
5020 Outrage Beyond (2012)Yin Outrage 3 Outrage Final Chapter (2017)Hakurai Yin Yin Hakurai Shadow. With the support of the Association, the More Favorable Original Texts provided by the Self-Association

author:White film review
5020 Outrage Beyond (2012)Yin Outrage 3 Outrage Final Chapter (2017)Hakurai Yin Yin Hakurai Shadow. With the support of the Association, the More Favorable Original Texts provided by the Self-Association
5020 Outrage Beyond (2012)Yin Outrage 3 Outrage Final Chapter (2017)Hakurai Yin Yin Hakurai Shadow. With the support of the Association, the More Favorable Original Texts provided by the Self-Association

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Text/Mr. Bai Lai

Figure/from the network

5020 Outrage Beyond (2012)Yin Outrage 3 Outrage Final Chapter (2017)Hakurai Yin Yin Hakurai Shadow. With the support of the Association, the More Favorable Original Texts provided by the Self-Association

I have to admit that the style of the film directed/supervised by Takeshi Kitano has changed.

Become depressed, stiff, and heartless.

The youth of "Bad Boy Sky", the innocence of "Kikujiro's Summer", the romance in "Hanabi", the purity of "That Year's Summer, the Sea of Ninghai", the fantasy of "Humpback City", the dream of "Achilles and the Turtle"...

These things, which should be listed as beautiful things no matter how they are evaluated, have all been destroyed in Kitano's recent trilogy of "Extremely Evil and Non-Taoist", and there is not a single trace of abandonment left.

"Extremely Evil Non-Dao" is a four-in-one that Kitano Takeshi self-wrote, self-directed, self-acted, and self-cut.

It is still a minimalist aesthetic of violence.

Just like an old man, reading all the fireworks in the world, all kinds of women, there are no waves in his heart, only the idea of being as strong as iron, and the old and spicy means.

5020 Outrage Beyond (2012)Yin Outrage 3 Outrage Final Chapter (2017)Hakurai Yin Yin Hakurai Shadow. With the support of the Association, the More Favorable Original Texts provided by the Self-Association

As everyone knows, Kitano Takeshi never used prop guns, only real guns.

5020 Outrage Beyond (2012)Yin Outrage 3 Outrage Final Chapter (2017)Hakurai Yin Yin Hakurai Shadow. With the support of the Association, the More Favorable Original Texts provided by the Self-Association

"Extremely Evil 3" is such a movie.

This time, the character "Otomo" played by Takeshi Kitano died, and "Extremely Evil Non-Dao 3" can be said to be a masterpiece.

Yakuza means "underworld" in Japanese, and the main actors in Extremely Evil 3 are old men, which can be said to be a party at Old School Yakuza.

From another point of view, the old men of these gangs are very similar to Japan's "Sengoku Period", where careerists are competing with each other, and the heroes are born, and they are good at using tricks, and they are black and white.

5020 Outrage Beyond (2012)Yin Outrage 3 Outrage Final Chapter (2017)Hakurai Yin Yin Hakurai Shadow. With the support of the Association, the More Favorable Original Texts provided by the Self-Association

But people will always grow old and die, just like the cherry blossoms will always fall, and it is impossible to say that anyone who survives in the movie dies in reality.

Therefore, when Takeshi Kitano, Toshiyuki Nishida, Andi Mifumi were alive, it was also excellent to finish this series.

5020 Outrage Beyond (2012)Yin Outrage 3 Outrage Final Chapter (2017)Hakurai Yin Yin Hakurai Shadow. With the support of the Association, the More Favorable Original Texts provided by the Self-Association

The aging Takeshi Kitano (as the character Otomo)

5020 Outrage Beyond (2012)Yin Outrage 3 Outrage Final Chapter (2017)Hakurai Yin Yin Hakurai Shadow. With the support of the Association, the More Favorable Original Texts provided by the Self-Association

The aging Toshiyuki Nishida (as Nishino)

5020 Outrage Beyond (2012)Yin Outrage 3 Outrage Final Chapter (2017)Hakurai Yin Yin Hakurai Shadow. With the support of the Association, the More Favorable Original Texts provided by the Self-Association

Aging Shiomi Mitsu province (as nakata)

5020 Outrage Beyond (2012)Yin Outrage 3 Outrage Final Chapter (2017)Hakurai Yin Yin Hakurai Shadow. With the support of the Association, the More Favorable Original Texts provided by the Self-Association
5020 Outrage Beyond (2012)Yin Outrage 3 Outrage Final Chapter (2017)Hakurai Yin Yin Hakurai Shadow. With the support of the Association, the More Favorable Original Texts provided by the Self-Association

Compare Nishida Toshiyuki (as Nishino) and Mitsufu Shiomi (as Nakata) in Part 2

5020 Outrage Beyond (2012)Yin Outrage 3 Outrage Final Chapter (2017)Hakurai Yin Yin Hakurai Shadow. With the support of the Association, the More Favorable Original Texts provided by the Self-Association
5020 Outrage Beyond (2012)Yin Outrage 3 Outrage Final Chapter (2017)Hakurai Yin Yin Hakurai Shadow. With the support of the Association, the More Favorable Original Texts provided by the Self-Association

Comparison of Toshiyuki Nishida (as Nishino) and Mitsufumi Shiomi (as Nakata) in Part 3

Let's take a good look back at what the trilogy tells.

From the first part:

<h1>极恶 Outrage (2010)</h1>

5020 Outrage Beyond (2012)Yin Outrage 3 Outrage Final Chapter (2017)Hakurai Yin Yin Hakurai Shadow. With the support of the Association, the More Favorable Original Texts provided by the Self-Association
5020 Outrage Beyond (2012)Yin Outrage 3 Outrage Final Chapter (2017)Hakurai Yin Yin Hakurai Shadow. With the support of the Association, the More Favorable Original Texts provided by the Self-Association
5020 Outrage Beyond (2012)Yin Outrage 3 Outrage Final Chapter (2017)Hakurai Yin Yin Hakurai Shadow. With the support of the Association, the More Favorable Original Texts provided by the Self-Association

In 2010, Ikemoto, the leader of the Ikemoto Group who is part of the Leading Gang Mountain King's Guild in the Kanto Region, was married to Murase, the leader of the Murase Group, in prison.

5020 Outrage Beyond (2012)Yin Outrage 3 Outrage Final Chapter (2017)Hakurai Yin Yin Hakurai Shadow. With the support of the Association, the More Favorable Original Texts provided by the Self-Association

Pool elements

5020 Outrage Beyond (2012)Yin Outrage 3 Outrage Final Chapter (2017)Hakurai Yin Yin Hakurai Shadow. With the support of the Association, the More Favorable Original Texts provided by the Self-Association


The president of the Sanno Society, on the one hand, coveted Murase's territory and drug business, and on the other hand, he was wary of his subordinate Ikemoto, so he plotted to kill two birds with one stone.

At the behest of Yamano Kaiwato and Kato, Ikemoto orders his Otomo group to challenge the Murase group, with whom he has a deep friendship.

5020 Outrage Beyond (2012)Yin Outrage 3 Outrage Final Chapter (2017)Hakurai Yin Yin Hakurai Shadow. With the support of the Association, the More Favorable Original Texts provided by the Self-Association

Sannokai Wakama, Kato

Otomo's (Takeshi Kitano) attacks defeat Murase.

Mizuno and Ishihara of the Otomo group opened a casino at an African embassy, and the money was rolling in.

5020 Outrage Beyond (2012)Yin Outrage 3 Outrage Final Chapter (2017)Hakurai Yin Yin Hakurai Shadow. With the support of the Association, the More Favorable Original Texts provided by the Self-Association


After eating the "Muratse Group", the president of the YamanoKai provoked Ikemoto's subordinates Ozawa and Otomo to blackmail Ikemoto.

5020 Outrage Beyond (2012)Yin Outrage 3 Outrage Final Chapter (2017)Hakurai Yin Yin Hakurai Shadow. With the support of the Association, the More Favorable Original Texts provided by the Self-Association

Left: Mizuno Right: Ozawa

However, when his plot succeeds, he himself becomes part of the plot, and he is killed by his own Wakasato, Kato.

After the chaotic battle, the Mountain King would fall behind Kato, and Otomo's former younger brother Ishihara also became the second in command by relying on this conspiracy.

Part II:


5020 Outrage Beyond (2012)Yin Outrage 3 Outrage Final Chapter (2017)Hakurai Yin Yin Hakurai Shadow. With the support of the Association, the More Favorable Original Texts provided by the Self-Association
5020 Outrage Beyond (2012)Yin Outrage 3 Outrage Final Chapter (2017)Hakurai Yin Yin Hakurai Shadow. With the support of the Association, the More Favorable Original Texts provided by the Self-Association
5020 Outrage Beyond (2012)Yin Outrage 3 Outrage Final Chapter (2017)Hakurai Yin Yin Hakurai Shadow. With the support of the Association, the More Favorable Original Texts provided by the Self-Association

Five years later, Kato, with ishihara's assistance, led the Sanno Society to extend its tentacles to the financial industry and politics, while the old-school cadres in the organization were ostracized and dissatisfied;

On the other hand, the cunning police officer Kataoka plots a sinister chess game of black making black.

5020 Outrage Beyond (2012)Yin Outrage 3 Outrage Final Chapter (2017)Hakurai Yin Yin Hakurai Shadow. With the support of the Association, the More Favorable Original Texts provided by the Self-Association

Left: Kataoka Right: Shigeta

Kataoka first instigated the Yamanokai cadre Tomita to make friends with the Hanabishi Society, the number one gang organization in Kansai;

5020 Outrage Beyond (2012)Yin Outrage 3 Outrage Final Chapter (2017)Hakurai Yin Yin Hakurai Shadow. With the support of the Association, the More Favorable Original Texts provided by the Self-Association


5020 Outrage Beyond (2012)Yin Outrage 3 Outrage Final Chapter (2017)Hakurai Yin Yin Hakurai Shadow. With the support of the Association, the More Favorable Original Texts provided by the Self-Association

Hanahikai, Left: Mizuno Right: Nakata

Kataoka then found Wakatomu Village, a murase group that had been destroyed by the Sannokai, and Yamanokai Daitomo, who was once rumored to have died tragically in prison.

5020 Outrage Beyond (2012)Yin Outrage 3 Outrage Final Chapter (2017)Hakurai Yin Yin Hakurai Shadow. With the support of the Association, the More Favorable Original Texts provided by the Self-Association


The two former enemies are not to blame and will take revenge on the Mountain King, who is controlled by Kato and Ishihara.

In the end, Kataoka's strategy of "driving away the tiger and swallowing the wolf" was successful, and the mountain king would quickly collapse, but the leader of Kimura was also killed by two henchmen sent by Kato.

The scheming man, Kataoka, was also killed by Otomo.

5020 Outrage Beyond (2012)Yin Outrage 3 Outrage Final Chapter (2017)Hakurai Yin Yin Hakurai Shadow. With the support of the Association, the More Favorable Original Texts provided by the Self-Association

Part III:

<h1>极恶恶恶 3 Outrage Final Chapter (2017)</h1>

5020 Outrage Beyond (2012)Yin Outrage 3 Outrage Final Chapter (2017)Hakurai Yin Yin Hakurai Shadow. With the support of the Association, the More Favorable Original Texts provided by the Self-Association

After shooting and killing the criminal police officer Kataoka, Otomo, under the protection of President Jang of South Korea, went to jeju island, but came into conflict with Hanada, a young man of the Hana linghui.

5020 Outrage Beyond (2012)Yin Outrage 3 Outrage Final Chapter (2017)Hakurai Yin Yin Hakurai Shadow. With the support of the Association, the More Favorable Original Texts provided by the Self-Association

President Zhang and Otomo

5020 Outrage Beyond (2012)Yin Outrage 3 Outrage Final Chapter (2017)Hakurai Yin Yin Hakurai Shadow. With the support of the Association, the More Favorable Original Texts provided by the Self-Association

Right: Flower field

At this time, Hanabishi will be led by the son-in-law of the former president, Nomura, and Nishino (Toshiyuki Nishida), the elder of Wakato, does not buy the account of the layman boss at all.

5020 Outrage Beyond (2012)Yin Outrage 3 Outrage Final Chapter (2017)Hakurai Yin Yin Hakurai Shadow. With the support of the Association, the More Favorable Original Texts provided by the Self-Association

The new president of the Hanabishi Association, Nomura

Therefore, Nomura conspired to kill two birds with one stone, and he wanted to use the "Jeju Island Incident" to get rid of Nishino and blame President Jang;

Nomura contacts the Kimura group and unites with the fallen Yamano to assassinate President Zhang, but the assassination fails.

At this time, kimura's group leader was Yoshioka.

Yamanokai's younger brother betrays kimura in front of Otomo's pistol, and Yoshioka is destroyed.

At this moment, Otomo, who was avenging his younger brother, also came to Tokyo with Ichikawa and others.

Otomo and Ichikawa blast nomura's head, the only building on the ground;

5020 Outrage Beyond (2012)Yin Outrage 3 Outrage Final Chapter (2017)Hakurai Yin Yin Hakurai Shadow. With the support of the Association, the More Favorable Original Texts provided by the Self-Association

Death of Nomura

They also went on a killing spree at the celebration of the cadres' release from prison, killing most of the members of the Hualing group.

5020 Outrage Beyond (2012)Yin Outrage 3 Outrage Final Chapter (2017)Hakurai Yin Yin Hakurai Shadow. With the support of the Association, the More Favorable Original Texts provided by the Self-Association


Otomo does not forget to find the two people who assassinated Kimura in Part 2, and although the two have quit the jianghu to become auto mechanics, Otomo still does not hesitate to kill them.

In the end, Otomo knew that President Zhang would also have to let him die, and Otomo chose to cut himself off.

5020 Outrage Beyond (2012)Yin Outrage 3 Outrage Final Chapter (2017)Hakurai Yin Yin Hakurai Shadow. With the support of the Association, the More Favorable Original Texts provided by the Self-Association

<h1>White to score</h1>

40 &lt; out of 50 &lt;: Good movie

50&lt; = 10 out of 60 &lt;: Don't miss out

60&lt; = Total score: Classic

5020 Outrage Beyond (2012)Yin Outrage 3 Outrage Final Chapter (2017)Hakurai Yin Yin Hakurai Shadow. With the support of the Association, the More Favorable Original Texts provided by the Self-Association
5020 Outrage Beyond (2012)Yin Outrage 3 Outrage Final Chapter (2017)Hakurai Yin Yin Hakurai Shadow. With the support of the Association, the More Favorable Original Texts provided by the Self-Association

Script (20 points): 16

Including story, shot, dialogue, editing, etc

Screen (10 points): 9

These include hue, exposure, and more

Performances (20 points): 17

Soundtrack (10 points): 5

A good soundtrack can do more with less

10 points: 10

Including after-viewing aftertaste, feelings, the willingness to repeat the viewing, etc

Market value (10 points): 3

Including the acceptance of the public, the degree of demand, etc

Total score (80 points): 16+9+17+5+10+3 = 60

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