
Singing street | drink the strongest wine, talk about the most arrogant love, and play the most hilarious rock

author:Lime movie

Speaking of the films of the youth series, there are always a few things that are the elements of youth that give birth to small feelings

Girls, music, bicycles, those things that are advertised as "love" and "freedom", most of us have also experienced, although there is no vigorousness that moves the world, but there is still a green little blandness.

Singing street | drink the strongest wine, talk about the most arrogant love, and play the most hilarious rock

But have you ever thought about it? If youth joins the heavy metal, smoky rock and roll style, will it be a different kind of hormonal impulse?

Before Sister Scoop describes your vision for you, insert a digression

Due to the different cultural background and growth environment, there are two things in Ireland that are very good: music and football, these two products of stimulating hormones will unconsciously make people close to them dry up together, coupled with the Irish people's natural alcoholism and love to smoke two mouthfuls of national style, Irish boys and girls' youth is not surprising what color it is.

If a film combines British tunes, American heavy metal, Irish passionate rock and roll youth films, and then sprinkles the material of first love, the staple food of dreams, can you have the impulse to explore the end of youth?

Singing street | drink the strongest wine, talk about the most arrogant love, and play the most hilarious rock

The rock youth drama "First Love" Sing Street, co-produced by Ireland, the United States and the United Kingdom, not only presents an auditory drama, but also truly restores the 80s (the 80s are the golden age of Brit-pop). A wide variety of independent record labels and bands of different styles are in full bloom. After experiencing the continuous evolution of independent music in the 1960s and 1970s, Brit-pop music styles have moved from differentiated diversification to further integration, forming a system of its own. The pursuit and love of rock and roll by a generation of young people in Ireland, in the thick neon lights and the nostalgic mood of the waves, is a kind of arrogance that you and I have never experienced in our youth.

Singing street | drink the strongest wine, talk about the most arrogant love, and play the most hilarious rock
Singing street | drink the strongest wine, talk about the most arrogant love, and play the most hilarious rock

Douban score 8.4 points

Singing street | drink the strongest wine, talk about the most arrogant love, and play the most hilarious rock
Singing street | drink the strongest wine, talk about the most arrogant love, and play the most hilarious rock
Singing street | drink the strongest wine, talk about the most arrogant love, and play the most hilarious rock

Youth begins with the budding of love, and the origin of the film also begins with the small matter of the male protagonist Conor showing love to the heroine Raphaina's first love.

Singing street | drink the strongest wine, talk about the most arrogant love, and play the most hilarious rock

I remember that when Sister Scoop was in junior high school, the school was quite tight about early love, but just as Conor could not resist the impulse of love at first sight, he walked up the steps to show goodwill to the goddess Raphaina, braging that he owned a band, and by asking for a phone number when he wanted to ask Raphiina to play the MV heroine, the little boys all had a heart that wanted to whistle to the girl.

What was it like at that time, Sister Scoop shared the ordinary boy's method of seducing his sister:


A word of disagreement will be done to a fight, after the fight is still grinning and cracking mouth, laughing silly ran to the girl to ask for credit;

The body plate is not so forbidden to pound, most of the night from the home over the wall, invite a group of buddies to find a small slope to drink two mouthfuls of liquor stolen from the family, smoke a cigarette in front of the girl who does not know what brand, spit out two circles, feel that the dick exploded;

To say that at that time, there was no need to pry there was also a large wave of girls sent to the door is undoubtedly an artistic specialty, just at the party roared two voices Zhou Dong's double knuckle stick, jumped on a piece of Mike Jackson, how many silly girls screamed non-stop, the small snacks in their hands a bag of bags without money to send up.

PS: Of course, what the girls don't know is that the boys stuffed is not such a loving thing as snacks, but when the girls go to the toilet, give them a dip in urine or a body of soot, anyway, they are not happy to see them, and they are forced to be struck by lightning.

Singing street | drink the strongest wine, talk about the most arrogant love, and play the most hilarious rock

Speaking of the movie, there is a sentence called NO ZUO NO DIE, boasting that Haikou's Conor knew that Raphaina really agreed to star in the MV, and the story of the music began from then on, and an orchestra gathered in order to bring the sister's "weird coffee", "soft-footed shrimp" and "guys" was newly built.

If you think this is a silly soap opera with a musical costume, then how can the word "youth" be given to you in detail?

Singing street | drink the strongest wine, talk about the most arrogant love, and play the most hilarious rock
Singing street | drink the strongest wine, talk about the most arrogant love, and play the most hilarious rock
Singing street | drink the strongest wine, talk about the most arrogant love, and play the most hilarious rock

As the band's stall slowly set up, the prototype of the dream also began to enter the film step by step, escaping Dublin, singing the whole world, pursuing freedom and a broader vision, so that a group of young people began the first step of inspiration in youth.

However, youth, like the word "happy-sad" mentioned many times in the film, is full of the sweetness of thoughts and the bitterness of reality.

Doesn't the mention of dreams mean success, doesn't a love affair equal to white head and old age, and isn't there a song also called Victor's Troubles?

The little teenager has troubles, this feeling you understand, I understand. Conor's shoddy cover song was criticized by the big brother, the dream goddess Raphaina has a golden boyfriend, the parents in the family quarrel continuously, the family step by step to break up, there is more reprimand from the school director, the bullying and ridicule of classmates, youth is so helpless, powerless to solve, and do not know how to break free.

Singing street | drink the strongest wine, talk about the most arrogant love, and play the most hilarious rock

A large number of shots in the film give the rebellious teenagers who smoke and fly leaves (smoke marijuana), in addition to having curiosity about "maturity", more is the lack of care for the family, the lack of legitimate discipline in society, so that these children who are struggling in youth can not find an outlet for catharsis, can not grasp the straw of light, there is no warm relief, and cigarettes are advertised as a natural thing at the beginning of youth.

If there is only crying (suffering) on the road of youth growth, then why are there so many words to commemorate and praise it?

Singing street | drink the strongest wine, talk about the most arrogant love, and play the most hilarious rock
Singing street | drink the strongest wine, talk about the most arrogant love, and play the most hilarious rock
Singing street | drink the strongest wine, talk about the most arrogant love, and play the most hilarious rock

Looking back, every time you grow up, you will meet a guide. As a guide in Conor's music and love, seemingly dead house, alcoholism, flying leaves, and achieving nothing, his brother who dropped out of school at home is actually instilling rock and roll knowledge in Conor all the way, writing lyrics and composing music by himself, and insisting on taking the road of original music, making Conor's band slowly become popular.

Love also seems to be getting closer and closer to Conor's self-confidence day by day, Raphina's heart is a little sinking, is the sweetness of youth going smoothly to the end?

Singing street | drink the strongest wine, talk about the most arrogant love, and play the most hilarious rock

However, people always have to face reality in order to dream, Raphina in order to realize the dream of modeling, followed her boyfriend to London, the absence of the goddess at the school dance, the absence of parents, the support of the director of education, making people more and more confused about the joy and pain of youth...

Regarding whether there is a twist in the first love between Conor and Raphaina, Sister Scoop will not spoil it for the time being.

But in the end, Conor's music career is on the right track, and director John Carney wants to use reality and the epitome of the film to tell the youthful connotation is the deepest feeling to Sister Scoop:

The film is like the epitome of most families in this country, these children may be from poor backgrounds, from ordinary communities, but it doesn't matter, they have music and dreams, just like those stars and singers who come out of the community, under the guidance of their predecessors, with the determination to do things, they can always break out of the world!

Singing street | drink the strongest wine, talk about the most arrogant love, and play the most hilarious rock

Maybe for youth, we thought very simple at the beginning, becoming a bullish person is to have the strength to resist the dictatorship of parents, to have charm to attract people they like, to have the ability not to be bullied by others, to work hard, and now look back, then said that the freedom to be realized is the best nourishment for us to stand tall and still walk on the road of struggle