
Love, very simple

author:Slowly in time

Years go by, through the wind and rain, through the splendid, through the plain, the beauty in the memory, is the shallow, faint, pure love. I have cried, laughed, hurt, laughed from the heart, and the pain that arises from the bottom of my heart, are gone, and I have loved them all.

I love that metaphor about love. What is love? Love is a rose that blossoms on the tip of the heart.

Love, very simple

Love is the most beautiful gift and gift from God.

At that time, the breath of spring gradually became stronger, and the warm sun hit the new leaves of the sycamore, and the eyes were emerald green and gentle. Jay Chou's "Simple Love" rippled on the campus, and the cheerful and beautiful melody was quietly imprinted into the heart.

"I want to announce out loud that I'm so attached to you that even my next-door neighbors can guess how I feel right now."

"I want to take you back to my grandmother's house and watch the sunset together until we all fall asleep, and I want to hold your hand like this and not let go"

"I want to take you on a bike, I want to watch baseball with you, like this without worrying about singing and going all the way"

Love is so simple and beautiful, just want to be with you, want to take you to do everything I like, you watch me play, cheer for me. I want to take your hand and introduce you to my loved ones. I want to sit quietly by the river, watching the sunset, watching the afterglow, watching the breeze blowing your long hair.

You are the most beautiful tenderness in my heart.

Love, very simple

Full of expectations and longings, how eager to have such a pure love. Finally, in the beautiful season, the age of the first opening of the love sinus, love as promised. Soft heart, full of anticipation, eager to meet, eager to be together, how you wish you were the only focus of his eyes.

However, love is not always joyful.

Walk through the intense and hot summer and usher in the autumn with falling leaves. Your eyebrows are always melancholy, and your love enters the rainy season. You wander around the campus, and the lights stretch your lonely back. Gossip like this cooling autumn wind follows you, and your mind is haunted by his happy laughter with others. The song "Lonely Season" sings into your heart with the wind, a lonely place.

"The wind blew down the last leaf, and my heart drifted with snow. Love can only be stacked in the memories for the next season."

"Suddenly the treetops are blooming, how can I not feel it"

"The whole street is full of people in love, I walk alone in the warm and windy night"

"I want to say goodbye to the past, when the seasons keep changing. But still a little less determined."

It turns out that we will not meet the right person at the beginning, maybe there is no love, but the simple heart still pays silently, implicated in the continuous feelings of renunciation. That's a satisfaction with dependency.

You can't do it resolutely.

Love, very simple

It will eventually end a relationship, and only then will you know the unspeakable taste of it.

It is said that the first love is like a dry wood fire, which will ignite when touched, and the raging fire will soon burn out. Second love, like burned carbon, does not ignite easily, but once ignited, it burns for a long time. The third love is like ashes, and there is no possibility of igniting.

Finally the wind is light, and you stand at the end of the season reminiscing about the past. I think of Karen Mok's "Love".

"Do you remember the hot summer of memories, scattered in the wind has evaporated, and the noise has been hoarse"

"We learn many sayings to hide the scars we don't touch."

"If I hadn't loved you, I wouldn't have lost myself, the thorn of miss, nailed to my place. Because you always remind that although I get the world, some happiness is not mine."

Don't easily hurt a person in love, whether right or wrong, you will eventually become the one who is hurt.

However, even if the pain is more, even if it is the low point of life you have experienced, you are still grateful, you have tasted all kinds of tastes of love, and there is a sense of heaviness in the stacked memories.

Maybe you are experiencing the sweetness of a love, maybe you are in the pain of losing love and can't help yourself, but no matter what, please cherish everything you are experiencing, because the later ordinary life will make you miss.