
"Lao Guang" bought 16 million yuan of Nyingchi specialties in half a month

author:New Express
"Lao Guang" bought 16 million yuan of Nyingchi specialties in half a month

■ CBA Guangdong team head coach Du Feng brought New Year goods on live broadcast. New Express reporter Dundee/photo

"Drunken Beauty, Tibet Jiangnan • Preferred Linzhiyuan" 2022 Goods Festival offline launch, from now to the 19th can be to Beijing Road patronage

Linzhi apples, Tibetan pork bacon sausages, Tibetan yak snowflake crisp, Bomi Tibetan tianma, Bomi honey... On the afternoon of January 16, the "Guangdong Trade Bank • Multi-City Linkage" 2022 "Drunken Beauty, Tibet Jiangnan • Preferred Linzhiyuan" New Year Goods Festival launched the offline mode, and more than 100 Linzhi special products were beautifully unveiled on Beijing Road in Guangzhou, attracting "Lao Guang" to try food experience and pay for support.

■ New Express reporter Lu Yansi

The Guangdong Tibet Aid Task Force vigorously promotes consumption assistance to Tibet

2022 is the 28th year of Guangdong's assistance to Tibet, and along the way, the Guangdong Provincial Party Committee and the Provincial Government have resolutely implemented the major political tasks of counterpart assistance to Tibet, sincerely helped, pragmatically innovated and supported, and formed a strong mountain and sea sentiment linked by heart and hand. Ye Zhenqin, member of the Standing Committee of the Guangdong Provincial Party Committee, said in her speech at the event: "Vigorously supporting consumption assistance is a real trick for Guangdong to aid Tibet, and has achieved remarkable results, the ninth batch of Guangdong Province Tibet Aid Task Force has given full play to the market advantages of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, vigorously promoted consumer assistance to Tibet, and coordinated the opening of all direct sales stores in seven counterpart support cities." ”

According to incomplete statistics, since 2019, Guangdong tourists have accounted for 1/5 of the number of tourists in Nyingchi, and Guangdong Aid Tibet has helped Tibet sell more than 600 million yuan of products through the "7+2" consumer aid platform and the "Nyingchiyuan" brand. Zhang Xiaoling, deputy secretary general of the Nyingchi Municipal Government and cadre of the National Development and Reform Commission to aid Tibet, introduced that more than 100 kinds of Nyingchi special products that appeared in the year of the new year came from the platform.

Guangdong sales account for more than 1/3 of the total sales volume of Linzhiyuan brand

"The high altitude and long distance in Tibet and the high transportation costs have long restricted the export of Nyingchi products, but now this blockage has been opened." Basang Qiuji, operation manager of Tibet Yangxiu Industrial Co., Ltd., which is responsible for the operation of the Nyingchiyuan brand, told the New Express that under the vigorous promotion of the ninth batch of Tibet Aid Task Force in Guangdong Province, through cooperation with the Civil Aviation Administration and China Southern Airlines, the logistics efficiency of Nyingchi airlift to the Pearl River Delta has increased by 50%, logistics costs have been reduced by 30%-50%, and Nyingchi specialties from the plateau canyon, especially fresh products, can be served on the table of consumers in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area more quickly. In this innovative model, the "Linzhiyuan" platform has attracted 58 brands in Tibet to settle in, with a total of 223 products, and last year's sales in Guangdong reached 60 million yuan, accounting for more than 1/3 of the total sales of each brand.

Linzhi apples have become the "net red hit" of this New Year's Festival, attracting the public to try food, and the 98 yuan box of 10 large apples quickly sold out.

"The Yigong Tea Farm is the highest tea farm in the world, and the Yigong Tea Is also known as the 'Tea of the Sky'." Cao Yutao, secretary of the Party Committee of Yigong Tea Farm, told reporters that after sales through the Linzhiyuan platform, Guangdong's sales volume has accounted for more than 30% from 0 to more than 30%, and more importantly, through Guangdong as a logistics warehouse, last year's Yigong tea opened up export channels.

The Linzhiyuan platform also helps brands develop a number of innovative products suitable for young people's consumption habits, "just like this Dawa Quzhen matsutake soup noodles have been very popular as soon as they were launched, and the sales volume has exceeded 200,000 copies in just three months." Basang Qiuji introduced.

It is expected that the sales amount will exceed 20 million yuan before the Spring Festival

"'Guangdong Trade Bank • Multi-City Linkage' 2022 Cargo Festival From New Year's Day to now, in just half a month, online and offline sales, 'Lao Guang' has purchased more than 16 million yuan of Linzhi products, and it is expected that the sales amount will exceed 20 million yuan before the Spring Festival!" Lu Xiaohong, chairman of Huahao Culture Technology (Guangzhou) Co., Ltd. and the general manager of the "Guangdong Trade Bank" platform, said that a variety of Nyingchi specialty products are very popular with Guangdong citizens, such as Nyingchi apples sold 520,000 kg, Zangjia xiang yak snowflake crisp sold more than 30,000 boxes, Nyingchi walnuts sold a total of more than 100,000 kg, Tibetan fragrant pork bacon / sausage cumulative sales of 10,000 kg, some popular products have been sold out, manufacturers are speeding up production. Next, "Guangdong Trade Bank" will continue to exhibit and sell Nyingchi's special products online.

The launching ceremony not only presented the very distinctive Tibetan Nyingchi ethnic dance, but also brought Nyingchi's "Peach Blossom Garden" to Beijing Road in Guangzhou through AR technology, and introduced the characteristics and highlights of the New Year Festival on the spot with the virtual characters of the person in charge of the "Guangdong Trade Line" platform as the prototype.

In addition, the anchor of the "Guangdong Trade Bank" platform broadcast live on the "Guangdong Trade Bank" Douyin number and video number, and the "Guangzhou Haohao" Douyin number, and carried out live broadcasting of the special products of Nyingchi in Tibet to help farmers, and invited Du Feng, head coach of the CBA Guangdong team and consumer poverty alleviation promotion ambassador, to be a guest to help.

From now until the 19th, this New Year Festival will hold offline exhibition and sales activities on Beijing Road, integrating Tibetan Nyingchi culture, Lingnan culture and Cantonese culture to create a "creative pop-up store" and create a lively New Year market exhibition area.

In addition, this New Year Goods Festival also relies on the "7+ 2" consumer aid platform of Nyingchiyuan to dock the rich supply chain resources of Nyingchi in Tibet, and relies on the "Guangdong Trade Bank" trade digital platform to integrate the resources of the three Major Guangdong series platforms of "Guangdong Province", "Guangdong Business Connect" and "Guangdong Zhengyi", accurately docking brand enterprises and consumer markets, and creating a new ecology of consumption to help agriculture, industry to help agriculture, and digital agriculture.

Two major awards were awarded: "Outstanding Contribution Enterprise" and "Excellent Caring Enterprise"

Since Guangdong began to provide counterpart support to the Nyingchi region in 1995, a large number of Guangdong entrepreneurs have taken root in the plateau with passion, brought Guangdong technology, Guangdong experience and Guangdong concept to Tibet, and made outstanding contributions to the economic and social development of Nyingchi. Yesterday's event awarded the "Outstanding Contribution Enterprise" award, which commended Zhuhai Huafa Group Co., Ltd., China Bolton Group, and Foshan China Invention Achievement Transformation Research Institute.

At the same time, the "Excellent Caring Enterprise" award was awarded. Award-winning enterprises include Digital Guangdong Network Construction Co., Ltd. and Guangzhou Pharmaceutical Group Co., Ltd.