
Why is Toy Story 3 the pinnacle of the series?

author:Peach Taotao Movie

Recently, the cinema film is relatively deserted, and what is worth discussing is actually outside the cinema.

Among the cinema films, the most recommended should be "Toy Story 4" and "Spirited Away", two cartoons, both of which are very good-looking, and they are also rare movies that can be seen in recent cinema films.

Why is Toy Story 3 the pinnacle of the series?

Compared with the classic re-release of "Spirited Away", Pixar's new film "Toy Story 4" also maintains the standard of this series, still fun, interesting, and there is a lot to talk about.

Why is Toy Story 3 the pinnacle of the series?

Especially in the entertainment part, it is still a very good entertainment movie.

However, when you see "Toy Story 4", you will still think of the previous "Toy Story 3".

Because, in my heart, that is the real peak of this series, the story is wonderful, the emotional part is also very good, and finally I can't stop seeing the tears.

Why is Toy Story 3 the pinnacle of the series?

Therefore, in the heat of "Toy Story 4", I want to relive the best "Toy 3" in my heart.

As Pixar's home series, the "Toy Story" series carries the memories and love of too many people. Since its first appearance in 1995, it has impressed many people in terms of animation technology and storyline.

Why is Toy Story 3 the pinnacle of the series?

Released in 2010, "Toy Story 3" was 15 years after the first part, and it was considered the final song of the series at that time.

"Toy 3" does have a particularly obvious farewell meaning in the plot, which is why I like this one very much.

Just like when we rate Toy 4, you can still say that it's well-made, the story is intense, the plot is interesting, and the watchability is high. However, compared to "Toy 3", the only thing it lacks is the last one that hits people's hearts.

This is also the reason why many people still can't forget "Toy Story 3".

Why is Toy Story 3 the pinnacle of the series?

The theme of the Toy Story series has always been particularly great, and this is where Pixar animation is the most powerful. They can always find unique angles in some seemingly conventional settings.

For example: If Superman also has a midlife crisis, there is "The Incredibles"

Why is Toy Story 3 the pinnacle of the series?

If the monster is also gentle, there is Monster Power Company.

Why is Toy Story 3 the pinnacle of the series?

If toys also have their feelings and thoughts, it is Toy Story.

Why is Toy Story 3 the pinnacle of the series?

When the toy has emotions, there are all kinds of interesting stories and dramatic conflicts, such as jealousy, competition for favors... And so the story goes on.

However, what makes Pixar superb is that it gives emotion to the toys and makes them feel like real people. At the same time, let them adhere to the identity of the toy, so that this fantasy is more reasonable.

As a toy, the most important identity is actually companionship.

Why is Toy Story 3 the pinnacle of the series?

They are a way for children to know and become familiar with the world, and to a certain extent, to replace their parents and accompany their children to grow up.

When this layer of meaning is given, the brain hole of the toy series can be even bigger, how to accompany, and even compete for favors.

In "Toy 3", the theme has changed from companionship to farewell companionship to meet new growth.

This also fits in with our setting of using this as the final chapter.

Why is Toy Story 3 the pinnacle of the series?

It's a real shame!

People's life seems to be composed of all kinds of acquaintances, companionship, farewells, and forgetting. Even the best friends, even lovers and family members, will eventually have to face separation and slow forgetting. Companionship can only be a period, but it cannot be forever. There is no way, because life is limited in the first place.

Therefore, we are constantly changing and growing in this repeated acquaintance and forgetting.

The most clever place in "Toy Story 3" is actually to use the relationship between toys and children to imply the parting and forgetting that life must face.

Why is Toy Story 3 the pinnacle of the series?

So, I feel that Toy Story 3 is more like an adult cartoon, not only for children, but also for adult audiences who have grown up with this series and are now adults.

So, when Andy, who is about to enter college, says one last goodbye to his toy playmates, it becomes the biggest tear point of the film.

Why is Toy Story 3 the pinnacle of the series?

Because of the emotions contained in the final part of the farewell, the child audience may not be able to fully understand it, which is a plot that adults know better. Only if you really experience, lose, and forget, will you truly understand the sadness behind this.

It's like "Walk with Me" that everyone loves.

Why is Toy Story 3 the pinnacle of the series?

On the surface, it seems to be just a juvenile adventure movie, but after the film, the memories of childhood and childhood friends are more touching.

Therefore, we will also be so unforgettable in the last line of the film:

I never had any friends later on like the ones I had when I was twelve. Jesus, does anyone?”

Or, also from Pixar's Inside Out.

Why is Toy Story 3 the pinnacle of the series?

The most touching part is actually a theme about farewell and forgetting.

Back in Toy 3, you can see it as a farewell and forgetting of a child's childhood memories, but it can also radiate farther. For example, in the last part of the film, Andy hugs and says goodbye to her mother before going to college, and her mother will sigh and want to be with her child all the time!

Why is Toy Story 3 the pinnacle of the series?

Therefore, the film intentionally or unintentionally enlarges this emotional chain, and also tries to touch more emotional relationships, and also brings more associations and emotions.

However, people are still just a cartoon, but they can also hide such a sincere and touching topic in it while being fun and interesting.

Therefore, whenever we talk about the gap in cartoons, we always have to talk about technology, what hair fineness. In fact, the real gap lies in telling a more interesting story and implanting a very sincere and resonant emotional topic in the story.

And in the end, what will make the deepest impression is not necessarily an external thing such as technology, but an emotion. It is the feelings hidden behind the story that the creator wants to convey.

That's what can be retained and spread.

That's why I've always been obsessed with movies like Toy Story 3.

Why is Toy Story 3 the pinnacle of the series?

What a tender and sad thing!