
The ghost is still in love


When Chen Ziming, a merchant in Jiazhou, was doing business outside, the hotel where he lived caught fire, Chen Ziming was killed in the sea of fire, and chen Qi, a servant of the family, went out because of the incident and survived. A number of guest officers were killed in this fire, and the fire only left some wreckage, Chen Qi, unable to identify those who were the masters, had to randomly collect a few pieces of skeletons and go home to report the murder.

Chen Ziming has an old father and mother, a wife and a child, suddenly heard bad news, the whole family wailed, and the miserable feelings were difficult to say.

Chen Ziming is skilled in business and earns a large share of family property. The family does not worry about eating and wearing, but now that the parents are old, the family lacks a man in charge, others will come to bully and exploit, and sitting on the mountain, the family will eventually run out. This is the Chen family's worry. Chen's wife Zhou Shi was young and beautiful as a flower, forcing her to abandon human desires and remain widowed for life, which was really cruel and inhumane. Even if she is pure-hearted and wants to hold the city gate, the men outside who covet her beauty will try to attack the city, how can she be at peace? If she remarries someone else, where will she place her young son? This is the Second Sorrow of the Chen Family.

The ghost is still in love

Chen Ziming had been buried for safety, and Father Chen was painfully worried and felt that the servant Chen Qi's was suspicious. Why was the master burned to death while the servant was unharmed? Chen Qi, understanding that the master's family resented him, blamed him for not taking good care of his master, causing his master to die, but his servant was still alive and well. Chen Qi's remorse was also very remorseful, and he was eager to exchange his rotten life for his master's golden body. But at this point, Chen Qi's had no other way but to repeatedly clarify the situation on that day.

On that day, Chen Ziming sent Chen Qi's to the market to buy some local souvenirs and prepare to go home to give to his parents, wives and children. On the way, Chen Qi met a fellow villager, He Gongliang, who was also a businessman and called Chen Ziming a brother. He Gongliang invited Chen Qi's drink to the tavern, and when he mentioned drinking, Chen Qi's mouth was full of anger, and he could not resist the temptation, and He Gongliang drank until midnight, and when he arrived at the hotel, the hotel had already burned into a pile of ruins.

两‬个月后,何公亮来到陈家,一进门就捶胸顿足,号啕大哭,哭得撕心裂肺。 The Chen family was immersed in sadness again, and they all felt that this He Gongliang's cry came from the heart, and there was such a sincere friend, Ziming died without regrets.

Since then, He Gongliang has become a guest of the Chen family, running to the Chen family at both ends for three days. When I came, I always had a lot of things on my hands, and everyone in the family had a share. 奉承得陈家父母眉花眼笑,亲儿子都没有这样孝顺过‬他‬们‬。 ‬

In the face of He Gongliang's flattery, only Zhou Shi was full of worries. She was a smart person, and as soon as she met Grandpa Gongliang's fiery gaze, her heart panicked. In her heart, she vaguely felt that He Gongliang had worked hard to please the Chen family, and the target was her, even the Chen family's family property.

On this day, He Gongliang came again and brought many gifts. When Father Chen was drinking and chatting with him, it was raining heavily, and it fell until the evening and did not stop. And He Gongliang was already drunk as mud, and it was impossible to go back. Father Chen had no choice but to call Chen Qi's help him to the ear room to rest.

Zhou Shi slept until midnight, was awakened by a noise, and when he sat up, he saw only a person standing in front of the bed. There was a flash of electricity outside, and it was clear that it was He Gongliang. Zhou Shi was just about to open his mouth to exclaim, he Gongliang hurriedly reached out to cover her small mouth. He Gongliang, who was full of wine, said, "Mother, you can make me bitter." Leave me for the night today, wanting to fulfill us. After tonight, I He Gongliang will always be a slave of the mother. ”

Zhou Shi slapped him with a backhand, slapped him, and scolded: "You are sneaky and misbehaving, which shows that you are not a righteous gentleman." You are flattering all these days, just to get me. But I, I only love Ziming alone in my life, and you are such a little person who steals chickens and dogs, how can I put it in my eyes? He Gongliang was furious and rudely pushed Zhou Shi down to tear her underwear, and Zhou Shi cried and struggled. But there was lightning and thunder outside, and who could hear her call sign? At this moment, a terrible scream was emitted outside the window, and He Gongliang looked back out of the window, only to see that a face appeared at the window, with a shawl scattered and a vicious face. He Gongliang was so frightened that his scalp was numb, he jumped out of bed, and when he looked again, the grimace was gone. After he was frightened by this, who dared to commit violence again, slipped back to the ear room, and the next day before dawn, he did not quit and said goodbye.

Zhou Shi did not hide it, and told his in-laws what happened last night, fortunately, He Gongliang was frightened by something outside the window, so that his daughter-in-law would not be humiliated. Chen's parents were very angry when they heard this, and scolded He Gongliang for his human face and beastly heart, and his intentions were sinister, and if he came again in the future, he would definitely break his leg.

Chen's parents heard that something had scared away He Gongliang, and they looked at each other, and their eyes also showed a look of fear. 原来,最近村子里正在传闻出‬现‬怪‬物‬的事。 When the villager Xiao Mao came out in the middle of the night to untie his hands, he saw a man with loose hair wandering in front of the Chen family compound, and when the moonlight shone on his face, he found that the face had no nose and no mouth, only two extremely small eyes, and the terror was extremely terrifying. Xiao Mao was so frightened that he didn't wipe his ass and retracted back into the house.

周氏听了公公婆婆说起村里出‬现‬怪‬物‬,‬心里有一种异样的感觉。 若不是这怪‬物‬及时出现,身子就会被何公亮污辱了。 虽然怪‬物‬恐怖,但对她倒是有恩。

Less than ten days after He Gongliang returned, he fell ill and died. 陈家认为他是被怪物‬吓死的。

“陈家有一个怪‬物。” It was a thief who came out. 一天夜里,这个窃贼摸进陈家院子里,刚启开库房门时,一双有力的大手就卡住了他的颈部,窃贼看到了一张无口无鼻小眼的丑‬脸‬,‬一下就吓晕了,苏醒过来后自己没死,赶紧溜出来了。

One day, Zhou Shi asked the maid Xiaohuan to carry the bed to the courtyard to dry, and found that there was a large crock pot under the bed, and there was a seal in the mouth, and the seal read: "Chen Ziming gave Zhou Zhaoyu" a few words, and the date indicated was the year before Chen Ziming's accident. Zhou Shi recognized the handwriting of her late husband, and hurriedly summoned Chen's father and mother Chen to look at it together, and the crock pot was filled with gold and silver jewelry, worth ten thousand gold. The family is both happy and sad, and such a family pillar that will make money is too short-lived!

周氏娘家人听说陈家闹‬怪‬,‬,要接周氏回娘家去住,又向陈家提起周氏再嫁的问题。 Although the parents of the Chen family do not give up their daughter-in-law, they are all reasonable and say that it is all up to the daughter-in-law's own wishes.

Who knew that the Zhou family was not afraid of ghosts, did not want to leave the Chen family in half a step, and did not intend to marry others again.

这时的周氏觉得那怪‬物‬就在身边。 One night, she woke up to miss her husband, and she couldn't help but cry, and a soft sigh came from outside the window. Zhou Shi rushed to the window and cried, "Xianggong, is it you?" I know it's you, and your spirit is guarding me. Come out and show me, no matter what you become, I am not afraid. However, there was silence outside the window, only the moonlight coldly reflected on the ground.

Suddenly, one day, a woman from a foreign country held a two- or three-year-old child and inquired all the way to the Chen family. Seeing Chen Ziming's portrait, he cried and asked the child to call his father. According to this woman, this child was born to her and Chen Ziming, her family was poor, and Chen Ziming received help, and she was grateful and promised herself. After Chen Ziming returned home, there was no news for two or three years, at this time she had given birth to his flesh and bones, she was determined to find a husband for thousands of miles, and finally found the Chen family, and she did not expect that people were no longer there. The woman cried so darkly that she embarrassed the Chen family. In particular, Zhou's heart turned over the river and the sea, and the five tastes were mixed, and he burst into tears.

The woman lived in the Chen family for a few days, saying that there were old fathers and mothers in the family who needed her to take care of them, and it was inconvenient to stay for a long time, so she took her son back.

The matchmakers came to the Chen family to talk about the media, and Zhou's heart began to waver. She did not expect that her husband had married a concubine and had children in a foreign country, but she was in the dark. She began to complain about her husband. The ghost creature of the Chen family was also gone, and in the middle of the night, Zhou Clan cried out the window, and could no longer hear the sigh of the ghost creature.

Zhou Shi finally got married, married to a Xiucai. The children remain in the Chen family and are raised by Chen Parents and Chen Qi.

The night before Zhou's marriage, Zhou heard a cry outside the window in the middle of the night. It was her husband's voice, and who was more familiar with it than she did? Excitedly, she rushed to the window and cried, "The slave family is going to get married tomorrow, and there is no way to get it back." Why are you crying? I wanted to live like this, but who knows you have a negative heart for me. I can't stay here anymore. "I don't blame you, you live well, often come back to see the child, raise him to adulthood, I am blinded when I die." ”

Zhou Shi rushed out the door, crying and looking for a voice to speak. Where are the figures?

In the night, on the road outside the village, this monster with no mouth, no nose and small eyes walked, and suddenly the woman holding the child flashed out from under the tree. 女人对怪‬婀物‬说:“心愿已了,我们也该回去了。 ”

现在该把事情讲明了,这怪‬物‬自然不是鬼,而是活着的陈子明,那场大火并没有把陈子明烧死,他拚尽全力跳到旅馆下边的河里去了。 When he drifted to a mountain village, a woman who had gotten to the river early to wash clothes rescued him. He was burned beyond recognition, very frightening. But Guo did not abandon him, and when he wanted to die, she comforted him.

Chen Ziming was relieved that his father and mother and his wife and children were not at home, so he returned to his hometown to visit them. During this time, he investigated that the hotel fire was deliberately set on fire, and the arsonist was He Gongliang. He Gongliang had business dealings with Chen Ziming and owed Chen Ziming a huge sum of money. He Gongliang was not willing to pay off his debts, but also coveted Zhou's beauty. Only as a result of Chen Ziming's life, he could kill two birds with one stone. Therefore, he kept Chen Qi's drinking, and after getting Chen Qi's drunk, he rushed to the hotel, poured a lot of oil around the hotel, and then lit a fire.

Who knew that Chen Ziming's life should not be extinguished, the whole hotel was dead, and only Chen Ziming escaped with his life.

When He Gongliang broke into Zhou's boudoir, Chen Ziming, who had been guarding the dark place, came out and scared him away. The next night, Chen Ziming came to He's house, played a ghost outside the window to expose He Gongliang's crimes, and forced him to pay off his debts. Otherwise, if he went to the government office to report him, he was in the face of seven or eight human life lawsuits, and sentenced him, and he had to be cut.

He Gongliang was terrified, busy raising money to pay off debts, and in fear, he soon fell ill and died.

Chen Ziming packed the money in a crock pot and hid it under Zhou's bed. Zhou discovered the fortune when he was drying his bed. But he thought that chen Ziming had left it before he died.

Chen Ziming did not want to scare his family because he was not a ghost or a ghost, and he was determined to make his family think that he was dead. However, Zhou Shi was young and beautiful, so she was widowed, and she couldn't bear it. In order to cut off her thoughts of herself, she asked Guo to take one of her nephews to the Chen family to cry. Zhou Shi was really discouraged and decided to marry someone else.

Chen Ziming said to Guo: "This play we performed made her so sad. Guo Shi smiled: "Her sadness is only temporary, but her happiness is a lifetime." You're going to make her happy for the rest of her life, and maybe that's the best way to do it. Chen Ziming asked, "I have become this ghost, why don't you hate it?" I myself felt terrible. Guo Shi smiled: "You were saved by me, your life is mine, and no matter how ugly you are, you are also a life." In fact, you look much better than the kittens and puppies at home! ”

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