
Take on the first lesson

author:Information News
Take on the first lesson

In order to help the cadres of the new village (community) "two committees" to integrate into their new roles, adapt to new posts, perform new duties, and undertake new missions as soon as possible, efforts should be made to improve the level of grass-roots organization construction and the overall quality of the village (community) cadre team. On January 13, Xushi Town held a new training course for village (community) "two committees" cadres.

Take on the first lesson


Opening class

Li Wenfu, secretary of the town party committee, made a mobilization speech at the opening ceremony. He pointed out that the training course was carried out to lay the foundation for further promoting village (community) work in the future. Everyone should start with this training course, strive to explore new methods of grass-roots work, and earnestly assume the heavy responsibility of grass-roots development. He stressed: First, it is necessary to improve our political standing and accurately grasp the situation; second, we must strengthen theoretical study and quickly enter the role; third, we must establish an overall thinking and increase our ability to serve; fourth, we must give play to our local advantages and promote economic development; fifth, we must be strict with ourselves and keep the red line of discipline.

Take on the first lesson

At the training meeting, the Xushi Town Party Committee combined the key links of the daily work of village-level organizations and the shortcomings in the past work, and gave lectures on eight aspects, such as party affairs knowledge, integrity education, and epidemic prevention and control work.

Take on the first lesson

Mao Xiuhua, deputy secretary of the town party committee, gave training on epidemic prevention and control work

Take on the first lesson

Zhang Guoqiang, member of the united front work committee of the town party committee and deputy mayor of the town, gave training on the examination and approval of rural housing construction

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Liu Kai, a member of the town party committee organization, gave training on party affairs knowledge

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Lei Jin, a propaganda member of the town party committee, made a masterpiece of propaganda, ideological and cultural work (ideological work) training

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Chen Lei, member of the town party committee and secretary of the Discipline Inspection Commission, conducted education and training on clean government

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Deputy Mayor Cai Yong explained how to do a good job in safety and agriculture

Take on the first lesson

Fan Zixing, director of the Judicial Institute, conducted training around the theme of "practicing the Fengqiao experience and maintaining the stability of the village"

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Liu Wencai, executive deputy director of the Town Customs Work Committee, conducted training on the work of the Customs Work Committee


On-site observation and teaching

-- At the first stop, in the anti-narcotics propaganda classroom, Lu Linmao, a member of the political and legal committee of the town party committee, guided the cadres of the new village (community) "two committees" in rural areas on how to carry out rural drug prevention and anti-narcotics work in light of the actual situation, such as the weak ability to distinguish drugs and the lack of understanding of drug abuse and the harmfulness of drug use.

Take on the first lesson

-- At the Memorial Hall of the Revolutionary Martyrs of Xu City, the shangrao concentration camp moved south, Li Wenfu, secretary of the town party committee, and Wu Chao, deputy secretary of the party committee and mayor of the town, led everyone to relive the history of the Red Revolution, remember the magnificent and upright spirit of the revolutionary martyrs who sacrificed their lives and forgot their deaths to wage an unyielding struggle against the Kuomintang enemy and special forces, and strengthened the party history study and patriotism education for the cadres of the "two committees" in the new village (community).

Take on the first lesson

At the third stop, at the Youye Modern Agricultural Industry Demonstration Park in The Dun Dun, the cadres of the "two committees" of the village (community) exchanged views while walking, and Liu Lijie, the first secretary of the village under the village of Trench Dun, briefed everyone on the development experience of the village under the leadership of the village party branch, through the joint construction and circulation of land by village enterprises, to promote the development of enterprises, increase the village financial income, and increase the peasants' income.

Take on the first lesson



Take on the first lesson

At the symposium, the cadres of the new village (community) "two committees" spoke freely and exchanged ideas and methods for grasping party building and promoting rural revitalization, and everyone said that this training benefited a lot, and at the starting point of the new journey, we should vigorously carry forward the spirit of serving the people, innovating and developing pioneering cattle, and struggling hard old cattle, and consciously run through the training into the next work to contribute to the high-quality development of Xushi Town.

(Source: Jianyang District People's Government website) [Submission, regional cooperation, please send a private message or send 3469887933 within 24 hours to reply. 】

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