
【Original】Inner Mongolia | Zhang Zhiguo: Wanggudu

【Original】Inner Mongolia | Zhang Zhiguo: Wanggudu

Original author: Zhang Zhiguo| Inner Mongolia Alxa League


Look out at the ancient ferry port of the Yellow River

That winter-colored cage lid of a large reed

Gently trail in the breeze

Occasionally, a few strands of reed hair fall lightly

From the sound of trumpets coming from the high beam

Looking through the bustle of merchant ships

Frost hit the sideburns

Blow through the cold of the green clothes

The surface of the river that has not yet been frozen

The water birds are still stubbornly rising and falling

Ripples of color

The Camel Salt Trail turns a thousand times

Stumbling all the way

A thousand years have fallen

Look out at the ancient ferry port where thousands of sails have passed

Put the ancient ferry between the eyebrows

Let all the thin chill time be in the shadows

Cover into a warm sun

Throw yourself in the gorgeous desert town

Above the golden Yellow River fishing village

【Original】Inner Mongolia | Zhang Zhiguo: Wanggudu


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Zhang Zhiguo, Alxa Left Banner Bayan Mu Ren Sumu. Purify the mind with reading and immerse your thoughts in life. Grateful for every day in life, grateful to be able to meet everyone in Alxa literature, let us share beauty, kindness, and hope together!

【Original】Inner Mongolia | Zhang Zhiguo: Wanggudu

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