
Sixty Days of Fragrant Sea - Those Days when I Volunteered (III)

author:Desperately reading good times
Sixty Days of Fragrant Sea - Those Days when I Volunteered (III)


Day 21

Today's trial lecture in the small kitchen is particularly distinctive, Master Zhao took the lead, the characteristics of the fire person is obvious, thunderous, small strong second, his face is very white, like a golden person, Zhang Na third, I feel that she is also fire, I am fourth, partial earthiness, and finally Zhang Lina sits in the finale, which is more similar to the personality of the water person. Brother Sun has the characteristics of a wooden person, likes to be orderly, and specially arranges for everyone to sit down and observe, so that the original chaotic scene becomes neat and coordinated. The five elements of the other brothers remain to be seen, and the above is only a personal speculation.

In the afternoon, the class leader asked us to try to talk about the five temple rituals again, at first I didn't hear clearly that I thought it was 3 minutes, but it turned out to be 30 minutes, which was a bit big for me. After going on stage, when I finished talking for 20 minutes, Xiao Qiang signaled me to add food and drink, so I talked for another 10 minutes, although I didn't speak well, but there was no sense of tension, and I also improved. Zhang Na spoke steadily and fluently, Qi Qi spoke with affinity, and everyone had their own characteristics and were growing.

At dinner in the evening, I have some worries, these days eat too much, either dumplings or buns, the plan to lose ten pounds at the end of the year is afraid to be in vain, and the plan cannot catch up with the changes. However, I still want to lose weight, and I can't give up lightly if I want to come up with countermeasures to deal with the temptation of food.

Day 22

This morning, Teacher Liu told us about vegetable cultivation, and he mentioned that there are three ways to grow:

Sixty Days of Fragrant Sea - Those Days when I Volunteered (III)


Conventional planting, that is, the most common planting method in rural areas, uses pesticides and fertilizers to promote yield, and in the long run, the land will be compacted and lose vitality, which is short-term effective and long-term harmful, and the yield is of poor quality.

Organic planting, is in recent years began to be popular green, organic planting methods, less or no use of pesticides, chemical fertilizers, switch to the use of traditional organic fertilizers to produce, lower yield but more healthy and safe, the price is also high.

Natural planting, without applying any fertilizer, first let the soil rest and rejuvenate for a few years, and then use high-quality seeds without artificial intervention to let it grow with the grass and coexist with the insects. The initial yield is extremely low, and the yield gradually increases after the land and the product form a close relationship, the cost is low and the benefit is high, and the nutritional value is higher.

Teacher Liu said that people engaged in natural cultivation need to have higher energy, have the ability to communicate with the earth, seeds, insects, grass, and have patience beyond mortals, because it takes at least five years to purify a piece of land.

There are also three ways to grow in life, taking the conventional road (the choice of most people) can only be ordinary people, taking the special road (the choice of a few people) may be able to become a social elite, and taking the road taken by few people (the choice of a very few people) is to become a saint and become a Buddha, from selflessness to selflessness, leading the masses to enlightenment.

Now our class is in the process of transforming from conventional to organic, and the three poisons of greed and anger in the heart field need to have a purification process, and the yin in the five elements also needs to be transformed into masculine. Reading and reciting the "Heart Sutra", "Puxian Wishes", "Great Doctor Essence" and other sage classics is precisely with the help of these high-quality energy to enhance our vibration frequency, through the implementation of the four elements of health in life, the accumulation of merit in labor, and the continuous opening of the heart in the undertaking, it is possible to evolve again, to achieve from organic cultivation to natural growth, that is, the teacher often says "know who you are, know what you want".

Everyone has to become omnipotent and excel in a certain aspect, this is a difficult road, the probability of success is very low, the number of losers is innumerable, may we all follow the teacher firmly, cut off the nature, transform the habits, and restore our own self-sufficient nature, because this is a road full of light.

Sixty Days of Fragrant Sea - Those Days when I Volunteered (III)


Day 23

In the afternoon, the head of the class told us about her past when she took care of her mother-in-law, when she had not yet touched traditional culture or studied Buddhism, but she had done it with sincerity, and the seriously ill mother-in-law gradually recovered under the careful care of the teacher. "Heart Medicine" in the "filial piety is very much" this taste of the heart medicine, the squad leader completely did it, filial piety can touch the heavens, so God also gave her unexpected returns, the body from many diseases to health, children more and more well-behaved and intelligent, the husband also began to believe in Buddhism, pay will be rewarded, everything has cause and effect.

Compared with themselves, whether from the heart or action, they have not been able to meet the standards, they have stayed in the stage of talking on paper for a long time, even the family harmony has not been able to do it, and the cultivation of their daughters has not been responsible, all because they themselves have not done it, so they cannot affect their families.

It is not too late to do it from now on, let go of distractions, do it first and think later, do not ask others, do everything you should do first, and do your best to obey the destiny.

Sixty Days of Fragrant Sea - Those Days when I Volunteered (III)

Wrapped in silver

Day 24

In the morning, I practiced the long-lost face building technique, I felt very good, the movement was yang, the head was a gathering of six yangs, touching and rubbing the face made people refreshed, with the cabinet owner's thick and melodious guidance words, the body and heart had a new feeling.

In the morning, I listened to the sweeping power course taught by Teacher Li Tong, and I benefited a lot, and there were two points that touched me greatly:

1. Health hazards of mobile phones

2. The greed to buy a lot of books

I know that looking at too many mobile phones will damage vision, and it has caused dry eyes, decreased vision, and exacerbation of floaters, but I still often hold the mobile phone, knowing and not changing, why? Mainly stupidity, the classics of the sages, the works of Chinese medicine can not be read, but those pieces of knowledge on the Internet can attract my eyeballs, for fear of missing any information, this is ignorance. Mobile phone is not unusable, to be able to use rather than be controlled by mobile phone, I can use mobile phone to do time management, can also use mobile phone to spread Chinese medicine culture, good use of mobile phones need to have wisdom.

Buying a large number of books is greedy, not to mention how much I read after buying, even if I read every book, do I have the knowledge and wisdom of the book? The answer is, not necessarily! Teacher Li Tong has read a book of "Disciple Rules" thoroughly, and she can flexibly apply them as she preaches, because she has the ability to implement them. The same is true when she studied enzymes, and she went to do it every day for five years to feel and share, so she harvested the wisdom of life from enzymes. As long as you are attentive, you can realize the Tao everywhere in your life; if you are absent-minded, you may also become a hindrance to evil knowledge and evil opinions.

In the afternoon, when trying to talk about diet, the teacher said that he should take the strengths of others for his own use, and everyone is achieving each other, which is the strength of the team. In addition, everyone should have the spirit of responsibility, can not back down, it does not matter whether it is good or bad, whether it is done to go all out is the key.

Sixty Days of Fragrant Sea - Those Days when I Volunteered (III)

Morning sweep

Day 25

When listening to Teacher Liu's lecture in the morning, I have been taking pictures with my mobile phone, forgetting my duty ~ I am a student, not a photographer, and I also violate the rules of not bringing a mobile phone in class, knowingly committing a crime, it is too undeserved, here to the teacher and the brothers and sisters to repent, this problem must be completely corrected.

Reflection: Thinking that you can control yourself and make good use of your mobile phone without being turned around is actually overestimating your current energy state. The "Disciple Rules" issued by the teacher is to let us learn how to be a qualified student, and every one of them must be implemented. Not good at it, but learning literature, long flashy ~ isn't it me? After reading some books, it seems that I understand a lot of truths, and when things happen, I am still confused, which is to know but not to act, and to know and to act cannot be unified.

In the afternoon, Xiao Qiang pulled out a box of books from the garbage heap, some Buddhist, some marketing, and we both seemed to have a passion for books, so the test of Heaven was coming soon. Later, I was discovered by the teacher and criticized us for treating the garbage thrown by others as treasures, but this level did not pass.

Reflection: Reading is a good thing, too many books may not be beneficial, classics can not be read, the world's miscellaneous books or less to read as well. For me at the moment, it is enough to read Wei Lao's books, the books that the cabinet master has given him to read, to read them well, to let go of his greed for knowledge, and to do a good job of breaking away from this lesson.

Sixty Days of Fragrant Sea - Those Days when I Volunteered (III)


Day 26

This afternoon I went to the library to read a book, or the "Classic Chinese Medicine Enlightenment". The Master's second-level course requires students to prepare for the knowledge of meridians in advance, so they first read the seventh chapter of the book, "Meridians and Acupuncture Points: Anatomy of Energy".

Teacher Li Xin pointed out:

TCM studies the human body, life and the world at the level of energy and information, body is heart, inside is outside, one is everything. This "one" is "one popular". The physical level of the disease stems from the imbalance of the energy and information levels. We cannot simply understand the meridians from the perspective of visible matter, but the key lies in "feeling" the state of our own divine qi (a ball of vitality), such as the three scorched qi and blood of our human body like a tai chi ball. The healer has to do the work of training emptiness, which is more important than the meridian acupuncture points in the rote books, and the meditation, standing pile, and tai chi methods he recommended are exactly what the master teacher has been teaching us.

Regarding reading, Teacher Li Xin believes that the books of Chinese medicine can be divided into two categories, one is the classics, such as the "Yellow Emperor's Inner Classic", "Typhoid Fever", "Qianjin Medicine", "Shennong Materia Medica", "Wen Disease Identification", etc., which are all about reality (truth); the other is the interpretation of the classics or self-created theories, which are uneven, and some may mislead us. The lord of the cabinet asked his disciples to memorize the four classics of Chinese medicine, which is also the meaning.

Perception: Meridians, acupuncture points are present in our body, the best way to learn is to use the heart to feel their own energy flow, provided that our hearts must have enough sensitivity, this is the "Yellow Emperor's Inner Classic" at the beginning of the "idyllic nothingness, true qi from it."

Sixty Days of Fragrant Sea - Those Days when I Volunteered (III)

Read the scriptures

Day 27

Today is the reading day of our class, and we have read a lot of classics in the morning, morning, and afternoon, which has never been seen since the beginning of the class. Before my daughter went to elementary school, I had been exposed to classical education, and I also took my six-year-old daughter to Beijing to attend the training class taught by Professor Wang Caigui, but there was no end, my daughter was interrupted after going to school, and now it is equivalent to re-making up classes, but the time span is too large, and the time that has passed has been irreparable.

In the afternoon, when I talked about the Five Views Hall, I didn't add new content, basically I still talked according to the information, and when I talked about "guarding against leaving the heart", I got stuck again, and I forgot to talk about concentrating and chewing slowly when eating, and I was suffering from the cause and effect of "loss of mind". When I ate rice at noon yesterday, I ate it too quickly and caused the grains of rice to choke into the trachea, and I have not gotten it out yet.

Reflection: It is not the purpose to talk about the Five Views Hall, first of all, you have to do it yourself, have personal experience, benefit, and then share it to have appeal. When Master Zhang Na talks about diet, he combines his own experience everywhere, and this kind of heartfelt sharing is convincing. All things have spirituality, and this grain of rice is also enlightening me, making me suffer some hardships, and have some memories.

Sixty Days of Fragrant Sea - Those Days when I Volunteered (III)

No self

Day 28

In the morning, I practiced the face building technique, because the time was more tense, I only practiced for ten minutes, I wanted to insist on practicing every day for a while, so that my appearance had a noticeable change. A person's mental state is all written on the face, going out for so long always to give the family an explanation, the most intuitive is this, right? There is still more than a month, plus the previous practice at home, almost three months, whether there is a change at a glance, which is more convincing than speaking.

Being arranged by the teacher to make comments at night, for me, this is more difficult than doing personal sharing, because I have to judge others, how to talk? I can only talk hard, a few degrees of cold field, and finally ended in a laughing field. In contrast, the little dragon, who has only been here for three days, can comment on everyone very smoothly one by one, and the speech is still very good, so that everyone can once again look at it.

Reflection: its own protective shell is too thick and too hard, worried, the heart has not really opened, it may be that the older the more conservative it is. What is the practice of practicing? Fix the obstacles and let the true heart be revealed. In this regard, Xiao Qiang did a good job, he said whatever he thought, and he had a pure heart, which was very rare!

Sixty Days of Fragrant Sea - Those Days when I Volunteered (III)

wooden fish

Day 29

Walk! Walk! Walk!

Say important things three times, this is the main direction of future efforts. No matter what you learn, if you can't implement it in action, you can only add to the vanity and have no meaning.

Today our bedroom was criticized again for poor hygiene, shame almost courageous, in the afternoon we went to the guest room department to get a mop, everyone worked together, Xiaolong cleaned up clothes, Sun Shi brother swept the floor, Xiao Qiang mopped the floor, I sorted out the table, and after a while the house changed its appearance.

Man and the environment are a whole, the outside is the internal reaction and presentation, the heart is pure, on the contrary, the living environment is dirty and messy, and it is difficult to make the mind calm. The Pure Land of the West is the place where all the good people live, and the Fragrant Sea is also a solemn dojo where many kind people gather, and we can live here not only with a grateful and blessed heart, but also with a little bit of work, absolutely not allowing habits to be the master, always aware of their own words and deeds, mistakes should be corrected in time, and they should not be recreated later, so that they can live up to this special victory.

Thanks to the compassionate reminder of the brothers in the volunteer group, thank you for the example set by the brothers in room 604!

Sixty Days of Fragrant Sea - Those Days when I Volunteered (III)


Day 30

Tonight's sharing session is slightly different from the past, many brothers and sisters have opened their hearts and revealed their inner world more, and Master Sun's comments are also very wonderful, and afterwards he told me that he seemed to wear a top armor on his head before, and now he feels that the thick armor is very easy to remove.

I also borrowed the topic of Brother Xiaolong to talk about my confusion and got the teacher's guidance. Living in this era is inseparable from money, some people say that "it is difficult to walk without money", and it cannot be said that this is not right, but if you are too attached to money, you will live very tired. Wealth is like water, it should flow, good use of money can benefit the world, misuse of money can also make yourself doomed. With the concept of "ten parties come and ten parties go", Master Father gathered the strength of everyone to create Xianghai, a platform full of great love, and changed the fate of countless people.

Wisdom can control money, and virtue can open wisdom. The teacher said that if you have a good virtue, you must work the cause, the mind is transformed, the energy is enhanced, and you will be happy, which is the real wealth. Indeed, every day I can see the teacher's heartfelt smile, so sunny, so bright, this is something I have never seen outside, I believe other students have the same feeling, right?

Even I, a person who can't laugh, was infected by teachers and classmates, and laughed more and more, grateful for this team full of positive energy, thank you for your company. May everyone be able to smile and find their own goals in life, and more importantly, find their truest self!

2018.12.15Yu Xianghai

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