
Movie Community丨 Ten school bullying movies, it is recommended that parents and students watch them together

author:Movie Community Ya

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Movie Community丨 Ten school bullying movies, it is recommended that parents and students watch them together

In recent years, in the mainstream media reports in China, there have been reports of "campus bullying", and the number is gradually increasing. Along with the occurrence of campus bullying incidents, as well as the hype and exposure of online media. Finally, it attracted the attention of the public to campus bullying, and began to take this cruel thing seriously. Campus violence has always been a topic of close attention in society. Things like this are happening in many places.

Today, the mayor recommends ten Douban high-scoring school violence movies, which are designed to make us pay attention to such problems and learn to avoid such situations from happening again.

Movie Community丨 Ten school bullying movies, it is recommended that parents and students watch them together

The movie "Confession" is not a Japanese pure beauty love, but a shocking exposure of the darkness and unconventionality of human nature, Tetsuya Nakajima's presentation of what is "evil" is so cruel and thought-provoking, the interweaving of slow motion and aesthetic pictures is to break all the good, crime and punishment with violence to fight violence Extreme rendering, dark demons create the best horror.

Movie Community丨 Ten school bullying movies, it is recommended that parents and students watch them together

Society is like this, I am stronger than you, I can ride on your head, in today's highly developed human civilization, how many "earthworms" still care about struggling to survive.

Movie Community丨 Ten school bullying movies, it is recommended that parents and students watch them together

What catches people's hearts the most in the film is the personality charm of the protagonist stuttering teacher. The teachers in the village did not regard their flaws as negative things, but instead laboriously said the most valuable things in a choppy way, and did their best to say the most sincere words to the students. Where he is clumsy and persistent, where his words and deeds seem extreme at first glance, are the valuable points of his adherence to his authenticity.

Movie Community丨 Ten school bullying movies, it is recommended that parents and students watch them together

Using almost realistic cinematic language, the film sharply unveils the violence that pervades the campus. The audience is shocked by every bloody scene in the film: dripping dung, knocking on the brain, fists and sticks are added to the blur of flesh and blood, resulting in the danger of life. In addition to the school violence itself, the shock of the film to the audience is that the attitude of the school to the violence is so indulgent and laissez-faire that it is often difficult for the audience to accept such a plot.

Movie Community丨 Ten school bullying movies, it is recommended that parents and students watch them together

The excellent music of "All About Lily Week" makes people feel more uncomfortable and depressed, and almost a little resentful of Shunji Iwai's cruelty, he pushes the ugliest side of human nature to us, violence, masturbation, and physical trade. The young child seems to be a little beast full of wounds, but still showing a fierce light--struggling, vicious.

Movie Community丨 Ten school bullying movies, it is recommended that parents and students watch them together

Ben X is a story about games, about addiction, about getting lost. The film skillfully and realistically integrates the real world and game scenes, which resonates with many game lovers and evokes many deep feelings in their days of indulging in games.

Movie Community丨 Ten school bullying movies, it is recommended that parents and students watch them together

In a sense, men are animals that use hormone rise and fall indicators as their physiological cycle. The so-called youth is nothing more than the days and nights that we consume between textbooks and rules, so the admiration of violence and rebellion against the system are often prone to the most instinctive resonance. If you have not completely fallen into the middle-aged mentality, then enjoying this "Hot Blood College" will inevitably not make you feel nostalgic for the past years of venting hormones with your fists.

Movie Community丨 Ten school bullying movies, it is recommended that parents and students watch them together

If society does not give him a just result, give him justice. In the future, the bully will only become more rampant and do whatever he wants. At that time, there will be no next small Morimi volunteers. Silence is an accomplice. Remember, there are no bystanders in school violence, you are either a victim or an abuser.

Movie Community丨 Ten school bullying movies, it is recommended that parents and students watch them together

"The Cruel History of Horse Porridge Street" is a Korean film that pays tribute to Bruce Lee, with a strong Bruce Lee feeling, the shot of the teenager watching Bruce Lee in the movie theater is very old-fashioned, the story of a group of Korean teenagers who love Bruce Lee, although cruel, is kind because of Bruce Lee, and the double stick battle at the end of the film is also very exciting.

Movie Community丨 Ten school bullying movies, it is recommended that parents and students watch them together

"Blue Youth" has a rich youth style, a strong visual impact, a profound connotation, a decadent atmosphere, its unique violent aesthetic and black humor style, and is a rare and superior work in Japanese youth films.

How many of the above ten school violence movies have you seen? Have you experienced violence in schools? Welcome to leave a message to discuss!

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