
People's hearts are supposed to be good, but there are always people who break through the principles, "The Melting Pot": a film that changes the country and sticks to its own principles and dares to fight against evil

author:Bean Cat Xiaoyu
People's hearts are supposed to be good, but there are always people who break through the principles, "The Melting Pot": a film that changes the country and sticks to its own principles and dares to fight against evil

Don't just trust what you see with your eyes, because your brain will deceive you.

The old man often said that the road saw the horsepower from afar, and the day saw the people's hearts, but the old man also said that the people's hearts were separated from the belly. The psychology of people's hearts toward goodness is correct, if there are people who are inconsistent in appearance, who is wrong?

People's hearts are supposed to be good, but there are always people who break through the principles, "The Melting Pot": a film that changes the country and sticks to its own principles and dares to fight against evil

There are vulnerable groups in the world, that is, strong groups, and society gives the strong a natural responsibility - to take care of the weak. There are always people who do evil things in the name of care, but in the final analysis, is the weak too weak, or the strong unsupervised?

The plot of this movie is simple, and it can even be called a brainless film, but its special feature is that it can always lead your emotions, which may be the charm of "The Melting Pot".

People's hearts are supposed to be good, but there are always people who break through the principles, "The Melting Pot": a film that changes the country and sticks to its own principles and dares to fight against evil

In a school for the deaf and mute, there is a sad and angry story, the school's top leaders and administrators are outwardly upright and upright, but behind the scenes, they are doing things to harm these children, and even South Korea issued a decree to restrain similar incidents after the film was broadcast, which shows its influence.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="5" > stick to your principles</h1>

Repin once said: "People without faith are empty waste, people without principles are useless little people", principles are a bottom line for us to do things, only when we have a clear principle in our hearts, when we encounter major events, we will not be affected by all kinds of temptations and coercion.

People's hearts are supposed to be good, but there are always people who break through the principles, "The Melting Pot": a film that changes the country and sticks to its own principles and dares to fight against evil

Of course, it is relatively simple to set a clear principle for yourself, and now there are only a few illiterate people, for everyone, the basic right and wrong, good and evil, beauty and ugliness, can still be clearly distinguished, everyone has a certain understanding of the basic principles of being a person, and has their own bottom line of being a person.

Just like the principal and the director of teaching in the movie, the teacher's morality and teacher's style are placed in a very high position, and I believe that as a teacher, at least have the principle of adhering to the teacher's morality in his heart, but the principle is formulated by people and broken by people.

This is the irony of the movie, the characters in the play are in important positions, principals, teachers, officials, etc., they have their own style of acting, but the only thing that cannot be separated is profit. Doing everything possible to benefit from the disadvantaged, and maximizing the benefits has become their principle, identity is always incompatible with what they do.

People's hearts are supposed to be good, but there are always people who break through the principles, "The Melting Pot": a film that changes the country and sticks to its own principles and dares to fight against evil

Their offices are full of portraits of saints and signs of "kindness and dedication", which shows that they have a certain pursuit of justice in their hearts, but why the principal will do things that violate deaf and mute children, why the police judge will carry the banner of justice above the courtroom, but secretly collude with the evil principal.

The reason is that they have changed, when they had the basic principle of justice in their hearts, but now they have not been able to stick to their principles, they have not been able to stop them in time when the evil thoughts in their hearts want to dominate their thinking; when the temptation of money and the attraction of power come, they have not been able to say no bravely.

People's hearts are supposed to be good, but there are always people who break through the principles, "The Melting Pot": a film that changes the country and sticks to its own principles and dares to fight against evil

So they have changed, perhaps into what even their former selves would hate, because in court, when their evil triumphs, they even ironically shouted: "Victory must belong to justice", why they will become what they hate, in the end, it is precisely because they know what they are living for.

If they live for money and for power, they naturally will not feel sad that they have not been able to stick to their principles, but it is more important to live to do something meaningful, meaningful things are not necessarily a big deal, just like in the movie, if you are willing to speak up for those deaf children, isn't this a meaningful thing? Stick to the principles in your heart and don't let people be born into the way you hate.

People's hearts are supposed to be good, but there are always people who break through the principles, "The Melting Pot": a film that changes the country and sticks to its own principles and dares to fight against evil

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="30" > dare to fight evil</h1>

We are willing to believe that most people in this world are good people, but there is no denying that there are still some people in the world who abandon the principles of life, like the school leaders in the movie, we can call them evil people, but is it useful to just verbally accuse them of evil? Obviously there is no use at all.

Leaving aside for a moment the perpetrators of child aggression in the courtroom, as well as others in the same trenches as them, we can see ordinary people in the courtroom, who have nothing to do with either the plaintiff and the defendant, but they are not confused, they do not know which side justice is, but why do they either go along with these criminals or ignore things.

People's hearts are supposed to be good, but there are always people who break through the principles, "The Melting Pot": a film that changes the country and sticks to its own principles and dares to fight against evil

There is a monument in the United States that commemorates the brutal persecution of Jews during World War II, and it has a well-known passage on the stele: "When they killed Jews, I did not make a sound because I was not Jewish; in the next day they killed Catholics, I remained silent because I was not Catholics; and finally, when they began to deal with me, no one spoke for me." ”

The meaning of the inscription is very simple, maybe something unfair happened around us, did not happen to ourselves, of course we have reason to choose to remain silent, there is a reason not to choose not to fight, but when one day, if this thing happens to us, who will fight with us?

People's hearts are supposed to be good, but there are always people who break through the principles, "The Melting Pot": a film that changes the country and sticks to its own principles and dares to fight against evil

The "King of the Peasant Revolt" was born into a landlord's family, but the first thing he did when he returned from school was to lead his peasant brothers to divide the land of his family among the toiling masses, because he understood that although he was a landlord, as long as it was an evil thing, we should have a reason to fight.

When the male protagonist Jiang Renhao stood up and resisted, some people chose silence, so they failed in court, because they did not think that the real struggle was not their own enemy, but should be evil, when unfair and unjust things happened, we have the responsibility and obligation to resist the struggle, rather than to see if it hurts themselves, only to stand up against the torrent, will not be swept away by the torrent.

People's hearts are supposed to be good, but there are always people who break through the principles, "The Melting Pot": a film that changes the country and sticks to its own principles and dares to fight against evil

"The Melting Pot" because of its strong influence, so that South Korea introduced the "Melting Pot Law" to protect the legitimate rights and interests of children with disabilities, so this movie is called "changed a country" film, a line in the movie said well, "We fight all the way, not to change the world, but to not let the world change us", although our personal ability is very small, but in the face of evil, we still have to maintain ourselves, the courage to fight, live our own wonderful.

Thank you for watching, paying attention to me, and learning more about it.

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