
Pet of the Day: Garfield's characteristics Garfield Basic Information Form Features

author:Health Small No.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="1" > basic Garfield information</h1>

Pet of the Day: Garfield's characteristics Garfield Basic Information Form Features

Chinese scientific name: Exotic shorthair cat

Nickname: Garfield

Hair Long: Short hair

Height: 50 cm - 60 cm

Body type: Medium

Lifespan: 10 to 15 years

Origin : United States

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="1" > morphological features</h1>

Pet of the Day: Garfield's characteristics Garfield Basic Information Form Features

Head: Large and round, with a broad skull. A round face shaped from a round skull, with a short, thick neck.

Body: short body type, short legs, wide chest width, broad shoulders. Muscle strength is not obsessive fat.

Tail: Short, but should be proportionate to the body. There can be no abnormal bending.

Coat color: with a variety of colors and patterns, including solid color, smoke color, marking, two-color and accent color and so on.

Shawl: Thick, thick, soft and vibrant. Bright color, thick short hairs, moderate length.

Personality characteristics: Exotic shorthair cats have independent temperament, do not like to be noisy, like to watch the owner but will not go to harass, most of the time will seek their own fun.

Life habits: Garfield is a very intelligent cat, they can accurately remember the owner's wake-up time, and will wake up their owner, can quickly adapt to the new environment, is a very good breeding of a cat.

Health care: They have an independent temperament, do not like to be noisy, like to look at their owners but do not come to harass, and most of the time they will seek their own pleasure. On the other hand, they also have a strong curiosity, are lively and clever, are not nervous, and can adapt to new environments immediately, so they are easy to raise.

Pet of the Day: Garfield's characteristics Garfield Basic Information Form Features

However, because exotic shorthair cats have a flat nose like Persian cats, they are prone to inflammation, so they should often clean their faces.