
Sichuan Daofu famous and excellent agricultural products traveled thousands of miles to Wucheng, Zhejiang

author:China Development Network
Sichuan Daofu famous and excellent agricultural products traveled thousands of miles to Wucheng, Zhejiang

China Economic Herald, China Development Network News Jiang Wen, Cai Yangbiao, and reporter Shen Zhenhai Zhejiang reported that in the early morning of January 12, a truck full of loving consumption and support materials crossed 2,300 kilometers from Daofu County, Ganzi Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture, Sichuan Province, to Wucheng District, Jinhua City, Zhejiang Province.

Sichuan Daofu County has a wealth of agricultural and sideline products, but due to inconvenient transportation, the sales of agricultural and sideline products are not smooth, and the popularity is not high, so that the rich resources of characteristic agricultural products are "hidden in the deep and unknown".

In order to solidly and deeply promote consumption support and help the rural revitalization of counterpart support areas, in December 2021, the counterpart office of Wucheng District, Jinhua City, Zhejiang Province, the Economic and Commercial Bureau, and the Federation of Trade Unions jointly issued a document to guide and encourage trade union organizations at all levels in the region to actively purchase agricultural and sideline products in Daofu County.

On January 12, 2022, the first batch of 3,300 love consumption support materials arrived in Wucheng with the help of two platforms, Zhengfang Mifa and Jinnonghaohao. The relevant person in charge of Zhejiang Tianxia Zhengfang Agricultural Development Co., Ltd. (Zhengfang Mifa) introduced: "This time we purchased agricultural and sideline products such as plateau wild mushrooms, black fungus, yak milk tea, etc., which solved the problem of slow sales of plateau agricultural and sideline products, and farmers were very happy." ”

The reporter of China Development and Reform News was informed that as of now, 163 enterprises and institutions in Wucheng District have purchased more than 8,700 consumer support packages in Daofu County. In addition to the 3,300 units that have arrived, the rest of the packages will also be delivered to Wucheng by car from Daofu within this week.

According to reports, in the next step, Wucheng District will continue to deepen business cooperation with Daofu County's related agricultural products, participate in consumption assistance through "purchasing instead of donating" and "buying instead of helping", help the Daofu masses solve practical difficulties such as poor production and marketing information on agricultural and sideline products, uncoordinated production and marketing, and difficulty in the sales of agricultural products, help Daofu agricultural and sideline products to further open up popularity and sales markets, and highlight Wucheng's responsibility and responsibility in the cooperation between the east and west of Zhejiang and Sichuan.