
"Uyghur Special Court" witness appearance fee suspected exposure, Foreign Ministry: spend money to invite scammers, buy lies

author:Overseas network

Source: Beijing Daily Client

On October 12, Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Zhao Lijian presided over a regular press conference.

A reporter asked a question, recently, overseas social media exposed the suspected so-called "Uyghur Special Court" witnesses appearance fees and the proportion of stolen goods. What is China's comment on this?

"Uyghur Special Court" witness appearance fee suspected exposure, Foreign Ministry: spend money to invite scammers, buy lies

Zhao Lijian said that I had noticed reports that showed that of the total cost of 100,700 pounds, the largest was an anonymous witness surnamed "Wang", who made a profit of 4,300 pounds. The man presented himself as a former policeman sent to Xinjiang in 2018 to investigate separatist activities and spread a lot of disinformation about Xinjiang. It was the same person who changed his surname to "Jiang" in cnn reports, and even CNN itself admitted that it could not unilaterally confirm its statement.

Zhao Lijian pointed out: At yesterday's press conference on Xinjiang-related issues in the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, the spokesman of the people's government of the xinjiang autonomous region bluntly said that the remarks of the person just mentioned were really too false. The Chinese side has stressed on many occasions that the so-called "Uyghur Special Court" is a tool funded by a small group of anti-China elements funded by the violent terrorist and separatist organization "World Uyghur Council" to carry out tricks and deception, and has neither any legal qualifications nor any credibility. If the above-mentioned reports are true, it proves once again that the so-called "Uyghur Special Court" is an outright lie-making machine. These anti-China elements do not hesitate to spend money to invite scammers and buy lies, and the means they have adopted in order to wreak havoc on Xinjiang and smear China can be described as doing everything in their power.

"A lie repeated a thousand times is still a lie. Although these clowns are deliberate and deliberate, there are few viewers of this farce, and there are few who lie. Zhao Lijian said that this is enough to prove that the international community no longer believes the false information they spread, and has even begun to dislike and resent it. The development of China's Xinjiang will only get better and better, and the voices of the international community advocating an objective and fair view of China's Xinjiang policy will also increase. (Intern reporter Liu Xiaoyan)

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