
"Man's Ghost Love Is Gone": Love is eternal

"Man's Ghost Love Is Gone": Love is eternal

"Man's Ghost Love Is Gone": Love is eternal

Huang Zihong

Born in the early 1980s, he enjoys the advanced and rich material and cultural life since the reform and opening up.

"Man's Ghost Love Is Gone": Love is eternal

As an inland province, the first Hollywood blockbusters we came into contact with were not in the cinema, but in the rental disc market: "The Silence of the Lambs" and "True Lies" brought us the first shock.

At the end of the 1990s, due to the introduction of the Hollywood disaster romance film "Titanic", it led to the vigorous development of stickers, color paintings, tapes, and original film MTV discs.

"Man's Ghost Love Is Gone": Love is eternal

As a middle school student of that era, there was no current network conditions and relatively sufficient graphic and text resources, but it also just caught up with the good era of cultural prosperity and tolerance, from those tapes and soundtrack movieSTV discs, one by one to understand the classic and excellent films of Hollywood and other countries, feel very like the kind, and then buy movie discs.

"Man Haunted" was one of the films that moved me at the time. In the original movie MTV, the fresh romantic atmosphere and style of the picture, as well as the mournful music, make people want to find discs to watch the movie.

"Man's Ghost Love Is Gone": Love is eternal

In the 1990 American film "The Ghost of Man", It tells the story of Sam, a young bank clerk, who is deeply in love with his fiancée, Mei Li, and when he returns from a movie, he is robbed by gangsters sam and shot to death, and Mei Li is devastated. Sam becomes a ghost, and he discovers that his friend Carl was behind his death. In order to steal the huge amount of money in the bank, he wants to get the password that Sam has, and he pursues Mei Li.

Gradually, Sam learned how to use power. He often wanders around Mei Li, protecting her at all times, but unable to communicate. In order to stop Carl, he finds a psychic medium, Orta, who can communicate with ghosts, and contacts Mellie through her. At first, Mei Li didn't believe it. But the truth finally made her feel Sam's presence. However, two people who are deeply in love with each other cannot directly contact and communicate. In order to protect Mei Li and punish the murderer, Sam takes revenge on Carl. He withdrew the huge sum of money that Carl had stolen, and several of Carl's men were punished. An enraged Carl wants to hurt Mary. Fortunately, Horta and Sam arrived just in time. Faced with a ghost full of hatred, Carl finally killed himself. Sam, who has fulfilled his wish, is about to go to heaven. Before disappearing, Mei Li finally saw Sam, who was in shape, and the two hugged each other tightly.

"Man's Ghost Love Is Gone": Love is eternal

Some of the classic sections of the film are shown in Stephen Chow's New Year movie "Happy Family". It was only the film of Zhou Xingchi that I watched first, so I had no impression of some imitations at all, and I didn't understand it until later.

As a classic romance film, "The Ghost of Man" tells a love that is comparable to the yin and yang of "Rouge Buckle", but loyal and firm, especially the scene where the male protagonist holds up the coin from under the door slit, which is really a tear-jerking classic.

The heroine, Played by Demi Moore, has also starred in films such as "Devil's Soldier", "Stripper", "Thunderbolt Baby" and other films, with exquisite facial features and a funnel-shaped figure like a vase, and is also former President Clinton's favorite female star.

"Man's Ghost Love Is Gone": Love is eternal

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