
It's so sad, the director of this film is really good, but I dare not watch the second time

author:Pippi Films

丨This article was first published in the Pippi movie

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Fans and friends who have seen the movie "Black Swan" should be impressed by director Darren Aronofsky's dark horror style.

For example, the heroine tore off the barbs on her hands, picked up glass shards and stabbed Lily's illusions, broke her toes for the performance, and so on.

It's so sad, the director of this film is really good, but I dare not watch the second time

In Aronofsky's other film, Requiem for Dreams, this dark style is even more vividly expressed: its description of the physiological reactions to drug use can be described as both real and shocking, and everyone wants to try to change their fate, but they can powerlessly slide into the abyss of darkness.

Netizens who have seen this film mostly use the words "despair" and "depression" to evaluate, and today Pigo has a heavy heart to talk about this "Requiem of Dreams".

Requiem for Dreams 丨2000

Requiem for a Dream

Director: Darren Aronofsky

Starring: Alan Justin / Jared Leto / Jennifer Connery / Marlon Waynes / Christopher McDonald / Louise Russell

It's so sad, the director of this film is really good, but I dare not watch the second time

The film opens with a live and frenetic TV show, followed by a discordant scene: a young man named Harry has a drug attack and breaks into his mother Sarah's house to move her TV set and take it to the electrical appliance store for money to buy drugs. Because her mother locked the TV, Harry yelled at her mother, and Sarah hid in the room.

Under the "attack" of her son's questioning and threat, Sarah softened her heart and gave Harry the key.

So Harry and his good friend Tyrone, who is also an addict, push the TV set together, and in the melancholy theme song of this film, they walk through the long streets and find the appliance shop owner to exchange money.

Soon they got the poison. But drug addiction is endless, harry and Tyrone are unemployed vagrants, how can they get more drugs? Harry thought of sucking in order to sell.

It's so sad, the director of this film is really good, but I dare not watch the second time

On the other hand, Sarah goes to redeem the TV, and the owner of the electrical appliance shop asks her to persuade her son not to always be a TV set.

It turns out that this kind of thing happens many times. Sarah smiled helplessly and said that she only had one son, so let him do it.

The son is addicted to drugs, and the mother's body and mind are not very healthy.

Sarah is addicted to reality TV and loves sweets. When she received the call from the TV show invitation, she couldn't help but get excited.

It's so sad, the director of this film is really good, but I dare not watch the second time

She recalled herself many years ago, with bright red hair and a graceful figure, when her husband had not yet died and her son was young and promising. In order to shine on TV, Sarah dyed her hair and decided to diet and lose weight to wear the charming red dress of yesteryear.

It's so sad, the director of this film is really good, but I dare not watch the second time
It's so sad, the director of this film is really good, but I dare not watch the second time

Harry's girlfriend, Marianne, was also so addicted that she broke off relations with her family.

She had a small wish: to open a fashion store. But neither of them had official jobs. Harry thought that the more drugs he sold, the faster he could help his girlfriend achieve her wishes.

It's so sad, the director of this film is really good, but I dare not watch the second time
It's so sad, the director of this film is really good, but I dare not watch the second time

Sarah's weight loss journey didn't go well. All kinds of food were always hovering in her mind, and she couldn't get rid of it even if she went to bed.

She saw on TV that someone was taking drugs to lose weight and planned to go to a doctor to prescribe diet pills.

Diet pills work better than diets, and in order to lose weight quickly, Sarah increased the dose of the drug.

It's so sad, the director of this film is really good, but I dare not watch the second time

One day Harry makes a special trip to visit Sarah and finds her in a state of extreme mental arousal.

It's so sad, the director of this film is really good, but I dare not watch the second time

Harry worries that her mother is addicted to drugs, but Sarah is content with the change in weight and doesn't care.

It's so sad, the director of this film is really good, but I dare not watch the second time

Autumn is coming, and the fate of several characters has fallen like dead leaves.

Tyrone is involved in a murder case caused by local gang fights and is hunted down by the police. The local drug lord died, and the drugs were hard to buy.

In order to grab the drugs peddled outside, Harry asks Marianne to go to her psychiatrist to borrow money.

The psychiatrist took advantage of the fire and made a request for a one-night stand.

It's so sad, the director of this film is really good, but I dare not watch the second time

Too many diet pills make Sarah hallucinate.

She heard a loud noise from the refrigerator and approached her step by step; she saw people on TV running out, her home turning into a live broadcast scene, and everyone judging herself and her house.

It's so sad, the director of this film is really good, but I dare not watch the second time
It's so sad, the director of this film is really good, but I dare not watch the second time

Because she didn't buy the drugs, Marianne and Harry had a big fight.

Winter is coming, the film is at its climax, and everyone is ruthlessly hit by fate.

It's so sad, the director of this film is really good, but I dare not watch the second time

Suffering from hallucinations, Sarah runs to the TV station, hoping that the staff will let her on tv, incoherently, and is sent to a mental hospital as a madman.

Doctors treat Sarah with simple and crude methods such as feeding and electric shock.

It's so sad, the director of this film is really good, but I dare not watch the second time
It's so sad, the director of this film is really good, but I dare not watch the second time

After all the abuse, Sarah was unconscious. Her friends came to visit, saw her numb look, heartache, and hugged and wept.

It's so sad, the director of this film is really good, but I dare not watch the second time
It's so sad, the director of this film is really good, but I dare not watch the second time

Harry and Tyrone drive to Florida to buy the poison, and on the way back Harry's arm is infected and festering.

In the hospital, both Harry and Tyrone were arrested and imprisoned. Tyrone was sent to do hard work along with the other prisoners. The wound on Harry's arm worsened so badly that he fainted, and doctors removed his arm.

It's so sad, the director of this film is really good, but I dare not watch the second time

Marianne, who is alone at home, has a drug addiction attack and finds the underworld big brother who is the source of the drug through the phone number left by Harry, and exchanges her body for drugs.

It's so sad, the director of this film is really good, but I dare not watch the second time

Big Brother underworld tells Marianne that they have a fun party over the weekend where Marianne can get more drugs. Unable to wait for Harry's drugs, Marianne had to get into the game and become a plaything for a group of rich people watching the sex game.

It's so sad, the director of this film is really good, but I dare not watch the second time

This section of the director makes excellent use of editing and scoring, bringing despair to the peak.

Parallel editing presents the situations of four characters in different spaces, the rhythmic electronic music combines the pain of the characters, and the plot and emotions progress with the gradually accelerating music beat.

Sarah's electric shock, the indifferent face of the medical staff, Tyrone's smashing shovel, the unconscious Harry, Marianne's sweaty face and other shots are staggered, crazy and terrifying.

It's so sad, the director of this film is really good, but I dare not watch the second time

The aftermath of despair at the end of the film is still trembling. As the music grew, Harry, Marianne, Tyrone, and Sarah all slept in the position of the fetus curled up in the mother's body.

Harry dreamed of Marianne by the sea, but when she approached, she was empty, and then fell down from a tall building.

Marianne clutched the poison tightly, and the design drawings were scattered on the ground. Tyrone remembered his childhood wish, and he promised his mother that he would get ahead in the future.

Sarah completed the fantasy of going on TV in her mind, wearing a red dress and exquisite makeup, introducing her son to everyone and being warmly welcomed by the audience.

It's so sad, the director of this film is really good, but I dare not watch the second time
It's so sad, the director of this film is really good, but I dare not watch the second time

Unfortunately, these dreams cannot come true.

Despite the heavy and oppressive look and feel of this film, it is still a good film.

It's so sad, the director of this film is really good, but I dare not watch the second time

From the shots, editing, and music of "Requiem for Dreams", we can see the skillfulness of director Aronofsky's technique, which is very personal and sharp enough and dark.

It's so sad, the director of this film is really good, but I dare not watch the second time

In order to highlight the theme, the director repeatedly shows the character's drug use behavior in the film, and highly restores the action and physiological reaction of drug use with a series of rapid switching montages: ignition, heating of drugs, enlargement of pupils, lip twitching, injections, drugs flowing in the blood...

It's so sad, the director of this film is really good, but I dare not watch the second time

The shots are so powerful that the viewer seems to be able to sense that some foreign object is invading their body menacingly.

It's so sad, the director of this film is really good, but I dare not watch the second time

Aronofsky is very good at externalizing the inner world of the characters.

On the one hand, he uses a shaky wide-angle lens to follow the large close-up of the faces of the characters, and the desperate and lost looks of the characters jump on the screen; on the other hand, he juxtaposes the imagination and illusions of the characters with the real world, and the surreal style makes people stunned and deepens the audience's sympathy for the characters.

It's so sad, the director of this film is really good, but I dare not watch the second time
It's so sad, the director of this film is really good, but I dare not watch the second time

It's easy to see the film's main purpose: to warn people of the dangers of drugs.

In addition, there are many angles that the film can interpret.

For example, the character of Sarah, the reason why she is addicted to TV shows is because in real life, she has no family to rely on, does not attach importance to friendship, resulting in spiritual emptiness, indulging in the warm time of the past, hoping to satisfy her vanity on TV.

It's so sad, the director of this film is really good, but I dare not watch the second time

In the process of weight loss, Sarah ignored the actual situation and was in a hurry, resulting in drug addiction.

The portrayal of electric shock therapy in the film is not an exaggeration, it is a method of treating mentally ill people that did exist at that time.

For the four characters in the film, addiction is like boiling a frog in warm water.

When they are addicted to television, drugs, and drugs, they can get great pleasure at first, but they do not know that this pleasure is equivalent to drinking and quenching their thirst, slowly eroding their body and mind. When they realize their changes and want to get out of this state, they find that they have long lost the ability to escape. This is the sadness of almost all the characters in the entire film.

It's so sad, the director of this film is really good, but I dare not watch the second time
It's so sad, the director of this film is really good, but I dare not watch the second time
It's so sad, the director of this film is really good, but I dare not watch the second time

For the audience, such an extreme dramatic experience is still relatively rare in life.

But it is worth noting that there are not many things that can make us addicted at the moment, Internet addiction, online shopping addiction, weight loss addiction and even coffee addiction, eating sweets addiction, more or less will exist in ourselves or everyone around us.

Learn to dominate our desires, to be the master of them instead of slaves, so that our lives will not fall into a state of chaos and loss of control.

Text/Pippi Film Editorial Department: Wood Rhinoceros

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