
The Organization Department of the Shenzhen Municipal Party Committee issued a proposal for party members: a party member is a banner_Shenzhen News Network

author:Shenzhen News Network

The "1.7" epidemic suddenly hit Shenzhen, a city of immigrants, which suddenly delayed the planned journey of the majority of citizens, delayed the pace of returning to their hometowns, and added to the worries of their families. The battle against the epidemic is a battle of the whole people and a battle of the city; it is also a battle of defense and a war of charge. A few days ago, the Organization Department of the Municipal Party Committee issued a notice to deploy and carry out the "pioneer action" of emergency response to the epidemic, calling on the majority of party members to be the vanguard, take the lead, attack the mountain, and defend the position, in order to quickly decisively win the battle of annihilation of the epidemic. Looking back, "Shenzhen has always been well guarded by the bravest people." In 2018, the "mangkhut" attacked, and the majority of party members charged in the front line of emergency repair, disaster relief and resumption of production, and built a red Great Wall. In 2021, in the face of the "5.21" and "6.14" epidemics, "I am a party member, I go first" and "party members rush up first"... Peace is given to countless people who are in a panic. The scene of holding hands and overcoming difficulties together is still in front of you, and the place where the golden party emblem appears is always reassuring. Looking at today, although the epidemic situation continues to be tense, adding variables to the approaching Spring Festival holiday, the general public does not seem to be nervous, and the circle of friends, comment area, and message board are full of sentences such as "admiring Shenzhen's speed", "believing in Shenzhen's miracle", "Shenzhen is reassuring". Behind this is the fact that the citizens always believe in those Communist Party members who are in all walks of life and still run backwards. At present, the epidemic prevention and control work is complex, and no matter how fine the epidemic prevention work is, the prevention and control network can be woven as densely. In the face of the epidemic, as a vanguard and vanguard soldier, every party member must have a "standing position" in his heart, and even more he must adhere to the "battle position.". Party members in the street community, who will respond to the battle and must be called back, please take out the responsibility of the frontline vanguard and devote themselves to the community epidemic prevention work according to the division of responsibilities. Party members in the sealing and control area, the control area, and the prevention area, please make their identities clear, obey the unified arrangements of the community, take the lead in publicizing epidemic prevention policies, take the lead in collecting opinions and demands, take the lead in managing themselves and their families, and actively participate in volunteer services such as temperature measurement codes, door-to-door services, and nucleic acid testing under the premise of meeting the requirements of prevention and control. Party members from the organs, please take the lead in performing their duties, stick to their posts, ensure the efficient operation of the work, actively respond to the call of the organization and dispatch, and sink the grass-roots level to support the fight against the epidemic. Party members of medical workers are duty-bound to actively participate in frontline work in epidemic prevention such as nucleic acid testing, vaccination, and medical treatment. Teachers and party members need to educate people more, please actively participate in the community online public welfare "4:30" class during the holidays to answer questions for school-age children. Lawyers and party members uphold justice and the rule of law for the people, please actively participate in the "anti-epidemic law" activities to help enterprises and individuals in need. Party members in the media, please make more high-quality works that can impress, infect and inspire people, and let the positive sunshine dispel the haze of the epidemic. Couriers, takeaway riders party members walk the streets and alleys, as diligent as "little bees", please pay attention to the discovery of "small problems" in epidemic prevention, collect hidden dangers "small clues", and find loopholes and patches for grass-roots governance. Party members of ride-hailing drivers are always in a hurry like epidemic prevention personnel, please leave a light for them to go home when they travel late at night. What is isolated is the epidemic, and what is waiting is warmth. The small things of special families are the big things in our hearts, and in the face of the epidemic, we must let them feel "special" care. The majority of party members please make good use of the "Shenzhen Pioneer" WeChat Mini Program, initiate or participate in epidemic prevention volunteer services nearby, visit and comfort the elderly, the elderly living alone, the disabled and the sick, talk to them more, and help them run errands. Epidemic prevention personnel are charging on the front line, and party member volunteers can provide more services such as daily care, homework counseling, and family companionship for their children. They protect us for safety, and we give them peace of mind! It is not difficult to know what to do. It is not easy to win the battle of epidemic prevention and control, and it is even more necessary for us to work together to keep the hard-won achievements. The majority of party members in the city should take the lead in consciously cooperating with epidemic prevention measures in work and living areas, effectively do a good job in personal protection, participate in the creation of "epidemic-free communities", strictly abide by the discipline related to epidemic prevention, do not believe rumors, do not spread rumors, and work with the masses to jointly protect our healthy homeland. A party member is a banner, under the guidance of the party's banner, all parties gather their strengths, dedicate my city, guard my home, the party and the masses are united, and victory can be expected! Let us wait for the flowers to bloom and watch the mountains and rivers together. 【Finishing】Cui Xuan[Source] Organization Department of Shenzhen Municipal Party Committee

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