understand Cantonese, in this regard, Professor Li Hong made a comparison, opera and Western opera are the same, the focus is not on telling stories, but on how to listen to "horns" sing. Li Hong also shared that in her junior high school stage, Cantonese songs poured in, and the "waves, waves" in "Shanghai Beach" also made everyone like it very much and wanted to learn. In the artistic conception presented in "The Legend of the White Snake", this "ancient tone" of Cantonese is more expressive than that of Mandarin.

Arrangement of "The Legend of the White Snake"

"White Snake Legend " Love" breaks the "boundary" with "love" and re-decodes it

Different from the "gong and drum point" accompaniment of traditional opera, "White Snake Transmission and Love" uses an orchestra to complete the accompaniment of the film, and retains the ancient tone through rearrangement. Suo Yabin said that when he watched movies, especially when singing in large sections, he could not distinguish the existence of Western instruments. However, in the "action scene" of the water flooding Jinshan, the advantages of the symphony's unique sense of grand and tense atmosphere are reflected.

A fight scene about "The Legend of the White Snake"

"White Snake Legend " Love" breaks the "boundary" with "love" and re-decodes it
"White Snake Legend " Love" breaks the "boundary" with "love" and re-decodes it
"White Snake Legend " Love" breaks the "boundary" with "love" and re-decodes it
"White Snake Legend " Love" breaks the "boundary" with "love" and re-decodes it

Singing and doing is the four artistic means of Chinese opera performance. Talking about how the movie "The Legend of the White Snake" will show the fight scene in the movie, Suo Yabin said that many of the action scenes in the movie have undergone considerable cinematic improvements, and the speed of lens editing is also very fast, constantly using new angles to provide new information, which also caters to the preferences of young audiences. In terms of action design, I borrowed a lot of martial arts film design. Suo Yabin admitted frankly, "In this movie, my favorite is the sleeve of the white lady, and that sleeve dances too beautifully."

"White Snake Legend " Love" breaks the "boundary" with "love" and re-decodes it
"White Snake Legend " Love" breaks the "boundary" with "love" and re-decodes it

When it comes to sleeves, Li Hong believes that it is not only part of the clothing, but also the externalization of the body and emotions. In the scene where the water floods the golden mountain, the sleeve is not only a weapon, but also an expression of the protagonist's inner anger and anxiety. This is a good opportunity, many young people and people far away from opera will think that opera is a very old thing, in fact, opera has long been very modern, today when we mention "expressionism", the water sleeve is a good representative.

Characters from The Legend of the White Snake

"White Snake Legend " Love" breaks the "boundary" with "love" and re-decodes it
"White Snake Legend " Love" breaks the "boundary" with "love" and re-decodes it

When it comes to the characters in the film, Miyawa believes that the theme of the White Snake Legend is an "old IP", everyone knows what kind of story this is, and how to update and change it is very difficult. Professor Suo Yabin and we said, "In the 1981 Peking Opera movie "The Legend of the White Snake", the character of Fahai is a complete villain. But in Whitesnake Love, there are no absolute bad guys. The conflicts in the film all stem from the ideas that the characters uphold, which is quite advanced and quite modern. For example, in the section of Xionghuang wine, this wine is not given to Xu Xian by Fahai, it is completely for the festival, and Xu Xian and his wife will drink it. The handling of this paragraph, the feelings are very delicate. The audience will find that no one in this movie is sinister. ”

About the love of "White Snake Legend"

"White Snake Legend " Love" breaks the "boundary" with "love" and re-decodes it

In the movie, the White Lady has a line: "People's suspicion and hesitation are the fragile side of people, which is also what I need to experience in the human world." Suo Yabin commented: "This line makes the whole style of the film improve. The choice of the white lady, whether it is good or bad, whether it is happy or sad, is a kind of human world. Since she came to the human world, she had to taste everything. ”

"White Snake Legend " Love" breaks the "boundary" with "love" and re-decodes it
"White Snake Legend " Love" breaks the "boundary" with "love" and re-decodes it

"If a person is ruthless, he is not as good as a demon, as long as there is a demon." Suo Yabin said that we should look at what he says and does, it does not matter whether a person is a demon, and the recognition of culture and values is also the concept that "White Snake Legend and Love" most wants to pass on to the audience.

Li Hong said that when a demon has a love, she is also a person. There is only one criterion for measuring between man and demon, that is, "affection". This is closely related to the name of "White Snake Legend " Love " , and is also distinguished from other "White Snake Legend", the film externalizes "love" through vision.

About the influence of "White Snake" on opera films

"White Snake Legend " Love" breaks the "boundary" with "love" and re-decodes it

Although the number of films in "White Snake" is low, the box office has been gradually increasing. According to the general film market business law, the low schedule but the high box office must be a situation that will appear only after a good reputation. At first, the market estimated that the box office of this film was only two or three million, but now it has risen to more than eight million, and Suo Yabin estimates that it should eventually reach ten million. He said: "In the process of the gradual expansion of contemporary Chinese films, the creative practice of opera films has not kept pace with the pace of the market and the interests of audiences. But "White Snake Romance" makes a particularly good attempt in all aspects. How to transform the original completely staged things into the media and language of the film to express, no matter how far the box office of this film can go, it will become a benchmark, and on the road to the adaptation of all opera films in the future, this is a work that cannot be bypassed. ”

"White Snake Legend " Love" breaks the "boundary" with "love" and re-decodes it
"White Snake Legend " Love" breaks the "boundary" with "love" and re-decodes it
"White Snake Legend " Love" breaks the "boundary" with "love" and re-decodes it
"White Snake Legend " Love" breaks the "boundary" with "love" and re-decodes it
"White Snake Legend " Love" breaks the "boundary" with "love" and re-decodes it

Professor Li Hong said that through the painting style that can be used as a desktop in every frame, "The Legend of the White Snake" allows the audience to begin to contact Cantonese opera. (Change the comma) Think Cantonese opera is very good, they will go into the theater, and it is possible to appreciate other forms of opera. This kind of "drainage" that makes the spread of opera higher through film pictures is also the biggest value of the movie "White Snake Legend and Love".


Source: CCTV Variety