
WBG: SofM once again shows why he is the richest man in Vietnam

The LPL Spring Tournament is underway, and finally BLG beat WBG 2-1, and after the game, netizens on Reddit discussed the game, let's take a look.

WBG: SofM once again shows why he is the richest man in Vietnam

"What an ugly game, Doggo dragged very hard and SofM once again showed why he was the richest man in Vietnam."

WBG: SofM once again shows why he is the richest man in Vietnam

"Theshy and Huan Feng were desperately carrying this bastard, and Angel, at least sometimes pretending to be useful."

WBG: SofM once again shows why he is the richest man in Vietnam

"SofM has been performing badly since the end of the 2020 World Championship"

WBG: SofM once again shows why he is the richest man in Vietnam

"Bad performance for a long time, a good performance in one game does not make him a good player, he is the reason why SN has lost so many games."

WBG: SofM once again shows why he is the richest man in Vietnam

"Even Doggo himself wants Uzi to be on the starting list"

WBG: SofM once again shows why he is the richest man in Vietnam

"Doggo, I know you're going to be replaced by Uzi anyway. But don't make it so obvious. His last two deaths are interesting. ”

WBG: SofM once again shows why he is the richest man in Vietnam

"Even Doggo wants to watch UZI play"

WBG: SofM once again shows why he is the richest man in Vietnam

"Don't really think Doggo is the problem. He outputs damage explosions, and his bomberman is perfect. ”

WBG: SofM once again shows why he is the richest man in Vietnam

"Interestingly, the 1-3-1 Bomberman even had a bounty by repairing the knife"

WBG: SofM once again shows why he is the richest man in Vietnam

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