
Hyper-New Testament: An era has an era of cultural rules that need to be reformulated

author:Hideko Studio

Today to give you a seemingly absurd, but incomparably fantastic and like a stroke of god a movie, "Super New Testament", also known as "Little Angel eya", is a Belgian film released in 2015, the reason why this movie seems absurd, because the narrative method is special, it is really rare, for Chinese with different cultural and religious backgrounds, there are many places that are not very clear to see.

Hyper-New Testament: An era has an era of cultural rules that need to be reformulated

And also because this movie is based on religion as a point of view to describe the story, it is estimated that for many Christians to see the movie for the first time will feel very uncomfortable, some words are really not surprising and endless, but for those of us who do not understand Christianity, there is no special feeling, but it is precisely because of this, so many details are worth our taste.

Hyper-New Testament: An era has an era of cultural rules that need to be reformulated

The heroine of the film, Iya, is a ten-year-old god who is innocent and kind and wants to bring happiness to the people of the world, but the world is controlled by her tyrannical and perverted father, who makes all the rules of the world, stipulates the time of people's death, and creates all kinds of disasters in the world and takes pleasure in it. Easya was not accustomed to her father's behavior, and could no longer stand his father's violence and tyranny, and finally decided to learn from her brother Jesus to go to the human world to change the fate of the whole world.

Hyper-New Testament: An era has an era of cultural rules that need to be reformulated
Hyper-New Testament: An era has an era of cultural rules that need to be reformulated

In fact, the "Super New Testament" expresses how people's inner conflicts and contradictions under the classical rigid social system and the rapid development of social conflicts are oppressive! The film calls on people to break old rules together, work together to establish new and effective rules, and listen to the voice of the heart in search of true freedom.

Hyper-New Testament: An era has an era of cultural rules that need to be reformulated

A culture is a rule, but the rule formed by this culture is a rule that everyone in an era participates in and subtly specifies a rule that protects each of us and makes us feel safe. Each era has the cultural background of each era, but the rules that are adapted in a specific period will become no longer adapted with time, so new cultural rules are needed, so the system needs to be constantly reformed with the development of society.

Hyper-New Testament: An era has an era of cultural rules that need to be reformulated

There is absolutely no cultural rule in this world that can be adapted at any time and anywhere, just like the West, always attacking China's system, in fact, in the final analysis, because of the difference in cultural background, their system must be doomed to China, and the Western system has now appeared a lot of drawbacks, because they lack political continuity and conditions for reform, but constantly reform, constantly making the rules more suitable for social development in China, after seventy years of development, more and more free.

Hyper-New Testament: An era has an era of cultural rules that need to be reformulated

If you take this film back to the background of the Belgian era, many things become easy to understand, Eason's father represents the power that controls the world, the maker of social rules, but they ignore all this, bring great pain to the world, but at the same time do not put the pain and needs of others in the heart, if separated from the center of power, they are extremely vulnerable and hated, this is the metaphor of the tragic situation of Iya's father coming to the human world.

Hyper-New Testament: An era has an era of cultural rules that need to be reformulated

Isa's father was jealous of Eya and his brother's abilities, so he suppressed them and did not allow them to enter the room, that is, did not allow them to enter the center of power, and did not give them any chance to change the rules. But Easash set out to change all this with his own cleverness, and the conflict between the germination of this new will and the authorities' quest for control, and the conflict and contradiction between the new rules and the old rules, really felt refreshing.

Hyper-New Testament: An era has an era of cultural rules that need to be reformulated

What this film wants to express is the collision of two values, and the imperative of innovating reforms, the world needs to break some rules to make some positive changes, so that people can completely get rid of their inner conflicts and troubles, and pursue their own freedom.