
Since the New Year, the average score per game: Alphabet is at the top James in second place A-Simmons is ranked 4th

Since the New Year, the average score per game: Alphabet is at the top James in second place A-Simmons is ranked 4th

Live bar January 18, 2022 Today, the US media posted the average score list so far in 2022, of which alphabet brother averaged 32.3 points per game in January, James and Embiid ranked second and third, and Blazers young man Anfinny Simmons ranked 4th.

Here are the details of the list:

1. Letter Bucks 32.3 points

2, James Lakers 30.5 points

3. Embiid 76ers 30.3 points

4. Anfenni Simmons Trail Blazers 28.3 points

5. Trey Young Eagle 28.0 points


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