
The New Year is coming! A high school student in Kaiyang County handwritten spring joint to send classmates on the hot search

Colorful Guizhou Network News (This network reporter Peng Dian intern Tan Siyuan) On January 14, a student of Kaiyang County No. 1 Middle School in Guiyang City wrote 40 pairs of Spring League videos for his classmates on the hot search. Netizen comment: Good Chinese students!

The Spring League written by Zeng Pengpeng was praised by his classmates. "Thank you to our extraordinary Pengpeng." "We are happy to mention the Spring Festival, thank you to your classmates 'Adult'." "The whole dormitory is full of joy because there is a classmate who can do calligraphy." ......

The New Year is coming! A high school student in Kaiyang County handwritten spring joint to send classmates on the hot search

Zeng Pengpeng is creating calligraphy works

"I learned calligraphy when I was a child and have been teaching myself all these years. At the end of December last year, after the New Year's Day party of the class class, I wrote a Spring Festival league for my classmates and posted it outside their dormitories. On January 14, when Zeng Pengpeng was interviewed by reporters, when he knew that he was very surprised to be on the hot search, "just sent New Year greetings to the students, I didn't expect to be on the hot search." ”

Zeng Pengpeng is a first-year high school student at Kaiyang County No. 1 Middle School and has loved calligraphy since childhood. In the third grade of primary school, her mother Yang Chengyu sent Zeng Pengpeng to a calligraphy class to study, and then she bought a poster to teach herself at home, without interruption, and joined the Wudang District Calligraphy Association in Guizhou Province in November last year.

In Yang Chengyu's eyes, his son is introverted and likes to practice calligraphy alone in his room, practicing at least three or four hours a day on weekends. It costs about four thousand yuan to buy paper and ink every year. "Kids love it, and we support it." Yang Chengyu said.

Driven by Zeng Pengpeng, there were gradually more students in the class who were interested in calligraphy. Class teacher Wang Guixing arranged a calligraphy corner in the corner of the classroom, and rice paper and ink were always on the desk to encourage students to learn calligraphy.

The New Year is coming! A high school student in Kaiyang County handwritten spring joint to send classmates on the hot search

Zeng Pengpeng's calligraphy works

"Calligraphy is not only about writing, but also about writing in a correct posture, and the correct posture of holding the pen can write better words." Zeng Pengpeng often shared calligraphy experience with his classmates, and he would teach them by hand for students with a poor foundation.

"Every time between classes, Pengpeng doesn't like to go out and play, he likes to practice calligraphy. When teaching us, we are also very patient, how the finger stroke pen should be light to heavy, and finally how to close the pen, all give us a little bit of talk. Under his influence, I now love calligraphy too. Classmate Guo Huanhuan said.

On weekdays and weekends, Zeng Pengpeng would go to the Wudang District Calligraphy Association in Guizhou Province to study with everyone, and he always arrived first and left the latest. "I will study hard and continue to learn calligraphy so that more people can understand the culture of calligraphy." Zeng Pengpeng said.

First Instance: Luo Yanan

Second instance: Li Baishan

Third trial: Wang Xingtao

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