
The art exam has released a new policy, which will be divided into three categories for admission, and art students are a little confused about the exam

author:Siqi Education

The number of art exams every year is not in the minority, so it is also a way to realize their dreams, for art students, their artistic talent can realize their dreams is also a good thing, they can also go to their ideal university, compared to ordinary college students, art students are not easy, but whether it is art exams or ordinary college entrance exams, there have been some changes in recent years.

The college entrance examination is changing, some areas have become the "3 + 2 + 1 or 3 + 3" model of the new college entrance examination, which is a relatively big challenge for students, but with the change of the college entrance examination, the art test is also undergoing new changes, which is really a little confused for some art students.

The art exam has released a new policy, which will be divided into three categories for admission, and art students are a little confused about the exam

The new policy of art examination, the implementation period begins in 2024, and is divided into three categories for admission

For art students, this new policy makes them a little more stressed, because unlike the previous art exam, this policy will be divided into three categories of admission students, for art students, is it a good thing or a bad thing? What are the three types of admissions?

The first type of admission art candidates, art candidates without professional examinations, some majors in the art examination do not require candidates to take professional examinations, although it is not necessary to take the professional class examinations, but the requirements for the candidates' cultural classes are still relatively high, in addition to the blessing of comprehensive quality, so that the final results can be admitted to the school.

The art exam has released a new policy, which will be divided into three categories for admission, and art students are a little confused about the exam

The second is that the candidates conduct professional examinations, and certain requirements are also made for the results of professional courses, in addition to the score lines of professional courses, the cultural courses must also reach a certain score, so that they can be admitted to the school.

The last category is that candidates participate in a small number of colleges and universities that organize school examinations, and art students who participate in school examinations must reach the minimum score line in addition to cultural classes, and professional courses must also meet the standards, and the candidates' school examination results can become the basis for the final scores and be admitted to the school.

The art exam has released a new policy, which will be divided into three categories for admission, and art students are a little confused about the exam

The art test has been reformed, the score of the culture class has become more important, and the candidates must recognize the form

The reform of the art examination requires the candidate's cultural class to a certain extent, the above three categories have certain requirements for the candidate's cultural class, art students can not easily realize their dreams just by passing the score of the art test, the score of the culture class is also very important, so the candidate must recognize the form of the exam.

The results of the culture class are sometimes a more difficult score for art students to improve, because art students spend a lot of time studying art, and art learning is day after day, which is more time-consuming, and art students also have to study culture classes, which will make candidates very tired.

The art exam has released a new policy, which will be divided into three categories for admission, and art students are a little confused about the exam

However, in this reform, the dance major will lower certain standards, and the school examination will be easier, but it cannot be taken lightly, students still need to continue to study, so that they can achieve better results in the art examination, for some candidates, reform is a good thing, but some candidates are a little confused.

For candidates, the confusion is because they do not know how to do in the examination, how to learn cultural classes and professional courses, for the culture class and professional course learning time will be more confused, do not know how to improve the results of these two subjects together, do not know how to allocate time.

The art exam has released a new policy, which will be divided into three categories for admission, and art students are a little confused about the exam

Professional courses and culture classes are grasped with both hands, and time is reasonably allocated to improve examination results

Art students learn is not as simple as others think, for art students their time is very precious, the average student can learn the knowledge of the school, but for art students, not only to learn the school's cultural class results, their professional class results must also reach a certain level.

In professional courses, the time, energy and money consumed are also a relatively large expense for art students, and parents will also give art students a certain amount of pressure, so candidates should grasp both cultural classes and professional courses, and when learning the knowledge of cultural classes in school, they should study solidly and make certain progress in their grades.

The art exam has released a new policy, which will be divided into three categories for admission, and art students are a little confused about the exam

The results of professional courses should also achieve relatively good results, in the training of professional teachers, you should let yourself devote yourself to the classroom, absorb professional knowledge, and practice diligently, can not find excuses for your own learning, and should reasonably allocate time in learning, so that both can achieve the results they want.

Art examinees face the double pressure, as long as the reasonable allocation of time, you can get a certain solution, art exam is not a good way to go, adhere to do their own things, reasonable allocation of their own time, solid learning knowledge, so that will also achieve better results, art candidates although the pressure is relatively large, but as long as solid study, will definitely improve their own results.

The art exam has released a new policy, which will be divided into three categories for admission, and art students are a little confused about the exam

【Author's Message】The exam has a new policy, and students should also make certain changes according to the changes in the form, so that they can adjust themselves, in order to achieve good results in the exam, and allocate their time and study solidly, in order to realize their dreams.

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