
MG Abian paint, magic dragon color

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Model Maker | eleven without time

Kit | MG 1/100 Abyan Gundam

tag | Painting, masterpieces, submissions

Promised a friend's birthday gift, dragged on for 3 months, and finally finished.

I tried a lot of things for the first time, and I accumulated a lot of experience haha, this is the third Gundam that I did, and I feel that it is really getting more and more interesting.

Photography technology is more slag, this match out of the "midnight cool dark blue black" can not shoot the feeling haha, and the big guy asked for a long time to match the color, did a part of the color separation, do not want to do too broken, prefer the feeling of cleanliness, use the matte as a protective paint, fluorescent water sticker actually forgot to buy the lamp, did not shoot ...

MG Abian paint, magic dragon color
MG Abian paint, magic dragon color
MG Abian paint, magic dragon color
MG Abian paint, magic dragon color
MG Abian paint, magic dragon color

Overall, I personally think it's not bad. The original intention is to make a red dragon like a demon feeling, do it is dark, fortunately overall is not bad, well... Another growing experience, very Nice.

The weapons of the original kit were lost, with EVA spears, and on the water stickers.

MG Abian paint, magic dragon color
MG Abian paint, magic dragon color
MG Abian paint, magic dragon color
MG Abian paint, magic dragon color

The camera hand is unstable, and the big guys have any recommended auxiliary equipment.

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