
Because of his ugly looks, he was reported by the neighbors to the police, born as a human, why did someone use his appearance to decide the three views

author:Pippi Films

丨This article was first published in the Pippi movie

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From an early age, we are taught that one's inner beauty is more important than its outward appearance.

However, as time passes, many truths are left behind in childhood, including this famous quote.

Because of his ugly looks, he was reported by the neighbors to the police, born as a human, why did someone use his appearance to decide the three views

In this era when appearance is king, as long as you look good, you can do whatever you want, and if you don't look good, it is the original sin.

So when everyone jokingly says: "The villain's facial features determine my three views", it is not surprising, and the back of the joke reflects everyone's emphasis on appearance.

Because of his ugly looks, he was reported by the neighbors to the police, born as a human, why did someone use his appearance to decide the three views

There are many stories of beautiful people, stories of becoming a superstar with friends interviewing abound, even job interviews, good-looking people can get better care.

But who pays attention to the stories of people who don't look the right way?

I didn't, and you probably didn't, but the movie "Virgin Mountain" noticed.

Because of his ugly looks, he was reported by the neighbors to the police, born as a human, why did someone use his appearance to decide the three views

The Icelandic film focuses on a fat man who weighs 200 pounds, and uses his experience to show the world's unfriendliness to ugly-looking people.

Fursey is 40 years old, and when others are 40 years old, they either have a successful career or a happy family, but Forsy's 40 years old lives under the same roof as his mother, is rejected by neighbors, teased by colleagues, and has a evasive look and is ashamed to associate with people.

Because of his ugly looks, he was reported by the neighbors to the police, born as a human, why did someone use his appearance to decide the three views

The reason for all this is only because Furcy is bald and weighs 200 pounds.

Because of his ugly looks, he was reported by the neighbors to the police, born as a human, why did someone use his appearance to decide the three views

In the eyes of everyone, the people with this appearance are either dead otaku or perverted killers, so from childhood to adulthood, Fossie has felt the malice from others.

His suffering was worse than "Yu Huanshui"...

First, joke about colleagues without a lower limit

The place where a person is most vulnerable to bullying must be where he works or studies, and so does Fossie.

Fossi is the ground staff of the base, responsible for distributing and handling the luggage of passengers. Most of these tasks are the work of young and strong boys.

Because of his ugly looks, he was reported by the neighbors to the police, born as a human, why did someone use his appearance to decide the three views

Standing in the midst of a group of strong young men, Fuxi's huge body seemed particularly out of harmony, and even more contrary to this was his relationship with his colleagues.

During the meal, Forsy always sat alone with headphones on his shoulders, while colleagues at the next table were laughing and wondering if Forsy was still a virgin.

Because of his ugly looks, he was reported by the neighbors to the police, born as a human, why did someone use his appearance to decide the three views

It was supposed to be a private topic, but they not only discussed it in public, but even questioned Forsy loudly, the answer didn't matter, what they wanted to see was That Fursey was ugly.

Because of his ugly looks, he was reported by the neighbors to the police, born as a human, why did someone use his appearance to decide the three views

In the face of such teasing, Fossey seems to have long been accustomed to it, even if he is forced to take off his headphones and ask questions, he only does not hear it, silently holding the dinner plate and planning to retreat, but the evil people do not want to stop there, they take Fossie's headphones and smash them the back of his head.

Because of his ugly looks, he was reported by the neighbors to the police, born as a human, why did someone use his appearance to decide the three views

Even so, Forsy did not resist, even when the supervisor asked him if he was being bullied, he said lightly: "I think it's just a joke".

Because of his ugly looks, he was reported by the neighbors to the police, born as a human, why did someone use his appearance to decide the three views

However, the connivance of good people will only make the bad people worse, and after the work, Fuxi is ashamed to show his body in front of his colleagues, so he never bathes in the unit, which turns out to be the object of their shame.

Because of his ugly looks, he was reported by the neighbors to the police, born as a human, why did someone use his appearance to decide the three views

Even colleagues would work together to forcibly lower Fossey to the ground and drag him to the bathroom to be watered with cold water.

Because of his ugly looks, he was reported by the neighbors to the police, born as a human, why did someone use his appearance to decide the three views

Is Fossi bad? Of course not, he loves his job, never took a day off, he loves his colleagues, even if he is bullied, he still helps to repair the car, help cover, the reason why he has a cold reception for the first time is because he is too fat.

Because of his ugly looks, he was reported by the neighbors to the police, born as a human, why did someone use his appearance to decide the three views

Second, neighbors with colored glasses

Colleagues treat Fosse badly, and neighbors are also wary of Fossey.

Hera is the little girl who has just moved in downstairs from Fossey. Children's minds are always purer than adults, and they will not easily divide people into three, six, nine, and so on.

Because of his ugly looks, he was reported by the neighbors to the police, born as a human, why did someone use his appearance to decide the three views

Hera, who had never made friends before, often played with Fossey, telling Himsy, "My dad thinks you're weird, but I don't think so." ”

Because of his ugly looks, he was reported by the neighbors to the police, born as a human, why did someone use his appearance to decide the three views
Because of his ugly looks, he was reported by the neighbors to the police, born as a human, why did someone use his appearance to decide the three views

However, every time Hera was found by her father with Fossey, her father would look nervous and take her home, looking at Fossie's eyes as if he were looking at a flood beast.

Because of his ugly looks, he was reported by the neighbors to the police, born as a human, why did someone use his appearance to decide the three views

Finally, one day, after Fursey took her out for a ride home at Hera's request, she was greeted by the police called by Hera's father.

Because of his ugly looks, he was reported by the neighbors to the police, born as a human, why did someone use his appearance to decide the three views

He denounced Fossey for assaulting a young girl.

A piece of sincerity, but in exchange for a question of personality.

Not only the girl's father, but even the nearby boy who played sports cars in the yard downstairs with Fossey would also be called home by his parents.

Because of his ugly looks, he was reported by the neighbors to the police, born as a human, why did someone use his appearance to decide the three views

Because of his obesity, Fossey was denied the right to make friends.

Three, the wavering girlfriend

Adult Fusi will be rejected by his peer parents, and the situation as a teenager can be imagined.

So even though he's been alive for 40 years, Fossey has never talked about a girlfriend.

Because of his ugly looks, he was reported by the neighbors to the police, born as a human, why did someone use his appearance to decide the three views
Because of his ugly looks, he was reported by the neighbors to the police, born as a human, why did someone use his appearance to decide the three views

It wasn't until his mom's boyfriend gave him a dance lesson as a birthday present on his birthday that he met Hugh.

The first time Hughes saw Fussy, she thought he was a perverted killer who stalked women, and even after Fursey sent her home, she couldn't help but tease: "Thank you for not killing me." ”

Because of his ugly looks, he was reported by the neighbors to the police, born as a human, why did someone use his appearance to decide the three views
Because of his ugly looks, he was reported by the neighbors to the police, born as a human, why did someone use his appearance to decide the three views

But soon she discovered that beneath Fossey's fat body was a kind soul.

Hughes had made it clear to Fossie that she had no feelings for him, but when she suffered a depression attack, Fossie still guarded her without complaint, learning to cook for her, cleaning her room, and even working for her to help her keep her job.

Because of his ugly looks, he was reported by the neighbors to the police, born as a human, why did someone use his appearance to decide the three views

Fossey's gentleness impressed Hughes, and she finally nodded her head to associate with Fossey, even inviting Fossey to move into her house.

But on the day of the move, Hughes regretted it, she always had only gratitude for Fossey, and she never liked the person she had considered a pervert.

Because of his ugly looks, he was reported by the neighbors to the police, born as a human, why did someone use his appearance to decide the three views

In this way, Fossey returned to the status of being single.

Because of his ugly looks, he was reported by the neighbors to the police, born as a human, why did someone use his appearance to decide the three views

Still the problem? Is Fossi bad? Of course not, he loves his colleagues, treats his neighbors well, and takes care of his girlfriend in every way, but just because he is fat and bald, everyone turns a blind eye to his kindness.

Because of his ugly looks, he was reported by the neighbors to the police, born as a human, why did someone use his appearance to decide the three views

People should not be disguised, this is the old saying of the ancestors, I hope we all do not forget this sentence, be kind to every kind soul around us.

Text/Pippi Film Editorial Department: Miyasuke

© Original 丨 Article Copyright: Ppdianying

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