
Every interview - "paranoid" Zhang Hanyu: We are born to be a grandfather, and the grandfathers must have the appearance of grandfathers

author:National Business Daily

Every film and television reporter Ding Zhouyang

The 52-year-old Zhang Hanyu plays an anti-drug police officer in the play - confident and courageous when performing tasks, sometimes even a little self-righteous, when encountering operational setbacks, he will swear harshly, the relationship between husband and wife has long been broken, but the daughter's photo has always been on the body...

Compared with the current hot "fancy beautiful men" and "small fresh meat", Zhang Hanyu's screen image is completely different. In fact, whether it is the stubborn and tragic sniper in the war blockbuster "The Gathering", the hidden bandit captain in "The Sound of the Wind", or Yang Zirong, who is also good and evil in "Wise Tiger Mountain", Zhang Hanyu left the impression of an iron-blooded hero to the audience.

Some people think that he always plays the same, but carefully observing Zhang Hanyu's growth background, Zhang Hanyu, who grew up in the army compound in the 60s, has a family feud and national integrity that he has heard and naturally developed. "People ask me what's most important? I say patriotism is the most important. Some people who hear this think that you have a brain disease, pretending to be a wolf with a big tail. But that's what I really thought. ”

"Drama is born from the heart" is really a bit of a truth. Perhaps in the final analysis, he plays what he believes in and what he loves deeply.

Ten years of dubbing career

Acting is "crooked"

Zhang Hanyu's Star Road is not a "grassroots struggle history". His father was a cinematographer at the Bayi Film Studio, and later transferred to the Beijing Science Film Studio.

Every interview - "paranoid" Zhang Hanyu: We are born to be a grandfather, and the grandfathers must have the appearance of grandfathers

Zhang Hanyu (Douban/Photo)

Later, I learned that my father was actually "very good", and he had done difficult technical work such as underwater shooting decades ago. But in childhood, the father's love made the boy feel heavy and bound. "The street where I lived when I was a kid was full of movie theaters, and I was a fan of watching movies, but my dad forced me to study math all day, and when Chen Jingrun was there, he knew that when I watched movies, I had to be beaten." Zhang Hanyu recalled the influence of his family on him on many occasions.

However, Zhang Hanyu's love for wenshi is also because of his father. A film and television worker who has worked with Zhang Hanyu told the reporter of Every Film and Television (WeChat: meijingyingshi) that Zhang Hanyu likes the revolutionary romanticism in Mao Zedong's poems the most.

"Once during a break in filming, Leng Buding heard him recite Mao Zedong's poems in large sections, and I was shocked, there are really not many actors with this kind of literary and historical accumulation."

Boys in the 1960s, the head of the army, the movies at that time were mostly anti-fascist themes. Grow up a little more, watch tough guy movies like Marlon Brando, Ken Takakura, and Alandron. The yearning for soldiers and the worship of iron-blooded tough men naturally planted seeds in Zhang Hanyu's young heart.

Zhang Hanyu loves the movie "Pursuit" played by Ken Takakura, and the Chinese voice in the movie also fascinated him. "Duchu, you see, what a blue sky it is—walk past and you'll melt in the blue sky." Zhang Hanyu still blurts out the lines in "The Hunt".

Zhang Hanyu likes to imitate the voice of dubbing master Qiu Yuefeng. With the help of chance, under the recommendation of the CCTV announcer, when he was in middle school, Zhang Hanyu sent a box of his own dubbed tapes to the TV station. Because the tone is slightly vicissitudes, as a teenager, he voices a middle-aged man in his 50s, and is favored by CCTV.

I didn't expect dubbing to be something that happened. Before being admitted to the Acting Department of the Central Academy of Drama in 1984, Zhang Hanyu was already a professional voice actor, and famous films such as "Here the Dawn Is Quiet", "Three Thousand Miles of Motherhood", "The Silence of the Lamb", "Troy" and other famous films have his voice, and he has gradually honed into a famous role in dubbing. Dubbing this line, one decade.

Therefore, Zhang Hanyu feels that compared to dubbing, being an actor is a "crooked and upright" thing.

Compared with the water to do dubbing, Zhang Hanyu's timing as an actor is not so smooth. Even after graduating from the acting department, he did not immediately start acting.

At the end of the 1980s, the "tide of going abroad" surged across the country, and Zhang Hanyu went to Australia to study with the trend of the times. He then worked as a white-collar worker at a company in the United States. I have also tried to do business, and I am an agent in the truck business in the United States, and I am circling between customers every day.

But Zhang Hanyu still feels that his hobbies and ambitions are not in business. "It's not fun to make money." In a 2009 interview with Global People, Zhang Hanyu said, "Later, I caught up with the Asian financial crisis and lost everything. ”

After returning to China, Zhang Hanyu's urgent mood was to act. But the TV series he acted in were tepid, he played a lot of supporting actors in movies, and the output was not large, so he insisted on it in the acting industry, and this state was maintained for another ten years.

"I knew I was Yang Zirong,

I'm going to act out anything."

Ten years of dubbing, ten years of supporting roles.

Zhang Hanyu and Feng Xiaogang are good friends, and he often makes cameos in Feng Xiaogang's movies. "Endless", "Big Names", "Mobile Phones", "No Thieves in the World"... By the beginning of 2000, in Feng Xiaogang's annual New Year films, Zhang Han had been "lurking" as a supporting role for 8 years.

"I have known Feng Xiaogang for 10 years, are very good friends, and have never mentioned to him the protagonist of any Chinese New Year film to let me come." Zhang Hanyu told the "Southern People Weekly" reporter, "All aspects are mature, "The Gathering Number" is just right, this role is more suitable for me, I just went to fight with Xiao Gang for the male lead for the first time. Zhang Hanyu said that he was very able to entertain himself and be satisfied, there were plays and work, and the feeling of unsatisfactory ambition when he returned to China for a year quickly faded.

In 2007, Zhang Hanyu, who was over 40 years old, played the male lead for the first time, playing Gu Zidi in Feng Xiaogang's "Gathering Number". Nearly 30 years of accumulation, so that Zhang Hanyu ushered in his own big outbreak. "The Gathering Number" broke the box office of 200 million yuan, which was a very high box office achievement in that year.

In 2008, Zhang Hanyu almost won the Chinese Film Awards with the role of Gu Zidi, including the Best Actor Award at the 45th Taiwan Film Golden Horse Awards.

Every interview - "paranoid" Zhang Hanyu: We are born to be a grandfather, and the grandfathers must have the appearance of grandfathers

"Assemblage" has a score of 7.8 points on Douban

The British newspapers The Times and The Sun selected the 100 best films of 2008, and "The Gathering" ranked 5th, commenting: This is the best and most touching war epic since "Saving Private Ryan".

Zhang Hanyu said that he did not use his acting skills, but used his life to interpret the "valley land".

Zhang Hanyu performed Guzidi's stubbornness, stubbornness, stubbornness, and recognition of death: if the rallying trumpet is not blown, even if the last person is left, he must persist; after the end of the war, he will not allow the teammates who died in the war to disappear into obscurity.

The integrity of Guzidi was something that Zhang Hanyu was convinced of. He and Gu Zidi become one, unable to get out of the role for a long time, and even rely on sleeping pills to fall asleep. All kinds of honors added to the body, Zhang Hanyu was aggrieved for the valley. "All the grievances were given to Gu Zidi, and all the applause was given to Zhang Hanyu."

Every interview - "paranoid" Zhang Hanyu: We are born to be a grandfather, and the grandfathers must have the appearance of grandfathers

Zhang Hanyu played Lian Changguzidi in "The Gathering Number"

Even in the new version of the 2011 series "Water Margin", Zhang Hanyu played Song Jiang, a controversial "surrender faction", Zhang Hanyu's interpretation is more benevolent and "leprosy", less indecisive. For Zhang Hanyu, Song Jiang also has something to make him agree.

After the popularity of "Mekong Action", many media also asked Zhang Hanyu if he would mind playing a bad guy. Zhang Hanyu frankly accepted playing a villain, but there was a humanity in the role that he could understand. "For example, the murderer of the silver murder case, I don't think I can play it, I can't understand it."

Every interview - "paranoid" Zhang Hanyu: We are born to be a grandfather, and the grandfathers must have the appearance of grandfathers

Stills from Operation Mekong

I don't know if it is hindered by love, whether it is Andy Lau or Liang Chaohui, film emperors have not acted in "bad movies" in recent years. However, the evaluation of Zhang Hanyu on Douban is a "zero bad film" actor, the pace is not fast, but he cherishes his feathers very much.

He didn't meet the right role, and he was willing to wait. When encountering favorite characters, Zhang Hanyu is domineering.

"For example, in "Wise Tiger Mountain", I began to play Yang Zirong at the age of 5, dressing myself every day, and I waited for the role of Yang Zirong for 45 years! Say anything to act, only I can act! ”

It just so happens that xu Ke, the director of the movie "Wise Tiger Mountain", is also a paranoid person. Zhang Hanyu recalled: "Xu Ke said that this year can not be filmed, the script is not good, another year is not good, after three times of preparation for shooting three times to give up, millions of yuan of scenes set up and demolished. If there is no breakthrough and innovation, he would rather not shoot. ”

Every interview - "paranoid" Zhang Hanyu: We are born to be a grandfather, and the grandfathers must have the appearance of grandfathers

Zhang Hanyu played Yang Zirong in "Wise Tiger Mountain"

For all the stars, directors, and company tycoons who claim to make movies their careers, it's wise to slow down.

Before the arrival of "fate", it is better not to be famous, and less infamy and notoriety. A little more paranoia, not so easily changed by the environment, but better.

The "main theme" sold well, nothing more than two words: walking the heart; four words: emotional communion

Every film and television: "Mekong Action" achieved a double harvest at the box office and word of mouth. What drew you to this scene in the first place?

Zhang Hanyu: First of all, I would like to thank the fans for their support, now the box office has exceeded 700 million yuan, which shows that the audience still likes the works with sincerity, and also shows that as long as the film is seriously filmed and filmed well, there is no need to worry about box office and word of mouth.

I took on this play for three main reasons. First, because the "Mekong Case" is a case that every Chinese should remember, our countrymen were framed and killed on the river in a foreign country, and our country stood up at a critical moment to seek justice for them, which is a very meaningful and very memorable historical event.

As a filmmaker, it is our responsibility to record this matter in the way of a movie; second, the director of this film is Lin Chaoxian, he is a very serious, very dedicated and very dare to fight a person, I like to work with such a person, I also believe that he can make a "Mekong Action" beyond our imagination, and he did; the third is that every staff member in front of and behind the scenes of this film is very professional and very rigorous, they make me believe that I will never regret taking this play. It's a real shame to miss it.

Per Film: What is the biggest challenge for you in Operation Mekong? Looking back now, is there anything in this play that makes you feel sorry?

Zhang Hanyu: The biggest challenge is that I was trained as an "action actor" by the director. Although I usually exercise a lot, I am definitely not good when it comes to actual combat, and I am quite afraid of slapping scenes, because there is really no such foundation. But you had to do it for the sake of the character, so I went to get professional combat training. Practice guns during the day, practice close combat, and go to the gym at night to practice physical fitness.

When it was time for the actual shooting, I was carrying a piece of equipment and running with the dog... Shooting this scene was a big test for my physical fitness, coordination and psychology, and several times I felt that I was almost unable to bear it. But looking back now, I think the process is still worth revisiting.

Every interview - "paranoid" Zhang Hanyu: We are born to be a grandfather, and the grandfathers must have the appearance of grandfathers

To say regret, it may be because of the limitations of the film length, many of the wonderful scenes we made did not appear in the movie in the end, but it is said that the director will release them through other forms later, so everyone will still see it when the time comes.

Every Film& TV: Your first film-related job was as a voice actor, why did you start with this behind-the-scenes job instead of an actor? Why did you turn from behind the scenes to the front of the stage? What's the biggest takeaway from your ten-year dubbing career?

Zhang Hanyu: It is also because I like dubbing and have this sound condition, so it is natural to do it, in contrast, it is crooked to act later. I think the biggest help of dubbing to acting is that it helps you find and get into the state of the character. Because dubbing is to use your voice to create a character, it is very helpful for grasping the mood and personality characteristics of the character.

Every film and television: from "The Gathering", "Wise Tiger Mountain" to "Mekong Action", the themes of these films that you have impressed are very "main theme", but they are not boring and do not preach to make people feel very good. What do you think is the key point of the harmonious combination of the "main theme" theme and commercial box office?

Zhang Hanyu: Everyone feels that the main melody is outdated, I think it is mainly because the understanding of the main melody is still stuck in the past, in fact, the main melody is constantly updated with the development of the times, and different eras have different main themes.

What is our main theme now? Positive three views, anti-bullying, believe in justice, fight crime, do you say this is outdated? I don't think so. Because it is in line with the mood and education level of most people. When you do this, it will naturally resonate with everyone.

Therefore, I think that the harmonious combination of the "main theme" theme and commercial popularity is nothing more than two words: walking the heart; four words: emotional communion.

Every film and television: In recent years, the screen image you presented to the audience is fixed on the iron-blooded tough guy with deep love, for what reason do you frequently encounter such characters?

Zhang Hanyu: What do you say, we are born to be a grandfather, and the grandfathers must have the appearance of the grandfathers!

Every time the film and television: the hero's role has been played so much, will you feel a little single, want to change the taste?

Zhang Hanyu: When you meet interesting characters, you will also want to try it, literary films, villains, as long as the story and characters are enough to attract me, it is not exclusive.

Every film and television: Douban sealed you as a "zero bad film" actor, how can your vision of selecting films be so good? What are the criteria for the purpose of the option?

Zhang Hanyu: First of all, I still have to thank the fans for their love. To tell the truth, as an actor, many times you are waiting for others to choose you, so you have to do your part well first, and let people see that you have a variety of possibilities. In this way, you will have more room to choose and be chosen, and there will be more and more opportunities to meet good characters in good films.

But sometimes, when you meet a good role, you also have to know how to fight hard, such as Yang Zirong in "Wise Tiger Mountain", I knew at the beginning that I had to act, I was sure to play well, how many years I thought about it! I'm ready to fight for it again, so I'll have that opportunity.

Every film and television: in the human society, how to reject bad films?

Zhang Hanyu: If you can refuse, you can't refuse or try to forget, you all know that it is a bad film.

Every film and television: Netizens commented that you are "as temperamental as bamboo", and you can withstand loneliness and noise. In the current environment of quick success, how to maintain your not-so-fast work rhythm and artistic persistence?

Zhang Hanyu: I think it depends on what you pursue, I am not a person who has requirements for fame and fortune, so I don't have to deliberately maintain anything, those things can't attract me, let's act steadily, just do what we should do. Nothing has been done well, and it is useless to pull anything else.

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