
"Empire of One Country": How can a high school student become the prime minister of Japan? First, the student council president candidate ranks: second, the growth path of Akaba Teiichi: third, "build your own empire, so that no one can hinder me"

author:Crazy bee talk
"Empire of One Country": How can a high school student become the prime minister of Japan? First, the student council president candidate ranks: second, the growth path of Akaba Teiichi: third, "build your own empire, so that no one can hinder me"

Wen | Mizuki Fish Workshop

As a comic country, Japan will have many comic adaptations released every year, and with the emergence of comic adaptations, their quality is increasingly questioned by the audience. Cheap costume props, exaggerated and wordless pompous acting skills and unobtrusive dog blood plots have invisibly labeled Japanese manga adaptations as vulgar, and their box office performances have frequently declined.

However, the movie "Empire of One Country" adapted from the manga of the same name was released with word of mouth and praise, and the Douban score was as high as 8.1 points, which is already a good achievement for Japanese comic works.

"Empire of One Country": How can a high school student become the prime minister of Japan? First, the student council president candidate ranks: second, the growth path of Akaba Teiichi: third, "build your own empire, so that no one can hinder me"

The comedy film "Empire of One Country" tells the story of the elite Haidi High School in Japan during the Showa period, which has a rule that connects the campus to the official field: those who have been the student president of Haidi College will have the opportunity to compete for the throne of the Japanese prime minister in the future. Teichi Akaba, who began planning to run for student council president earlier than anyone else, will face unexpected pitfalls and trials. Fight each other to the death of the student president election war begins.

The film crushed the state and politics and added it to the "Haidi High School". This extreme "political university" almost vividly embodies the power game and self-deception between all countries and political parties.

Between the game of power, some people will do whatever it takes to gain their own interests, while others strategize and take charge of the overall situation. The struggle of politics is a struggle of hearts and minds, and anyone who falls into this torrent, although he is covered in mud, still fantasizes that he still has a noble character. How to skillfully use this psychology of theirs is the key to victory.

<h1 class = "pgc-h-arrow-right" >, student council president candidate rank:</h1>

In this "political university", the student council president candidates can be divided into three categories according to their election methods: first-class politicians - Morien Billion People, second-rate politicians - Big Eagle Bomb and Ice Room Roland, and third-rate politicians - Kikuma Togo. Third-rate politicians play conspiracies and covet small profits; second-rate politicians follow the trend and become justice, and first-rate politicians win the hearts and minds of the people and monopolize the overall situation.

1. Third-rate politician: Kikuma Togo

Togo Kikuma has always been an old enemy of Emperor Yi, bullying from an early age, loving to play small reports, love to play conspiracies and tricks, and good at gathering intelligence. Dongxiang, whose academic performance was not as good as Thatoichi's, was always compared by his father with Emperor Yi, who was excellent in all aspects, and deep down he was a confused teenager who grew up in an inferior and conceited mood.

"Empire of One Country": How can a high school student become the prime minister of Japan? First, the student council president candidate ranks: second, the growth path of Akaba Teiichi: third, "build your own empire, so that no one can hinder me"

During his years at Emperor High School, Togo Kikuma was a stumbling block to Teichi's success: in order to get Teichi punished by the seniors, Togo tried to cut the rope of the flag when Teichi raised the flag, which made Teichi ugly; in order to expel Teichi, Donggo deliberately told Roland Ikumuro, who was running for the president of the student council, that his father was at odds with Teichi's father; in order to prevent Teichi from becoming the president of the student council, Donggo tried to turn against the Big Eagle Bomb at the last second after the vote ended.

Although Dongxiang played a series of conspiracies and tricks, fortunately, they were all destroyed by Emperor Yi. The third-rate politicians represented by Kikuma Togo, that is, unscrupulous means to achieve their goals, have always indulged in conspiracies and tricks to trade money and power, and in their eyes, the officialdom is just a place where tricks and money interact.

2. Second-rate politicians:

&gt;&gt; Big Eagle Bomb

The Big Eagle Bomb is the kind of super popular supporting role that will definitely suppress the protagonist once the popularity vote is held in Japanese comics, although he is from the bottom, he is sunny and handsome, and his popularity is the first.

"Empire of One Country": How can a high school student become the prime minister of Japan? First, the student council president candidate ranks: second, the growth path of Akaba Teiichi: third, "build your own empire, so that no one can hinder me"

Emperor Yi planned a group dance to build the upper elite of the group, but the big eagle bomb listened to the ruling concept of the hundred million people in Senyuan and his eyes lit up, and he keenly grasped the general trend of universal suffrage for all members, so he took the initiative to move closer to the Senyuan billion people faction while posing as a centrist. When Teiichi tried to bribe him with Roland in the ice room, he publicly refused and beat Roland, giving the reason that "because I know that my will is weak, so this punch is to cut off my own back road." In fact, he is well aware that Roland's governing policy is not feasible at all, and the so-called bribery is just a blank check.

What is even more important to the city government is that on the day of the general vote between the Mori Garden Billion People and the Ice Room Roland, the Big Eagle Bomb, who is a supporter of the Mori Garden Billion People, held the last decisive vote in his hand and cast a blank vote in a dignified manner, while claiming that he was not qualified to decide the final candidate, so it was better to let the current president of the Student Council know best. He knows that there is no suspense in who will be elected to succeed the current president who will be selected to take over the presidency of the current election and has always been good friends with the hundreds of millions of people in the forest garden, so it is better to brush up on a wave of humble and interesting existence, hold a current president, and not offend the ice room Roland, so that the source of the left and right is amazing.

In the end, Big Eagle Bomb wins the final campaign, and Big Eagle Bomb himself is actually a beautiful appeal of the manga author Furuya Tomomaru to his ideal "political leader" - often a person who claims not to understand politics is the real preacher of politics.

&gt;&gt; Ice Room Roland

As the "superhero" of Haidi High School, Roland of the Ice Room can always be the first to put on the battle when the school's reputation is damaged, knocking those people down one by one. He is a god-like being who guards the school and is the strongest contender for the next student council president.

"Empire of One Country": How can a high school student become the prime minister of Japan? First, the student council president candidate ranks: second, the growth path of Akaba Teiichi: third, "build your own empire, so that no one can hinder me"

Roland Ice Room himself loves sports, advocating a substantial increase in the budget of sports clubs, leading the opponent Mori Garden Billionaires by a large margin in the early stages of the campaign. But he stood at the top for a long time, eager to make a quick profit, and when he saw the increase in supporters of Morien, he was confused, listened to the tricks of the third-rate politician Kikuma Togo, and secretly bribed voters with money. Unexpectedly, at this time, Akaba Emperor Yi, who was already under the camp of Mori garden, launched the Water Dance Incident, and the spearhead was directed at The Ice Chamber Roland, who was standing on the opposite side of justice, and instantly rectified the chaos and won the hearts of the people.

In fact, in the early stage of the campaign, Ice Room Roland was still a second-rate politician, he knew to use his own strength to fight for the school, let the classmates respect and love him, but his own psychological quality was not high, and he was chaotic in the later stage, and eventually became a third-rate politician like Togo Kikuma.

3. First-class politicians: 100 million people in Senyuan

Senyuan hundreds of millions of people are highly skilled in chess, know how to strategize and game, and capture people's hearts. He himself is low-key, but he is not afraid of competition; he cares about students, but he also knows how to win people's hearts.

Senyuan Yiren advocates that the budget of the community be evaluated in terms of ability, and the club activities, whether it is the department of culture or sports, can increase the budget of the club that has achieved good results in the previous year, but even if the results are not satisfactory, the ability of the first-year freshmen will be added, and the "expectation value budget" will be added to the possibility of the next year. Therefore, even if it is a weak club, as long as it attracts excellent first-year students to join the club, it can increase the budget.

"Empire of One Country": How can a high school student become the prime minister of Japan? First, the student council president candidate ranks: second, the growth path of Akaba Teiichi: third, "build your own empire, so that no one can hinder me"

This initiative will not only incentivize larger societies, but also appease smaller ones.

In addition, he advocated the abolition of the naming system for student presidents and the replacement of the nomination and candidature system, and the voting part was carried out by all students in the school, that is, full democratization.

Although Morien's claims are indeed in line with fair democracy, most students believe that these are just words on paper and unrealistic. But even in the case of Morien's supporters lagging behind Ice Room Roland by a large margin in the early stages of the election, the calm and calm Mori Garden not only got the campus "top traffic" Big Eagle Bullet, but also accepted the Akaba Teiichi who betrayed Ice Room Roland and wanted to join his team. After taking the two-yuan general under his command, the war situation was immediately reversed.

Sen Yuan, who is good at chess, knows how to use powerful chess pieces to pave the way for himself and seize the moral high ground; in the case of unfavorable to himself, he is calm and calm, does not compete for a moment, only competes for the people's hearts, and the success of the campaign is just a trend in the eyes of outsiders.

<h1 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" > ii, the growth path of Akaba Teichi:</h1>

1. Third-rate politicians to second-rate politicians:

&gt;&gt; Haidi Campus Festival: Unite the masses and mingle with people

When Teiichi first assisted Roland in the Ice Room, he planned the war drum group dance of the Gakuen Festival, and at the same time launched a money offensive of painting cakes + buying. The idea of the war drum group dance was inspired by the Big Eagle Bomb, which attempted to increase collective cohesion by organizing group activities.

"Empire of One Country": How can a high school student become the prime minister of Japan? First, the student council president candidate ranks: second, the growth path of Akaba Teiichi: third, "build your own empire, so that no one can hinder me"

However, at this time, the concept of group was still limited to the elite small circle with voting power, and Di Yi did not realize that the universal suffrage of all students advocated by senyuan billion people was the general trend. And the blind use of money offensive shows that Emperor Yi's understanding of people's hearts is still at the level where money can buy, and he himself is just a third-rate politician who plays conspiracy and trickery.

&gt;&gt; Defector into the Forest Garden: can flex and stretch, and the decisiveness is amazing

"Empire of One Country": How can a high school student become the prime minister of Japan? First, the student council president candidate ranks: second, the growth path of Akaba Teiichi: third, "build your own empire, so that no one can hinder me"

Speaking of decisiveness, at first he defected to the camp of the ice chamber Roland, who had the highest voice, followed his father's creed of "becoming a dog, and then becoming a victorious dog", wholeheartedly being a dog-headed military master, and making plans and suggestions to the extreme, but once he learned of the contradiction between the fathers of the two sides, it was expected that this road would not work, so he immediately defected and helped the senyuan billion people, and finally played a central role in the latter's victory, this operation can be called the dance of the knife tip.

2. Second-rate politicians to first-class politicians:

&gt;&gt; Water Dance Incident: Seize the moral high ground and create an image of justice

After learning of the contradictions between the two fathers, Akaba Teiichi defected from Roland's camp and turned down to gosson. In order to help Mori garden turn the tide of the war, Teiichi, inspired by the ancient allusions told by his father, single-handedly planned the water dance incident and used childhood songs and dances to organize a group activity.

"Empire of One Country": How can a high school student become the prime minister of Japan? First, the student council president candidate ranks: second, the growth path of Akaba Teiichi: third, "build your own empire, so that no one can hinder me"

The Water Dance Incident exposed the ugly face of Roland bribing everyone, strengthened the righteous image of Senyuan, controlled the guidance of public opinion, and let the Senyuan faction stand on the moral high ground, and the war situation was smoothly reversed.

&gt;&gt; The campaign president is on the verge of turning against him: those who have gained the tao help more, and they will seize people's hearts and minds to retreat and advance

In his second-year campaign duel with Big Eagle Bomb, when he realized that the other party would turn defeat into victory at the last moment and that he would become a laughingstock, he decided to use his vote to take the initiative to help Big Eagle Bomb win the election, and took the opportunity to justifiably obtain the position of vice president.

"Empire of One Country": How can a high school student become the prime minister of Japan? First, the student council president candidate ranks: second, the growth path of Akaba Teiichi: third, "build your own empire, so that no one can hinder me"

From the failure to earn a dignified and dignified status in the jianghu, although defeated, Di Yi fiercely brushed the wave of prestige and popularity this time. This is the clever technique that Di Yi learned from the billion people in Senyuan: the official game, attacking the heart first. The broken wrist of this heroic man who survived defeat was simply a brain hole.

At this point, the third-rate emperor who only knew how to stand in line and bribe money had finally completed the path of training to a first-class politician, the strongest king.

<h1 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" > three, "Build your own empire so that no one can stand in my way."</h1>

After the above analysis, Akaba Emperor Yi is simply a fanatic who is infinitely obsessed with the position of power in the eyes of everyone, but is there really anyone in the world who naturally likes the deceit of the officialdom? Emperor Yi's step-by-step camp is just hoping to fight for a space of his own.

"Empire of One Country": How can a high school student become the prime minister of Japan? First, the student council president candidate ranks: second, the growth path of Akaba Teiichi: third, "build your own empire, so that no one can hinder me"

Born in a political family, Emperor Yi has a hobby of playing the piano and is a proper official of the second generation. Emperor Yi's father lost to his opponent by a vote in the election that year, resulting in him now being a subordinate of his opponent in the government. His father pinned his hopes on Emperor Yi, hoping that Emperor Yi would become a more promising politician in the future.

Therefore, after The cowardly Emperor, who liked the piano since childhood, went to high school, he had to do everything he could to promote himself to the student union group of Haidi High School, and take the pleasure of taking sides and soliciting votes.

In the middle of the election, Kikuma's father designed to send Teichi's father to prison, and the battered Teichi finally spoke his heart when talking to his father in prison, he only liked to play the piano, and obeyed his father's request because he could freely play the piano and do what he liked after becoming prime minister, which was the country that Teichi himself wanted.

Di Yi liked the piano, and his purpose in the election was only to "want to continue to play the piano", but he had not touched the piano for nearly five or six years.

"Empire of One Country": How can a high school student become the prime minister of Japan? First, the student council president candidate ranks: second, the growth path of Akaba Teiichi: third, "build your own empire, so that no one can hinder me"

It is said that the adult world is terrible, and the rebellion of youth is a rebellion against adults. But isn't the essence of rebellion to find yourself and prove yourself?

Although in the end, Di Yi still became the kind of person he did not want to be, and the tone of "you are all a bunch of marionettes" was also politically correct enough to make the audience's back chills, but the adult-dominated world is not always dark. Because there is also a person like the Big Eagle Bomb, who comes from a humble background, but is still full of optimism and enthusiasm, his choice tells us what kind of self is the real self.

"Empire of One Country": How can a high school student become the prime minister of Japan? First, the student council president candidate ranks: second, the growth path of Akaba Teiichi: third, "build your own empire, so that no one can hinder me"

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