
Raise gold branches and jade leaves, do 4 points, grow into a stout old pile, beautiful and exquisite

author:Xiaoya is on the balcony

Raise gold branches and jade leaves, do 4 points, grow into a stout old pile, beautiful and exquisite

There are some flower friends like to flower more plants, some friends like foliage plants, some friends like to raise bonsai plants that can be raised for many years, golden branches and jade leaves and jade trees have a little similarity, are more drought-tolerant potted plants, and are relatively easy to propagate potted green plants, can cultivate exquisite small bonsai, very suitable for family planting, thick leaves, evergreen in all seasons, but poor hardiness, winter temperature below five degrees will grow stagnant, below zero degrees, there will be a risk of frostbite.

Raise gold branches and jade leaves, do 4 points, grow into a stout old pile, beautiful and exquisite

But a small pot of golden branches and jade leaves, raised at home, can be raised for many years, from an ordinary, plain seedling, growing a leafy, beautiful old pile, very beautiful and perfect, then how to maintain the golden branches and jade leaves potted plants, in order to grow branches and leaves, more branches, grow into beautiful old piles?

Raise gold branches and jade leaves, do 4 points, grow into a stout old pile, beautiful and exquisite

1. Illumination

Then the golden branches and jade leaves we raise, if the light is not sufficient for a long time, it is put in a cool place for a long time, it is easy to cause the length, the branches are very long, but the leaves are very sparse, the leaves are few, and the branches are not thick enough, resulting in the branches will not be lignified.

Raise gold branches and jade leaves, do 4 points, grow into a stout old pile, beautiful and exquisite

So in order for it to grow stronger, more beautiful, more lush, in the spring and autumn when the growth rate is fast, we must bask in the sun, you can maintain eight hours of light time every day, so that the branches are emerald green, the plant is strong, at the same time, a pot of golden branches and jade leaves has been raised for a long time, we have slightly exposed part of its root system, so that there is a strong and powerful beauty.

Raise gold branches and jade leaves, do 4 points, grow into a stout old pile, beautiful and exquisite

2. Water

Golden branches and jade leaves, it is relatively drought-tolerant, generally when the temperature is low in winter, in a semi-dormant state, twenty days to a month watering can be, spring and autumn when the growth is faster, the watering time can be spaced a little shorter, in fact, the growth period, do not water for too long, do not water the potting soil is too dry, but inhibit its growth.

Raise gold branches and jade leaves, do 4 points, grow into a stout old pile, beautiful and exquisite

Of course, in the spring and autumn, the growth rate is fast, and you can't water too much, don't let the potting soil be too waterlogged, so that if you put it on an unventilated closed balcony, or even rot the roots. In order to make the golden branch jade leaf grow into an old pile, we can remove part of the leaf at the bottom, so that it can slowly grow into a small old pile.

Raise gold branches and jade leaves, do 4 points, grow into a stout old pile, beautiful and exquisite

3. Fertilization

In order to make it grow into an old pile, it is necessary to constantly replenish nutrients, in the spring and autumn when it grows fast, you can increase some nitrogen fertilizer and potassium fertilizer, and give some fertilizer every time you water, so that the nutrients are sufficient, and it will naturally grow faster. Only when the nutrients are sufficient, its leaves will be more oily and green, thick and full, and the branches will be stronger and stronger.

Raise gold branches and jade leaves, do 4 points, grow into a stout old pile, beautiful and exquisite

4. Trim

In order to make the golden branches grow more branches, do not be reluctant to prune, cut off some of the top branches, so that it will grow more side branches, and if you want to create a unique shape, you can also use wire to bundle up the cockroach.

Raise gold branches and jade leaves, do 4 points, grow into a stout old pile, beautiful and exquisite

In the northern region, before the cold dew, the outdoor potted golden branches and jade leaves are moved indoors for maintenance, and the overwintering temperature is maintained above 3 degrees, because it is not hardy, and the potting soil is slightly dry during the winter.

Raise gold branches and jade leaves, do 4 points, grow into a stout old pile, beautiful and exquisite

In this way, it will maintain a good growth state throughout the year, and grow more quickly into a beautiful old pile, and the branches and leaves are also particularly green and eye-catching. Raise gold branches and jade leaves, do a good job in 4 aspects, quickly grow into a beautiful old pile, and have high ornamental value. Some of the image sources are online, if there is any inappropriate, please contact to replace.

Raise gold branches and jade leaves, do 4 points, grow into a stout old pile, beautiful and exquisite
Raise gold branches and jade leaves, do 4 points, grow into a stout old pile, beautiful and exquisite

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