
9,000 Japanese Words to Learn (65)

author:Japanese reading

Cargo Kagu Name

Porridge Itayu Name Porridge

Itchy itchy shape Itching

Let's go, Jigo Kami-5 Kami-5, running;

Sky to Name Empty

Shells from Leather, 壳儿

Handle がら Name Appearance; Stature; Nature, Status; Position

painful, tying form;qualious;qualified;ousted;

Tease 5 other mockery, play with

Crows and raven

body name body;body

Karate Karatate Name Karate, Akate Karate;Karate

Tangle Self-5;

Entangling Self-5;

If kari is a deputy time,

BorrowIng Kariichi Others Borrowing, Yingxi, etc.;

50% more than mowing, pruning (发)

Run 5 other 驾驶, 赶;envoys

軽い かるい Shape Light; light; light; light; light; light; light; light; light

His name, his generation, etc.;