
Old Man Fan of "Royal Annoyance"

Spring Steps

The word "royal annoyance" was accidentally obtained from the "Notes on the Collection of Chapters and Sentences of the Four Books". Fan Zuyu, a philosopher in the middle of the Northern Song Dynasty, commented on the Analects of the Analects as a political chapter, saying: "For the sake of government and virtue, it is not moved, it is believed without words, and it is accomplished by doing nothing." The keeper is simple and can resist troubles, the one who is there is quiet and can brake, and the one who does it can serve the people. When "Yu Annoyance" jumped into view, my heart clattered, and my heartstrings were plucked. Thank you Fan for giving me the proverbs. Annoyance is a wild horse that needs to be driven, and it is for "annoyance". And the Fan family, as far as my eyes can see, there are two "Royal Annoyance" masters, one is Fan Jingyi, and the other is Fan Huide. The former is the leader of the press, and the latter is the writer of the side of the corner. For many years, I have boasted that I have been a private disciple of Mr. Fan Jingyi, and I am fortunate to have been personally accepted by Mr. Fan Huide.

Mr. Fan Jingyi is a model of "royal annoyance". In May 1992, when Yixing, Jiangsu Province, held an event at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing, sociologist Fei Xiaotong said: "Our land has been cultivated for 5,000 years and has not been destroyed. Can we give future generations another 5,000 years of this environment? After Mr. Fan Jingyi listened, he felt the need to make Mr. Fei Xiaotong's views public, so he wrote at 10 o'clock that night until more than 5 a.m. the next day, and changed 7 introductions successively. The final message, "5,000 Years to Future Generations," was less than 500 words, when he was the editor-in-chief of the Economic Daily, 61 years old.

As a leader in the press, I was worried, annoyed, troubled, too much, but for a newsletter, I changed it for 7 hours. This is not a model of "royal annoyance", and what is it?

Mr. Fan Huide is also a model of "royal annoyance", whether as a primary school, junior high school, high school teacher, or as a civil servant, are conscientious, diligent, but do not give up the literary dream, after retirement, prepare for most of his life, painstaking for more than three years, several drafts, one stroke and one painting, wrote a 1.4 million words of long novel "Twin Dream", won the "Shandong Literature and Art Excellence Project Award". Lu Xun spent the time others drank coffee on work, and Teacher Fei drank more than a thousand cups of coffee to write a long story. Drinking coffee is not for the pleasure of life, but for the sake of refreshment. He said, "In those days, at about three o'clock in the morning, I got up on time, washed up, had a cup of coffee, and went into the crop crowd of the Huangshui River at the foot of the Gushan Mountains, and lived with them: one went up and down the mountain to plant crops, one ate and drank Lazar and slept together; one was happy, one was sad; one was a good person, one was a bad seed; one was a good person, one was a murderer; one was true, one was false; one was good, one was evil; one was beautiful, one was ugly..." Mr. Fan's study was called "No Worries". "Yu annoyance", Fang is not annoyed also.

Old Man Fan of "Royal Annoyance"

Fan Huide established a biography for farmers, and his merits were immeasurable. "Imperial annoyance" must have the ability of the imperial family, where does this ability come from? From human nature, virtue. What do writers and artists fight to the end? Spelling is personality. Mr. Fan Huide has been engaged in education for 25 years and can be described as tireless. I saw that he had an old student recall that once, in the second class of the eighth grade taught by Teacher Fei, the boys' dormitory lost meal tickets continuously. Teacher Fei secretly observed and found that it was done by a student. This student has many brothers and sisters, and his mother has been ill for many years and the family is in difficulty. Teacher Fei took out his own salary and bought meal tickets for this student, shoes and clothes. The student has never taken the money and belongings of his classmates since then, but he has never confessed his theft, but Teacher Fei is not in a hurry. After half a year of funding, the students finally took the initiative to find Teacher Fei and admit their mistakes. Teacher Fei did not disclose this matter, but only encouraged the students to remember the lessons, study well, and enter the ideal school. After many years, after working in college, this student had to visit the teacher every year. He said that it was Teacher Fei who taught him how to be a human being.

Teacher Fei's story reminds me of Bishop Milière in Hugo's Les Misérables, who dared to take in Jean Valjean, who had the identity certificate of a prisoner, without the slightest hesitation, suspicion and uneasiness, and treated him like others, without any suspicion and contempt, contempt. What is even more touching is that after knowing that Jean Valjean had been caught stealing silver tableware, instead of blaming him, he gave him the silver candlestick. "You no longer belong to the devil... With these silverware, I have bought back your soul. Here, Bishop Milière is the embodiment of benevolence and the model of "royal annoyance". With great love, you can "resist annoyance", the young man is wrong, you wait patiently, wait for him to reflect, wait for him to mature. Isn't waiting "annoying"?

Fan Jingyi has an essay called "People Learn to Speak After Seventy Years", which has a saying: "In the old age, everything rests, and it is inevitable to look down on his life and sum up the gains and losses, at this time he suddenly realized: Although he has been floating in the sea for decades, he has not yet learned to speak." The so-called failure to learn to speak is not to say that what they say makes people incomprehensible, but to spend too much time on learning clichés, official words, and empty words, while the words that the masses want to hear, are willing to listen to, and love to listen to are becoming more and more unfavorable, and they are rarely able to say the kind of words that can be said in the hearts of the masses. In order to "learn to obey", Fan Jingyi insisted on putting contact with the grassroots and in-depth investigation first. To make the masses like, we must learn the language from the masses. He gave an example of how he liked to "join in the fun," even in street fights. His children didn't understand: "What's the point of a fight?" Fan Jingyi said: "Actually, I see quarrels in order to learn to obey and learn to speak." Isn't it? As soon as the two sides of the quarrel enter the role, the expression is rich, the passion bursts, there is no empty words, clichés, and there is no 'because' and 'so'. For example, scolding the other party 'you asshole', will never scold 'you basic asshole'. The language of the masses, vivid and lively, is of great reference significance for us to write news, especially to write commentary. "The older you get, the more conscious and determined you are.

Coincidentally, Teacher Fan Huide is also over seventy years old, still working hard, mentality like a young man, chatting with him, the spark of thought can burst at any time, he is like a fire. From Fan Jingyi and Fan Huide's "Golden Old Age," I thought of Zang Kejia's poem in his later years: "Since Mu Chaohui is verdant, Hugh calls out with his white hair; he is frantically trying to break the glass mirror and return my youth to the fire." The old man who lives to be old and learns from the old man is a good old man who is "annoyed".

In addition to accompanying Sima Guangshan in compiling the Zizhi Tongjian, Fan Zuyu also wrote twelve volumes of the Tang Jian, eight volumes of the Imperial Studies, and six volumes of the Renhuang Zhengdian . In particular, the twelve volumes of the Tang Jian (唐鉴) "Deeply understood that the Tang Dynasty ruled the chaos for three hundred years, and the scholars respected it, and the purpose was 'Tang Jian Gong'." In commenting on Confucius's "Words are not lazy, their returns are also with", Fan Zuyu revealed his own "imperial annoyance" technique: "Yan Zi listened to the words of the master, and his heart understood and did it." It is not wrong to create a second upheaval. If all things are moistened by the rain at the right time, and the glory grows, what is lazy. This group of disciples could not reach it. "Admire the former sages, see the sages." Fan Jingyi is like this, Fan Huide is like this, and the boy of the Qi family strives for the same way.

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