
There is also a place on the balcony, you can raise pots "hanging wan", high value, easy to take care of, there are flowers to see in all seasons

author:Flower Sounds Gardening


In winter, many plants are dormant, there are not many flowers, and the end of the year is the peak season for flower demand, and many flower friends are already selecting new year flowers. Today to take you to know a kind of potted flowers that are diligent in flowering, beautiful in color, and easy to maintain, a flower can "light up" a balcony, I hope you like it.

There is also a place on the balcony, you can raise pots "hanging wan", high value, easy to take care of, there are flowers to see in all seasons

Hanging on

This flower is called "Weeping Wan", also called Carolina, is a classic variety in the geranium family, belongs to the hanging sky, artificially cultivated, does not exist in nature, horticultural ornamental varieties, suitable for balconies, window sill decoration embellishments, etc., in the geranium enthusiast circle has a high popularity, high evaluation, whether it is the appearance, flowering period and other performance are good, also very friendly to novice flower friends.

There is also a place on the balcony, you can raise pots "hanging wan", high value, easy to take care of, there are flowers to see in all seasons

The plant type is beautiful

Hanging wan, flowers as its name, mainly used to do hanging potted plants, its plant type is very poor upright, no support is creeping growth, it is best to use hanging pots to raise, hanging on the balcony, eaves and other places, from the bottom up to look better, branching is very good, the plant type is compact, the branches can reach about one meter long, naturally hanging down, like a waterfall, very three-dimensional, can set off the surroundings are vibrant. It is also very suitable for pot planting, and the 15 cm diameter pot can meet its growth needs, and it will not occupy many places hanging on the small balcony.

There is also a place on the balcony, you can raise pots "hanging wan", high value, easy to take care of, there are flowers to see in all seasons

Flowers and leaves are appreciated together

There is a saying, "Appearance is justice". Geranium "hanging" is a very "righteous" variety, from head to toe are very beautiful, first of all, the plant type is round and beautiful, like a flower curtain; the leaves are horseshoe-shaped, the leaf surface is smooth and emerald green, green and oily, like smeared with oil, green and shiny, all year round to maintain this state, even if it does not flower, you can also observe the leaves; third, after the flower blooms, it is more beautiful, the flower is born on the top of the branch, the umbrella inflorescence, a flower branch at the same time several flowers, the flower petals, the flower type is round, beautiful as a rose, the color is white, The outside is wrapped in a layer of purple-red halo edges, making the whole flower look otherworldly, fairy, beautiful enough to make you have no resistance, the sun is more sunny, the purpleer the color, mysterious and elegant, gorgeous and not tacky!

There is also a place on the balcony, you can raise pots "hanging wan", high value, easy to take care of, there are flowers to see in all seasons

Flowers bloom in all four seasons

Geranium has many varieties, mainly divided into four categories, namely upright type, hanging type, large flower type and angel series, the first two are with the ability to repeat flowering in multiple seasons, the environment is suitable, proper maintenance, flowering all year round is not a problem, the latter two are single-season flowers, only one season of flowering in a year, after opening will wait for next year to see you again. Novice flower lovers should pay attention when entering geraniums, and it is best to choose from upright and hanging days.

There is also a place on the balcony, you can raise pots "hanging wan", high value, easy to take care of, there are flowers to see in all seasons

Flowers are abundant, and where there are branches, there must be flowers

Hanging is a typical hanging day, and long live roses, pink witches are similar, flowering is also very diligent, even in the hot summer, can still continue to flower, in the winter in some places in the south is not too cold, or the north to move back to the warm room can continue to bloom, in the winter can also enjoy the beautiful flowers. Of course, the most abundant and beautiful time for flowers is the spring and autumn.

There is also a place on the balcony, you can raise pots "hanging wan", high value, easy to take care of, there are flowers to see in all seasons

Shade-tolerant and easy to maintain

Novice or flower friends who have not raised geraniums, want to enter the geranium "pit", weeping is a good choice, high value, long flowering period, maintenance is not difficult. The environmental adaptability is very strong, the south balcony needless to say, in the general lighting conditions of the north balcony can also be raised, even closed balcony cultivation is no problem (can see the light through the window on the line), spring and autumn and winter three seasons can be extensive care, found that the soil is dry watering on the line, about once a week. In winter, the north enters the house, and the south china can be exposed to overwinter.

There is also a place on the balcony, you can raise pots "hanging wan", high value, easy to take care of, there are flowers to see in all seasons

The balcony had a pendulum which would have looked even better

Mainly in the summer need to pay attention to, when the temperature rises, it is best to move to a cool and ventilated place, to avoid being exposed to the sun, the demand for water is also higher, it is best to use the immersion pot watering method, that is, the bottom of the pot to add water, so that the water is transported from the bottom up, keep the soil slightly wet; if the plant is too dense, slightly prune it, reduce the amount of evaporation, and the cut branches can be used to cut cuttings, and one tree can become many pots.

A variety of hanging geranium hanging with flowers ¥11.9 Purchase

If you want your family's potted geranium to bloom more, you can try to do these points: (1) more sun, in addition to summer, the faster the sun grows faster, the more flowers bloom, the more beautiful the flower color; (2) reasonable fertilization, spring and autumn and winter often give a little phosphorus-containing flower-promoting fertilizer, which can significantly increase the amount of flowers and prolong the flowering period; (3) diligent pruning, more topping during the growth period, the more branches, the more flower heads, and the more branches after flowering, which can also promote faster re-flowering. Do a good job of these points, the balcony blossoms in all seasons is not a dream!

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