
Don't play code and don't silence, I can't believe that this is cCTV shooting

author:Shadow Detective

Recently, a drama was sprayed miserably.

It took more than half a month to open the score, and the opening score was the trough.

Oh, that's it.

Don't play code and don't silence, I can't believe that this is cCTV shooting

The name sounds like a romance drama, but it is actually a drug enforcement theme.

It tells the story of the male protagonist who breaks into the drug cartel as an undercover agent.

Honestly, when I first learned about this show, I was a little excited.

After all, there are not many film and television dramas on the theme of drug enforcement, let alone a professional drama.

As a result, more than a dozen episodes were watched, and they were confused.

Don't play code and don't silence, I can't believe that this is cCTV shooting

When I watch this drama, it always reminds me of a domestic documentary in 1994.

I was once shocked by this documentary, and now I feel more and more that the so-called anti-drug drama is more formal.

Filming anti-narcotics really shouldn't just be a show-off —

The Sword of China

1995.6.26 Chinese mainland

Don't play code and don't silence, I can't believe that this is cCTV shooting

This is the first large-scale TELEVISION documentary to reflect the field of drug control in China since the founding of the People's Republic of China.

Jointly produced by the National Narcotics Control Commission, the Ministry of Public Security and CCTV, it consists of eight episodes.

It's not "not pretty" —

The picture is blurred, the sound is distorted, and even the poster on Douban is just a screenshot;

Because of the follow-up shooting and many secret shootings, the lens is often shaken and the composition is ugly;

Not to mention the variety of unbearable, brutal and bloody images involved...

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There are also many special shots of such night vision goggles

But it also doesn't need to be "good-looking" at all.

Because it's sincere enough.

As the documentary says: This is the first time in the world that a country has used a documentary of more than 300 minutes to fully show the public the drug problem it faces.

Everything about China's drug control has been exhausted in these 360 minutes.

The precision of its topic and the scale are unprecedented, and there seems to be no one after it.

After reading it, only Yu was shocked.

Shocked by the ugliness of drugs, shocked by the pain of drug-related, and even more shocked by the hardship and danger of drug enforcement.

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The documentary was filmed in 1994.

That was the era when reform and opening up were in full swing.

The opening of the country's doors has ushered in countless opportunities and vigorous development, and has also ushered in the covetousness of drug dealers.

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One of the world's three major drug bases is close to our border —

The infamous Golden Triangle.

Looking across the defense line, the opposite side is all visible to the naked eye, a large area of poppy fields.

It can almost be said that in front of our face, we are planting poison and making poison.

There are even many people who squat directly next to the boundary monument in China to inject heroin without any scruples.

Drug dealers have long been eyeing China.

Now that China is open to the outside world, they will naturally not miss all opportunities to infiltrate into the country.

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Drugs have always been a major problem in China.

It used to be opium.

Forty million compatriots in China, more than 20 million people smoke drugs.

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It's white powder, methamphetamine, and all sorts of other new drugs.

Addiction is faster, more harmful, and harder to quit.

It only takes a lifetime to become addicted to drugs once or twice, and it takes a lifetime to get out of its shadow.

Want money, want life, want dignity.

In the film, there is a girl named Zhang Fujuan, twenty-eight years old, with a straightforward personality, lively and cheerful.

Before taking drugs, she made a lot of money in business.

In her words, "there are several gold rings on my hands" and "the clothes I wear are the most fashionable styles."

Talking about the past, there is still an unconcealable spirit.

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Look at the present.

Once the richest family, it became the poorest family.

People also became yellow-faced and thin, covered with sores, hardened their blood vessels, and there was no good place on the whole body.

There is no place to get a needle.

The doctor said of her, "Even the bones are black."

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Not even more terrifying than that.

Man is human because of his dignity as a human being.

But this doesn't work for people who are addicted to drugs.

When sanity is seized by drug addiction, human dignity is often lost.

Many film and television works have shown the pain of people's drug addicts.

In "Requiem for Dreams", the heroine runs to become a prostitute because of drug addiction and attends the sex party of the drug dealer.

She regretted it, she felt humiliated, but she was sure to go back to sell it.

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In "Guess the Train", the male protagonist was madly tortured by various hallucinations when he was quitting drugs.

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However, these are far less frightening than the real situation in "The Sword of China".

Zhang Fujuan, mentioned earlier, took the initiative to cooperate with the film crew and let them photograph the painful state when they were addicted.

At the head of the bed there was an injection that could alleviate her pain, but she didn't use it.

In order to let more people see the pain after becoming addicted to drugs.

But the scene was really unbearable.

Miserable, vicious, pale, sweaty, and the heart-wailing of thousands of ants.

The film crew quietly exited the room halfway through the film.

Because I can't bear to look at it.

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In a drug rehab.

People who burn their arms with cigarette butts and cut their wrists with blades to ward off the pain of addiction abound.

Suicide is not in the minority.

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And that's just being tough on yourself.

The most feared are those who have poor self-control and thus embark on the path of sin.

In the film, a twelve-year-old teenager uses an axe to chop a mother and daughter alive, and the scene is terrifying.

And his purpose is simply to grab some money to buy drugs.

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Anti-drug control is imperative and imminent.

By whom?

The documentary details many aspects, such as relying on the support of the masses and the support of the government.

But the most important, and most direct, is the anti-drug police who are fighting on the front lines of drug control.

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During the filming, the film crew was directly involved in many arrest operations.

One of them was a squatting arrest operation.

On the border line, deep in the mountains and forests, at 12 o'clock in the middle of the night, a thunderstorm suddenly fell in the sky.

In order not to hit the grass and snakes, the anti-drug police can only endure the cold and continue to crouch.

And this is just an ordinary action in their anti-drug life.

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The hardships of the conditions fall second.

China's criminal law stipulates that whoever smuggles, sells, transports or manufactures opium of more than one kilogram, heroin and methamphetamine of more than fifty grams or other drugs in large quantities shall be sentenced to 15 years' imprisonment, life imprisonment or death.

For drug dealers, a kilogram is a minimum standard.

This reflects China's zero tolerance for drug trafficking and drug production, and also makes drug dealers a group of outlaws who lick blood on the tip of the knife.

Can you do the work of killing your head, can you not be cruel?

Therefore, in areas with serious drug trafficking, the situation of gun trafficking is often also serious. This so-called gun poison is of the same origin.

From this, it is also conceivable how dangerous the anti-drug police officers face when they arrest drug dealers.

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During filming, the film crew witnessed the deaths of two anti-narcotics policemen.

August 31, 1994.

Before setting up an ambush to arrest the drug dealers, several anti-drug police officers actually expected the drug dealers to carry grenades.

They agreed to subdue the drug dealers as quickly as possible and never give them a chance to touch the grenades.

As soon as the drug dealer approached, two policemen immediately stepped forward and threw them down.

What they didn't expect, however, was that the drug dealer's fingers were already hooked on the pull ring of the grenade hidden in the abdomen.

The drug dealer didn't want to live at all, all he wanted was to die together.

Everything happened in only 30 seconds.

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Today, it has been more than twenty years since the filming of "Sword of China".

Compared with then, China's anti-drug situation has been much better.

But the string of anti-drug is still not loose.

The production of drug source bases such as the Golden Triangle is still huge, and countless drug dealers are still eyeing China.

When arrests are carried out, the dangers faced by the anti-narcotics police are still greater than in the past.

Although the equipment has been upgraded, the experience has been gained.

However, drug dealers are always outlaws, and this has not changed.

In the process of arrest, those who shoot at the police, those who drive the car to force the card, and those who resist stubbornly abound.

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Drug dealers tried to destroy drugs by burning trucks with gasoline

We ordinary people do not have access to drugs, but this does not mean that drugs do not exist.

Again, the old saying goes.

Where there are good years, it is just that someone is carrying the weight for us.

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They are heroes, yet heroes must be nameless.

Because of the peculiarities of their professions, most of them, even if they have made great achievements, are often not publicly recognized.

After the information is leaked, it is too easy to be retaliated against by drug dealers.

In the documentary, there is an anti-drug police officer in the arrest team who has made a first-class achievement.

After that, he had to leave his hometown with his wife and children and live in anonymity.

Because the drug dealer released words to "kill him".

They bring light to us, but they hide themselves in the darkness.

Don't play code and don't silence, I can't believe that this is cCTV shooting

The first person in the world to hold high the sword of anti-drug control was China.

In 1839, Lin Zexu sold cigarettes and opened the curtain of the Opium War.

In 2020, a total of 64,000 drug crimes were cracked nationwide, 92,000 criminal suspects were arrested, 55.5 tons of drugs were seized, and the number of newly discovered drug users decreased by 30.6% year-on-year.

China's attitude toward drugs has always been to crack down hard and high-pressure, and the effect is also very remarkable.

But behind this is the blood and lives of countless anti-drug policemen.

Before filming, before making money, before the so-called "tribute", please put this heavy fact in your heart.