
The so-called "down-to-shoot aircraft" costs $4 billion: How good is the U.S. Air Force One? 01 The President's Exclusive Mount 02 Three Keywords of "Air Force One" 03 Witness to The Change of Rights

author:World Chinese Weekly

Recently, 78-year-old US President Biden fell three times in a row while riding the "Air Force One" presidential plane, attracting everyone's attention.

For a time, many netizens ran out to "live the whole life":

There are those who give the boarding ladder P seat belt, there are those who question Biden's physical condition, and there are those who firmly believe that the wind is too big to blow Biden away (I have to spit out that I can blow people away, how much wind it must be)...

Even former President Trump ran to the mix, mockingly in his speech:

Seeing Biden fall down the stairs today, I want to say that I didn't lose to him.

The so-called "down-to-shoot aircraft" costs $4 billion: How good is the U.S. Air Force One? 01 The President's Exclusive Mount 02 Three Keywords of "Air Force One" 03 Witness to The Change of Rights

While netizens gave Biden P seat belt netizens hot discussion, the presidential plane behind Biden, which was as thick as a fortress, was also exposed to the public eye.

You know, the United States spends as much as $700 billion a year on military spending.

"Air Force One" can become the exclusive mount of successive US presidents, and it must have their superiority.

Its luxury and defense can be comparable to that of the White House, and some people call it "an aircraft that will never be shot down"...

Today, let's take a look at how mysterious this plane really is.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="158" >01 The president's exclusive mount</h1>

As the leader of the world's superpowers, the president of the United States has attracted much attention, not to mention the high risk of the president's line, and there are four people who have been assassinated in history alone.

If you want to ensure your personal safety, the all-round fortress-style care of sea, land and air must be arranged.

Whether it is a personal bodyguard who is inseparable, with eyes like a falcon, or the meticulous measures of several security checks when entering the door, even the cars and planes that travel are exclusive and privately customized.

Even these exclusive mounts have their own unique numbers.

The so-called "down-to-shoot aircraft" costs $4 billion: How good is the U.S. Air Force One? 01 The President's Exclusive Mount 02 Three Keywords of "Air Force One" 03 Witness to The Change of Rights

The exclusive air vehicle of successive U.S. presidents, named "Air Force One";

Correspondingly, there is the presidential car, "Army One".

The plane is breathtaking, from its name to its safety to the level of luxury inside.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="158" >02 Three keywords for "Air Force One"</h1>


As the presidential plane, Air Force One represents the Control of the United States over the sky, and everywhere from the fuselage to the cabin, it shows the military strength of the United States and becomes an international totem for the United States to soar in the blue sky.

The so-called "down-to-shoot aircraft" costs $4 billion: How good is the U.S. Air Force One? 01 The President's Exclusive Mount 02 Three Keywords of "Air Force One" 03 Witness to The Change of Rights

In fact, in a broad sense, "Air Force One" does not refer to a certain aircraft, but to the call sign of the aircraft being used by the President of the United States.

As soon as the President of the United States boards any one, even a small helicopter, the plane will be taken over immediately, and from that moment on, the entire crew and all air traffic controllers will unanimously call it "Air Force One."

At present, the most used and well-known "Air Force One" by the President of the United States is the VC-25A aircraft modified by the Boeing 747-400.

The so-called "down-to-shoot aircraft" costs $4 billion: How good is the U.S. Air Force One? 01 The President's Exclusive Mount 02 Three Keywords of "Air Force One" 03 Witness to The Change of Rights

Image courtesy of Sina blog AIR FORCE ONE obama inside

Due to the hegemonic behavior of the United States, the "Air Force One" used by the US president has become a thorn in the eyes of many forces.

Therefore, "safety" has become the first meaning of Air Force One.


Unlike ordinary airliners, Air Force One has been heavily modified, and you can almost see part of the ceiling of modern aviation technology on it.

In order to modify Air Force One, even in the 1980s, the renovation price reached 410 million US dollars, and the total price of the two "Air Force One" newly planned modifications in the United States was as high as 3.9 billion US dollars, which is only the price of building aircraft.

Driven by the high cost of facilities, it is also a cost of burning gold, and its daily flight costs alone reach 180,000 US dollars per hour, which is more than ten times that of ordinary civil aviation airliners.

The so-called "down-to-shoot aircraft" costs $4 billion: How good is the U.S. Air Force One? 01 The President's Exclusive Mount 02 Three Keywords of "Air Force One" 03 Witness to The Change of Rights

The fuselage is covered with thick armor that can resist bomb explosions, and there is an automatic catapult system inside the special aircraft, which will start itself when it encounters danger.

In the event of a missile attack, the anti-missile system installed by Air Force One is not a decoration.

It can jam enemy radars so that they cannot aim, and can also fire a large number of signal flares to trick heat-seeking missiles into changing the direction of tracking.

To ensure the president's safety, the U.S. government has prepared two VC-25A aircraft, which make no difference from the appearance to the internal facilities, except for the slightly different tail code.

When the president needs to travel far, he can randomly choose one plane to travel on, and the other plane will set sail with him.

In this way, it is difficult for some snoopers to find the traces of the president, so as to ensure the personal safety of the president of the United States.

The so-called "down-to-shoot aircraft" costs $4 billion: How good is the U.S. Air Force One? 01 The President's Exclusive Mount 02 Three Keywords of "Air Force One" 03 Witness to The Change of Rights


During the Obama era, a set of images taken on Air Force One was released:

The so-called "down-to-shoot aircraft" costs $4 billion: How good is the U.S. Air Force One? 01 The President's Exclusive Mount 02 Three Keywords of "Air Force One" 03 Witness to The Change of Rights

If you accidentally step in, you may think you are in a conference room of a politician.

The so-called "down-to-shoot aircraft" costs $4 billion: How good is the U.S. Air Force One? 01 The President's Exclusive Mount 02 Three Keywords of "Air Force One" 03 Witness to The Change of Rights

Or the interior of a star hotel

The so-called "down-to-shoot aircraft" costs $4 billion: How good is the U.S. Air Force One? 01 The President's Exclusive Mount 02 Three Keywords of "Air Force One" 03 Witness to The Change of Rights

The meeting room is one of the largest on the plane, almost as wide as the plane.

The so-called "down-to-shoot aircraft" costs $4 billion: How good is the U.S. Air Force One? 01 The President's Exclusive Mount 02 Three Keywords of "Air Force One" 03 Witness to The Change of Rights

The Presidential Suite and Office are to the left of the entrance, in front of the mid-level of the aircraft.

The so-called "down-to-shoot aircraft" costs $4 billion: How good is the U.S. Air Force One? 01 The President's Exclusive Mount 02 Three Keywords of "Air Force One" 03 Witness to The Change of Rights
The so-called "down-to-shoot aircraft" costs $4 billion: How good is the U.S. Air Force One? 01 The President's Exclusive Mount 02 Three Keywords of "Air Force One" 03 Witness to The Change of Rights

Air Force One, like the regular Boeing 747, has three decks.

The lower level houses luggage, food and equipment.

The middle floor accommodates most passengers, while the upper floor consists of a cockpit and communications area.

The so-called "down-to-shoot aircraft" costs $4 billion: How good is the U.S. Air Force One? 01 The President's Exclusive Mount 02 Three Keywords of "Air Force One" 03 Witness to The Change of Rights

There is also a narrow passage to the work area and rear cabin at the rear.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="158" >03 Witness to the change of rights</h1>

As a witness to the change of power, the name "Air Force One" was first born during the presidency of President Eisenhower.

The so-called "down-to-shoot aircraft" costs $4 billion: How good is the U.S. Air Force One? 01 The President's Exclusive Mount 02 Three Keywords of "Air Force One" 03 Witness to The Change of Rights

Kenneth Walsh mentioned in Air Force One: A History of the President and His Plane:

On one occasion, President Eisenhower flew on an Air Force 610 aircraft code-named Dove II. As a result, on the same day, a commercial plane with the same code name entered the airspace with the president, and the staff confused the presidential plane with the commercial airliner, fortunately, it was only a false alarm, and the presidential plane finally landed smoothly.

Since then, for the sake of safety, the president's special plane has a loud code name - "Air Force One".

But the same name, the president's aesthetic is different.

Successive presidents have come to power and have modified their own aircraft.

Truman once painted the plane with the pattern of a bald sea eagle.

The so-called "down-to-shoot aircraft" costs $4 billion: How good is the U.S. Air Force One? 01 The President's Exclusive Mount 02 Three Keywords of "Air Force One" 03 Witness to The Change of Rights

Because in the United States, the bald eagle is a symbol of strength, courage, freedom and immortality.

The so-called "down-to-shoot aircraft" costs $4 billion: How good is the U.S. Air Force One? 01 The President's Exclusive Mount 02 Three Keywords of "Air Force One" 03 Witness to The Change of Rights

Kennedy, at the suggestion of his wife, decorated the cabin with artwork, and the fuselage was painted in blue and white tones.

Today, Air Force One still maintains this classic design.

The so-called "down-to-shoot aircraft" costs $4 billion: How good is the U.S. Air Force One? 01 The President's Exclusive Mount 02 Three Keywords of "Air Force One" 03 Witness to The Change of Rights

Soon after bush ascended to the presidency, bush issued a peculiar order:

Broccoli is forbidden to enter the cabin of Air Force One!

Because he was always forced by his mother to eat broccoli in his childhood, now that he is president, he can finally forbid the emergence of this terrible food.

The reason is simple, the new president does not want to see this "hateful plant" on his own plane.

The aircraft, code-named Air Force One, witnessed the preferences and quirks of different presidents, and accompanied the presidents of the United States to various large diplomatic occasions.

On November 22, 1963, John F. Kennedy took air force one to Dallas and was assassinated, and Vice President Johnson was ordered to swear an oath to succeed him as president of the United States on Air Force One.

The so-called "down-to-shoot aircraft" costs $4 billion: How good is the U.S. Air Force One? 01 The President's Exclusive Mount 02 Three Keywords of "Air Force One" 03 Witness to The Change of Rights

In 2001, the "9/11" terrorist attack occurred, and Air Force One became the target of terrorist organizations.

U.S. President George W. Bush spent a long time in the skies in Air Force One, passing through Air Force bases in Louisiana and Nebraska.

Eventually rejecting the proposal to take refuge in an underground fortress, he flew back to Washington and spoke on television at the White House that night.

The so-called "down-to-shoot aircraft" costs $4 billion: How good is the U.S. Air Force One? 01 The President's Exclusive Mount 02 Three Keywords of "Air Force One" 03 Witness to The Change of Rights

These legendary events have brought Air Force One into the spotlight.

We also see from this small plane the ambitions of the United States. Wen/Sister W

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