
The most hungry one when I went to school was not in the school commissary

author:Doraemon who loves to travel

"What was the most memorable thing about my student days?"

Talking about this topic, I believe that everyone will give different answers. However, there is no doubt about one thing: at an age when the thirst for knowledge and the thirst for food are equally vigorous, we sit facing the blackboard, sitting precariously, and often can't help but laugh at the food written in the text.

The most hungry one when I went to school was not in the school commissary

Staple foods can hold the field

/ A porridge and a meal are often hard to come by /

Counting the diet mentioned in the text, it is really not a small number of staple foods to write about.

The locust flowers in "May in Huaixiang" are in full bloom, "In the season of acacia blossoming, as long as any child enters Huaixiang, he will be drunk by the aroma and stupidly lie under the locust tree and do not want to go home." The hospitable children of Huaixiang would pull him to their homes and invite him to a beautiful meal of locust flowers. ”

Locust flowers naturally have a fragrance, and day after day, the smell becomes more and more intense by the blowing of the summer smoke, like a pair of gentle hands, even if they are far away, they will beckon you to come and invite you to taste the taste of the season. "Locust rice is steamed with rice mixed with locust flowers. For salty, pour sesame oil, garlic paste, and aged vinegar; eat sweet, sprinkle with sautéed sesame seeds, and mix with locust nectar. "The sweet and savoury locust flower rice has been deeply implanted in my gastronomic memory since I was a student, so that many years later, walking on the streets of Budapest, looking at the locust flowers that fell to the ground but no one could understand the taste, I felt deep regret and regret.

The most hungry one when I went to school was not in the school commissary

Locust flowers

As for the coarse grain dumplings made of chàn elm noodles mentioned in "Yu Qian Rice", the raw sauce shallots mixed with willow leaves and the Elm Qian rice, it left me with a richer, bizarre and imaginary imagination of the wonderful taste.

There is an elm tree hometown, and in the spring, the old elm tree is indeed like the article, "hanging a string of powder sacs of elm money." Every year at this time, the children will often take down a handful of elm money and chew it casually. "Yu Qian'er eats raw is very sweet, the more chewy the more fragrant." However, for children, it is usually boring to eat a few bites. Moreover, at that time, the small raccoon simply noodles were being strongly promoted in the way of collecting water margin cards, and the compound seasonings fed the taste buds to the skin and blunt, and we could not taste the good of Yu Qian. On the contrary, it was only when he grew up that he followed the book "Ninety percent of Yu Qian'er mixed into one cornmeal, steamed in the upper drawer pot, and the water was ripe as soon as it blossomed... Put it into a bowl, soak the chopped turquoise white tender shallots, soak them in the old pickled soup of the next year, and mix them in the Yuqian rice" The description was "reproduced", and later encountered the soft elm bark cold noodles in the Tonghua area of Jilin Province, and finally felt the connection between literary imagination and real taste.

The most hungry one when I went to school was not in the school commissary

Elm money

There is also the bowl of "a bowl of Yangchun noodles" that "the boss grabbed a bunch of noodles, and then added half a pile, and put them together in the pot" boiled hot, fragrant Yangchun noodles, the author did not make a detailed description of the noodles, nor did he write the performance of mother and child eating pasta, but so many years have passed, in the depths of memory, the hot air above the noodles has been and "the curtain that says 'Beihai Pavilion' swayed in the breeze, floating..."

The most hungry one when I went to school was not in the school commissary

Yangchun noodles

In "Yilu Pear Blossom", "Lao Yu used a flashlight to sweep up and down the house, and found a few lines of thick writing written on the wall: "There is dry firewood behind the house, and there is rice, salt, and spicy seeds in the bamboo tube on the beam." "We started cooking on the fire. The warm fire, the fragrant rice and the hot foot-washing water swept away the fatigue and hunger in our bodies. "It's just a home-cooked meal, but it's just an ordinary taste, but through the words, we seem to feel the warmth of the fire, the soft stickiness of the rice, and the taste of salt and spicy seeds."

There is also the "small bag of green barley noodles" in "The Stubborn Little Red Army", the osmanthus cake in "Osmanthus Rain", the wontons in "Shouting" that burn hot water, carry flat burdens, and walk the streets and alleys, they are all plain, simple, and even somewhat inconspicuous, but they bring a warmth, moisturizing one after another when reading texts that may not be focused, but innocent and kind.

The most hungry one when I went to school was not in the school commissary

Osmanthus cake

"After a winter when there is nothing to eat to look for, and therefore more hungry, the day of the earth's spring return and the revival of all things has come again! The fields are overgrown with all kinds of wild vegetables: artemisia, purslane, gray cabbage, wild onions... The best thing to eat is the cabbage. Put it in the corn paste, and put some salt flowers on it, it is really delicious! ”

"I was still standing under the persimmon tree, looking at the lonely little fire persimmon in the treetops. Its red and translucent color still gives people a feeling of joy. ”

In "Digging Cabbage", Zhang Jie overturned the five-flavor bottle in her heart for her children and grandchildren's "lazy chopsticks" and "light-pleasing accommodation", this kind of loneliness that time no longer comes, she also wrote about in "Picking Wheat Ears". However, summer worms cannot be spoken of, and people who have not experienced the era of scarcity are difficult to learn to cherish in abundance and abundance. When thinking about one porridge and one meal, I hope that the textbook "Happy to See the Thousand Heavy Waves of Rice And Trees- Remembering Yuan Longping, winner of the first National High-tech Award", which is included in the compulsory volume of high school Chinese compulsory courses in the unified textbook, will become the common memory of a new generation of students in the future.

The most hungry one when I went to school was not in the school commissary
The most hungry one when I went to school was not in the school commissary

Side dishes are not absent

/ Word by word always thinks about it over and over again /

"In the morning, my father went to the market to buy red fruits, begonias, yams, red beans, etc., and washed these things first. Red fruits and begonias went to the child and tail, and those with a little peel damage should be picked out, and the best ones should be selected to dry in the sun. Green silk and roses are also superior. Dipping sugar gourd must be made with rock sugar, cotton white sugar is not OK, dipped out is not bright. Boil the sugar in a copper pot, and the sugar from the iron pot will turn black. In "Ten Thousand Years Prison", Xin Fengxia recounted in detail the process of making rock sugar gourds. Anything that can trigger reverie, most of them must have some realistic support, so that the idea can be attached to the beauty, and the travel can have a realistic dependence. So reading this, children who have sat in the classroom and tasted the cold taste and sweet and sour taste of the rock sugar gourd can not sit still at all, and the small mouth that has only lost the baby teeth is enthusiastically shared, where can it take care of what "dog sinus is open"? As for the trouble of brushing your teeth every morning and evening and the toothache in the middle of the night, you have forgotten all of them.

The most hungry one when I went to school was not in the school commissary

Rock sugar gourd

She also smiled, sat down next to me, and said, "After seeing the chrysanthemums, let's go to the 'imitation', you loved to eat the pea yellow there when you were a child." Remember when I took you to the North Sea? You say that the poplar flower is a caterpillar, running, squashing one foot at a time...". When I was a child, I couldn't understand the deep love of my mother in "Autumn Nostalgia", but I remembered very clearly that there were imitation meals and pea yellow food in the Summer Palace. So the first time I went to Beijing, I was stunned to use this text as a local food guide, and went to the Summer Palace to find imitation food according to Tu Suoji.

Pea Yellow is an authentic folk snack. It is made of white peas, and the finished product is goose yellow. How can it be so delicate that people can't help but be careful when eating it. Later, there was a phrase that was used to describe parents spoiling their children too much, called "holding it in your hand for fear of falling, holding it in your mouth for fear of melting", I actually imagined it according to the taste of pea yellow. Pea yellow tastes cold, pure, sweet, and perfect for hot summer days. Before eating pea yellow, I also stole the bean paste stuffing used to make fried cakes, which was far less than one-tenth of the pea yellow in terms of taste and texture.

The most hungry one when I went to school was not in the school commissary

Pea yellow

Not only snacks, but also meat in the texts, such as oysters in "My Uncle Hule", roasted grouse in "The Master of the Great Forest", roast goose in "The Little Girl Who Sold Matches" and cooked beef in "Jingyang Gang".

An elderly sailor in ragged clothes took a knife and pried open the oyster and handed it to the two gentlemen, who in turn handed it to the two wives. They ate the oysters in a small handkerchief with a small handkerchief and their heads slightly forward so as not to stain their robes; then with a quick slight movement of their mouths, they sucked in the juice and threw the oyster shells into the sea. ”

The most hungry one when I went to school was not in the school commissary

Oysters are oysters

He moved the fire to the side and used a knife to dig a hole in the ground where the fire had just been burned. I plucked the grouse and dug out the internal organs. The hunter found a few more large leaves, wrapped the grouse, put them in a hole, covered it with a thin layer of soil, and then lit a fire on it... When you open the hole, you can smell a fragrance. We both ate so much that I felt like I'd never eaten anything so delicious. ”

The light fell on the wall, which suddenly became as transparent as tulle, and she could see the house all the time. The table is covered with snow-white tablecloths, delicate plates and bowls are placed, and the roast goose with apples and plums in its stomach is bubbling with aroma. Even better, the goose jumped off the plate, with a knife and fork in its back, and staggered on the floor..."

The most hungry one when I went to school was not in the school commissary

Roast goose

"The shop cut two pounds of cooked beef, put it on a large plate, put it in front of Wu Song, and sifted a bowl of wine."

It wasn't until many years later that I saw the grilled oysters, "chicken called flowers", and beef sauce sold on the street, and I still couldn't move, and I once thought that I had joined the beggar gang in my previous life. Occasionally I saw others drawing matches, and I couldn't help but take them and follow them. And while drawing, I thought to myself: Am I drawing a match? I was clearly watching a roast goose.

The most hungry one when I went to school was not in the school commissary

Specialties to bring goods

/ How many distant imaginations are carried /

When I mention Beidacang, I think of the black land in the northeast, and when I mention the black land, I think of the five permanent rice, pig slaughter, stew, barbecue... Too much. On the Great Plains of Heilongjiang, "roe deer scoop fish with sticks, and pheasants fly into rice pots." This sentence slips through the mouth, chicken, duck and fish meat account for three things, so that the big fish and meat are armed to the teeth! When I learned the text "Lovely Grass Pond", I deeply remembered this smooth sentence. Now that the roe deer has become cute, the scene of scooping fish may be rare again, but the products at the source of the Three Rivers are still abundant. The text left us with an impression of fresh fat, so we went to reality to try to find fat. Rice soup stewed fish, iron pot goose, pork stew noodles... Between the white mountains and black waters, what you eat is the warmth of the nine cold days, what you eat is the roughness of all things when they are sealed, and what you eat is the spirit of vertical and horizontal, and the wanton sprinkling.

The most hungry one when I went to school was not in the school commissary

Pork stew with noodles

Speaking of Gaoyou, everyone will be like a password, smiling, smiling, happy to say a sentence "duck eggs of the Dragon Boat Festival", which shows the deep influence of Mr. Wang Zengqi on people. Even more powerful, you can also respond with a sentence of "Once the sea was shipwrecked as water, the salty duck eggs in other places, I really can't look at it." ”

Gaoyou's duck eggs are really good, "Gaoyou salted duck eggs are characterized by fine quality and oil. The protein is soft and tender, unlike hair shafts, powders, and chewed lime in the mouth. Usually eaten, it is usually eaten by knocking out the "empty head" and digging with chopsticks. As soon as the chopsticks head went down, the red oil came out. The yolk of gaoyou salted duck eggs is red. ”

Elder Wang had already written it all. Gaoyou's duck eggs are not too salty, you can eat dry mouth, the light of red oil always causes appetite, people always want to eat one, another one. Gaoyou also sells double yellow salted duck eggs, which is really a strengthened version of happiness.

The most hungry one when I went to school was not in the school commissary

Duck eggs for the Dragon Boat Festival

"Artemisia annua is full of short reed buds, which is when the puffer fish wants to go up." This is a verse from the "Evening View of Hui Chongchun River". I still clearly remember that the notes under the book read: The puffer fish is a kind of fish, the scientific name is "pufferfish", and the meat is delicious. At that time, the puffer fish managed to catch my attention. Later, in the book, I read Fan Zhongyan's "Few pedestrians on the river, but love the beauty of sea bass", so I went home and silently lengthened the "list of must eat in this life". Also on the list are mandarin fish in "Egret Flying in Front of Mount Cisai, Mandarin Fish Fat in Peach Blossom Flowing Water". There is a squirrel cinnamon fish in the Su bang dish, which is crispy on the outside and tender on the inside, and the sour and sweet are moderate, which is really wonderful. As for "three hundred lychees in the day, don't quit being a Lingnanian." "It also became one of the first things to ask for proof after coming to Guangdong."

The most hungry one when I went to school was not in the school commissary


It is worth mentioning that Mr. Lu Xun has also been committed to the promotion of Jiangnan cuisine, and no one who has experienced the nine-year compulsory education stage cannot say that the boiled Luohan beans in "Social Drama", the fennel beans in "Kong Yiji", the raspberries in "From Baicao Garden to Sanwei Bookhouse", the watermelons and ruts in "Young Leap Soil" (sorry, naughty, haha!). )......

When I was a child, the Chinese textbook was really a book of provincial specialties, we remembered the fallen peanuts that could be squeezed for oil, the small oranges that could be made into lamps, the grape ditches in Xinjiang, the bayberry in Jiangnan, the apricots and begonia fruits in Beijing, and the crystal clear lychees in the south, the star peach shaped like a five-pointed star and the cotton grapefruit that was a little bitter... At that time, logistics was not as developed as it is today, how many people met these products by chance for the first time in the text, and the delicate descriptions in those texts did not know how many of our endless imaginations of the distant places were carried.

The most hungry one when I went to school was not in the school commissary

Small orange lamp

There are also some that carry private memories, such as Qi Jun's "Spring Wine". "As the name suggests, Eight Treasures is a wine made in eight things, that is, black dates, lychees, cinnamon balls, almonds, tangerine peels, goji berries, coix seeds, plus two olives. To soak for a month, open it, the aroma of wine plus medicinal aroma, eager to drink its three cups in one gulp. "However, the age grows wildly at any time, and there are still so many tastes that gradually dissipate in the wind and never come again."

The most hungry one when I went to school was not in the school commissary

Chaos is indispensable

/ A thousand words can be eaten /

There is a truth that no philosopher has ever said: "In addition to serious learning, students' imagination and creativity are actually super strong." "If you look over the fire of the previous two years, "Du Fu is very busy" will know

The most hungry one when I went to school was not in the school commissary

。 What, this text doesn't deal with eating and drinking? That's okay! Youth is a violent appetite, and in the vigorous age of the body, it seems that a thousand words can be eaten. This is not even included in the language textbook.

The "two cups of steaming green tea and a small plate of peanut rice" mentioned in the prime minister's desk mentioned in "One Night's Work", the "made" ink dipped in rice dumplings due to reading too much in "Chen Yi Eating Ink", even Newton's watch boiled into the pot, the gravy in Pasteur's gooseneck flask experiment...

A stay takes a lifetime to go back, that is, youth. In fact, when we talk about the delicacies in the text, where do we miss just eating? It is clear that it is a free time when everything grows without worrying, without deliberately calculating how high the calories are, how much salt content is, whether it is high in sugar and fat, and whether everything grows!

I remembered what I had seen again: after the bell rang, a student hurried in the door with a box of freshly washed tomatoes. Crystalline water droplets kept falling mischievously from the box, as if they had just run a long way. After a while, this box of small tomatoes magically appeared on the desk of another student, and this small detail was beautiful in the classroom with a loud book, making people have no intention of breaking it, but only clear and beautiful.

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