
Alas, this piece is also too good to cry...

author:Cousin Movie

Today is March 14th, White Day.

The streets are filled with a sweet atmosphere that makes people want to fall in love. For couples who love to live their lives in a sense of ceremony, it may be a long time to look forward to today.

In order to meet the scene, today I will recommend a love movie with a good reputation.

On a day like this, taking your ta to the theater to experience a heartwarming high-sweet love may be the best gift you can give today!

"Five Feet of Heaven"

Alas, this piece is also too good to cry...

I don't know if you have heard of a deceased YouTube blogger, her name is Claire.

Unlike ordinary bloggers, Claire has suffered from congenital terminal illness since childhood, so her video content is mostly about her condition, because of her positive optimism, attracting the attention of many netizens.

Alas, this piece is also too good to cry...
Alas, this piece is also too good to cry...

Unfortunately, in September 2018, Claire died of lung transplant complications at the age of 21. Her YouTube channel hasn't been updated since.

Later, I heard someone say about her, that before she died, she did her best to turn her youth into a movie.

Therefore, I have been paying attention to this movie, but I didn't expect to really wait until it was released in China, which is the "Five Feet of Heaven" that I am talking about today.

Alas, this piece is also too good to cry...

On the first day of the screening, I went to the cinema to see it. Good quality. Because I read the news about Claire in advance, I felt even more sorry and very emotional.

Sadly, there are too few films in this film, and I checked it out—

On the first day of release, its proportion of the film schedule was not even 5%, and it fell below 3% in the next two days.

Because the time of the show is not selective at all, the attendance rate is not high, and the one I watched, there were only a dozen people sitting in the huge theater.

Looking at such a good film, only hundreds of thousands of box office every day, I am really unwilling.

It deserves more scheduling, it deserves to be seen by more people!

Alas, this piece is also too good to cry...

Let's start with the two high-value actors in the film.

The heroine, Hayley Lou Charleson, has deep eye sockets, is beautiful and lovely, and smiles so sweetly and sweetly.

She has starred in the youth comedy "The Edge of Growth" as the second female number, and the girl Who slept with her good girlfriend brother Christa.

Alas, this piece is also too good to cry...

In the crime film "Split" starring Professor X, she starred in the kidnapped little girl Claire, and the c position in the picture below is her.

There is also a small Easter egg hidden here, and no careful friends have found that the girl on its right hand side is Ann Y Taylor-Joy, the female lead of "Rear Wing Deserter".

Both girls are from small beauty to adulthood!

Alas, this piece is also too good to cry...

The male protagonist who starred with Hayley is Cole Sparks, who debuted as a child star, and I think people who like to watch American dramas must have seen him.

Because in the beloved drama "Friends" of countless people, he played Ross's son Ben.

Alas, this piece is also too good to cry...

After so many years, the child not only has not been disabled, but also his appearance has soared.

After watching a movie, I really have been handsome by him countless times.

Such a pair of handsome men and beautiful women starred in a youth pure love film, and the love scene should naturally be arranged.

Alas, this piece is also too good to cry...

In the film, Hayley and Cole play the heroine Stella and the male protagonist Will respectively, the two are a pair of lovely little couples, passionately in love, and the feelings are too good to be good.

When they are tired of being together, they often confess affectionately to a bunch of love words at every turn. Even if they just went for a walk together, they flew up happily, and there was love in their eyes.

Alas, this piece is also too good to cry...

Even when they're not together, they make several video calls a day.

The content of the chat is not a very urgent thing, but because they can't leave each other at all, the dog food is fed into tons, so that I in front of the screen received ten thousand critical hits.

However, if you look closely, you will find that the content of their video calls is very special.

Alas, this piece is also too good to cry...
Alas, this piece is also too good to cry...

Either watching the other person take medicine and intubating, or holding an oxygen inhaler in his hand.

The two people often had a tired look on their faces and scarred on their bodies.

Because in addition to lovers, they are also sick friends.

Alas, this piece is also too good to cry...

Both Stella and Will suffer from a genetic disorder called cystic fibrosis.

As of now, there is no cure for the disease. The condition can affect many organs in the body, with the lungs being the most severely affected.

Alas, this piece is also too good to cry...

Stella, for example, currently has half the function of a normal person's lung function and is still declining.

She was hospitalized for a long time, maintaining treatment while waiting for a suitable lung source to be transplanted in time.

Alas, this piece is also too good to cry...

Will's situation is even worse.

Compared to the average cystic fibrosis patient, he was infected with a more deadly bacterium called Onion For patients, infection with this bacterium is basically equivalent to being declared dead.

Even a lung transplant is useless, you can only continue to receive safe treatment, and then watch your body deteriorate day by day.

The only hope of survival is to participate in new drug experiments, which is why Will is hospitalized.

Alas, this piece is also too good to cry...

Staying in the hospital for a long time is very painful for patients with cystic fibrosis.

Because they are weak and can get sick at any time, they cannot go out.

In addition to enduring the pain of illness, they must also learn to endure loneliness. Patients like Stella and Cole have only a small living space on the hospital side.

Alas, this piece is also too good to cry...

Whenever friends are having a great time outside, Stella can only participate remotely through video calls, and she often says self-deprecatingly:

Just use the p-graph software to put yourself on P in the photo.

But even if she comforted herself so much, she would still show unconcealed envy and frustration.

Alas, this piece is also too good to cry...

Even more cruelly, people with cystic fibrosis also can't have contact with patients.

Patients with other diseases, if they can't go out, at least have the opportunity to sit face-to-face with patients in the ward and talk about their experience in fighting the disease, relieve time when they are bored, and hug each other when they are afraid.

However, patients with cystic fibrosis cannot.

Alas, this piece is also too good to cry...

Because the infected bacteria on their bodies are very contagious.

As long as the patients are close to each other, even a cough can be contagious, not to mention physical contact. And once the bacteria of the two people are cross-transmitted, not only the patient's lung transplant will be affected.

The most frightening thing is that it is possible to die at any time.

Alas, this piece is also too good to cry...

There was once a man and a woman who, like Stella and Will, fell in love in the hospital.

Nurse Barbara was moved by their love feelings, making them enjoy their love and be close and entangled.

In the end, both the man and the woman died.

Alas, this piece is also too good to cry...

Since then, hospitals have become more demanding on patients.

Patients must maintain a safe distance from each other.

This distance is not far, only 6 feet, which translates to only about 1.8 meters.

Enough to save your life, but also enough to separate two people who love each other...

Alas, this piece is also too good to cry...

The translation of this "Five Feet of Heaven" is "Falling in Love with You Who Can't Be Touched".

Although there is no poignant mood of the continental version, it seems to me to be more straightforward and more poignant.

Against the background of a safe distance of 6 feet, the patient with this disease is, in some ways, like a prisoner, imprisoned in an invisible cage.

Alas, this piece is also too good to cry...

Such is the case with Stella and Will.

They went from meeting each other to falling in love and never touching each other. Whether it's chatting, walking, or every date.

Even At his birthday party, Will had to be careful not to blow out even the candles.

Because once he blew out the candle, bacteria in his saliva would attach to the cake, putting Stella's life in danger.

Alas, this piece is also too good to cry...

In order to get closer to each other, Stella and Will did their best to have the courage to shorten the distance by one foot.

The boundaries were a five-foot-long billiard club, and the scene was like a sacred ritual.

The two men stood at opposite ends of the billiard club, staring at each other, but their hearts trembling.

Because no one knows what will happen after getting closer to this foot.

Alas, this piece is also too good to cry...

One foot, just 0.3 meters.

For an adult, it's just half a step away.

But for the lovers, it is the distance between life and death.

It's really not easy to be able to get so close to a loved one, and Stella and Will have given more love than their lives...

The moment I approached each other, not only them, but even I felt great comfort, it was really fairy love, sweet and sadistic, making me cry.

Alas, this piece is also too good to cry...
Alas, this piece is also too good to cry...

In a cherished love, the love between lovers to accompany each other is so deep.

Even if they still have to be five feet apart, as long as the two people's hearts rely on each other, it is as if they can hope for the future and no longer be lonely.

But unfortunately, no matter how hard love is, it can't resist the invasion of the disease, and a series of subsequent accidents catch Stella and Will off guard.

You said that in the face of life and death, this pair of people who love each other will not finally break through the distance of five feet...

Alas, this piece is also too good to cry...

Lin Xi once wrote a song called "Good Health".

Lyrics singing:

If you are more haggard than I am, how can you enjoy the taste of love?

I have also wasted my time, even recklessly to the point of seeing death, but because I fell in love with you, I began to yearn for a long life.

I think in this relationship, Stella and Will are in this state of mind from beginning to end.

Alas, this piece is also too good to cry...

Such two people can meet and love each other, and it is always impossible to meet.

Love is sometimes very narrow, just an emotional transmission between two people.

Just one sentence I love you, you love me can include all good feelings. As long as two people can be together, it is the best answer.

Alas, this piece is also too good to cry...

But sometimes, the meaning of love is very broad.

It can transcend the boundaries of life, or it can break free from the inhibitions that people in love must be together.

It will guide you to summon up the courage to find the dawn in the darkness, the beacon on the way forward, but it will also make you willing to give up everything and go alone.

Life cannot be disappointed, and so is love.

Life is such a long road, but there are often very few people who can be willing to love, so please be bold in love.

Take advantage of the fact that you can still touch the person you love, after watching this movie, please hug him and express your deep love for him

Alas, this piece is also too good to cry...

Life is short, don't waste it.

Alas, this piece is also too good to cry...

Finally, I would like to remind everyone to go to the theater to see this film and be sure to bring tissues with you.

I think that even if you are a hard-hearted person, you will inevitably be hit by this tear-jerking love!

People with low tear points, watching this film is really easy to cry!!!