

author:Investment Bulletin

The total amount of social logistics in 2021 is expected to exceed 300 trillion yuan

He Liming, president of the China Federation of Logistics and Purchasing, recently said at the 19th Annual Conference of China Logistics Entrepreneurs that the mainland economy as a whole will remain picked up in 2021, and the average value of the manufacturing purchasing managers' index (PMI) for the whole year is 50.5%, higher than the average of 2019 and 2020. The total amount of social logistics throughout the year is expected to remain above 300 trillion yuan. The scale of the logistics market is steadily expanding, the total revenue of the logistics industry will exceed 11 trillion yuan, and the market revenue is expected to maintain a growth rate of more than 15%. In addition, China's export container freight rate composite index entered the 3300-point mark, and the volume of express delivery business exceeded 100 billion pieces for the first time.

Central Bank: It is necessary to complete the winter Olympic payment service and digital yuan pilot work with high standards and high quality

On January 19, Chinese Minsheng Bank held the Beijing Winter Olympics Payment Service Environment Construction Leading Group Meeting and the Digital Yuan Beijing Winter Olympics Scenario Pilot Working Group Video Conference. The meeting stressed that it is necessary to seize the last time window to check and fill in the gaps, strive for excellence, and complete the winter Olympic payment service and digital yuan pilot work with high standards and high quality, lay a solid foundation for the service guarantee during the game, and realize "two Olympic Games, equally wonderful".

In 2021, the volume of securities trading in Shanghai exceeded 283 trillion yuan, a record high

According to the latest data from the Shanghai Securities Regulatory Bureau, the securities trading volume in Shanghai exceeded 283 trillion yuan in 2021, a record high, and ranked first in the country for four consecutive years.

CDB issued 15 billion yuan of green financial bonds to support the construction of a low-carbon transportation system

On January 19, China Development Bank successfully issued 15 billion yuan of "Low Carbon Transportation System Construction" special "Bond Connect" green financial bonds to global investors in the national interbank bond market. So far, the development bank has issued a total of 120 billion yuan of green financial bonds, with a balance of 110 billion yuan, ranking first in the market. According to reports, the issuance period of the special bond in this issue is 5 years, and the coupon rate is 2.45%, which has been enthusiastically subscribed by various investors at home and abroad, and the subscription multiple has reached 3.36 times.

The 2021 Shandong economic "report card" was released

According to the news released by Shandong on the 19th, according to the results of the unified accounting of regional GDP, the GDP of Shandong Province in 2021 will be 8309.590 billion yuan, an increase of 8.3% over the previous year, and an average growth of 5.9% in two years. Among them, the added value of the primary industry was 602.903 billion yuan, an increase of 7.5% over the previous year, and an average growth of 5.1% in two years; The added value of the secondary industry was 3,318.716 billion yuan, an increase of 7.2% over the previous year, and an average growth of 5.2% in two years; The added value of the tertiary industry was 4,387.971 billion yuan, an increase of 9.2% over the previous year and an average growth of 6.5% in two years.